- Week #1 monday 1st 2007f January to sunday 7th 2007f January
- 1. Yeeehaaa
- 2. Botty grump
- 3. Horse and a radish
- 4. Slow static
- 5. Rio und dist ya gern
- 6. This wasn't so simple
- 7. Random agony
- Week #2 monday 8th to sunday 14th 2007f January
- 8. The funky rabbit was the king of the town
- 9. Hop la hop yoho
- 10. The sun, the moon, too soon
- 11. Robert the palmyc
- 12. Third and Fourth
- 13. Something not so
- 14. Take me to the playa
- Week #3 monday 15th to sunday 21st 2007f January
- 15. Hammer the nail and go
- 16. The machine
- 17. Castor bouncing
- 18. Tumble dry carrot
- 19. This was a bit last minute
- 20. Oil in boiling water
- 21. The road is full of rocks
- Week #4 monday 22nd to sunday 28th 2007f January
- 22. Slow truc
- 23. Manamanomamumo
- 24. South of the sea it is dry
- 25. La la la bra la la
- 26. The fun house is nothing but gern
- 27. There are no rules
- 28. While you where home I was out
- Week #5 monday 29th to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 29. Rusty convertible trailer
- 30. Bouncing and bouncing rolling to town
- 31. Boring
- 32. Zobelburger runtime error
- 33. Hi I'm here wainting for the bus
- 34. Sleepy woman steep hill
- 35. Just throw your butt out
- Week #6 monday 5th to sunday 11th 2007f February
- 36. Tea time while in the moonlight
- 37. It's the static invasion
- 38. Short piece
- 39. Shampoo for all
- 40. Beuarg
- 41. This is my hat respect it
- 42. Thank you all for coming
- Week #7 monday 12th to sunday 18th 2007f February
- 43. Don't forget the lasso, it could serve
- 44. The donuts will get you
- 45. Sam the big old bearded sheppard
- 46. The graveyard is full of fun
- 47. Orange juice is not a fruit but from a fruit
- 48. My right ear scratches
- 49. I like to hide
- Week #8 monday 19th to sunday 25th 2007f February
- 50. Trumpets of Zunglob
- 51. Romantism is back in trends
- 52. Soap Box Sausage
- 53. A vacuum cleaner
- 54. A sunset and a kiss
- 55. Oyster heaven in an aquarium
- 56. Sam the sesame salesman
- Week #9 monday 26th 2007f February to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 57. Lions and a panda
- 58. Four wheels and a turbo
- 59. Hell yes
- 60. Small lady bug but dead
- 61. Around the world and the seas go away
- 62. You've got black hairs, no blond, yes blond
- 63. False tune is out
- Week #10 monday 5th to sunday 11th 2007f March
- 64. Sour grapes nd blueberry juice
- 65. Bull parade and slug cruisade
- 66. Eightyfive kilometers an hour
- 67. This is not a snail even if it looks like
- 68. Rumble in the basement, stay home
- 69. The cactus was not where it should
- 70. Terrible extra midget slug
- Week #11 monday 12th to sunday 18th 2007f March
- 71. This is Jake walking
- 72. A bear with ears is a bear that hears
- 73. Twentyfive and all the chives
- 74. Fantasy made of playa and islands
- 75. The week has been rude
- 76. He won her playing poker
- 77. Ugly duck cantonese style
- Week #12 monday 19th to sunday 25th 2007f March
- 78. Pancakes are made of flour
- 79. Samba libre move your babay
- 80. Mojito on the rocks with lemon
- 81. Live to your full potential or take a glass of milk
- 82. Snakes in the banana box
- 83. Impossible monophonic note
- 84. The program was too dry or hot or both
- Week #13 monday 26th 2007f March to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 85. Take a slice of pie
- 86. Catch up yes time
- 87. Mucho grando biggo enormusso
- 88. Take your tooth out of my leg
- 89. Pineapple confettis and cream
- 90. Road to yellow tank brigade
- 91. Drums are a plenty
- Week #14 monday 2nd to sunday 8th 2007f April
- 92. Sixteen times around town
- 93. Latin rabbit
- 94. Airplanes to go where ever you want
- 95. Porcupine dreams of sweet pumpkin
- 96. Take the third door after the elevator
- 97. Rap the carrots
- 98. Crunch the herd
- Week #15 monday 9th to sunday 15th 2007f April
- 99. Level it up with mjama
- 100. High heels and a baguette
- 101. Pride in repetitive behaviour
- 102. Cervelas is not a quiche but a kind of sausage
- 103. Will it tell me anything
- 104. Drilling your way through clay
- 105. Level it out with envy
- Week #16 monday 16th to sunday 22nd 2007f April
- 106. Take the next elevator on the left just before you get out
- 107. The tulips are growing
- 108. Tunafish can make an easy pet
- 109. Despite the weather take a hotdog
- 110. Ole la vache est de retour
- 111. Streets of London in bad weather
- 112. The trees salute you
- Week #17 monday 23rd to sunday 29th 2007f April
- 113. You could fetch the butter croissant
- 114. The sausage master
- 115. Eleven jumps and the nice lady goes
- 116. Carnage at the butcher's
- 117. I do not laugh at work, beware
- 118. The receipe for the cake is long gone
- 119. Several times a year is wear
- Week #18 monday 30th 2007f April to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 120. Excite your bumper
- 121. Hundredthirtytwo plus one minus one
- 122. Have the kids gone down the block?
- 123. Cut the hairs up in three
- 124. Funky puppies eating marshmellows
- 125. Seldom used but soo obtuse
- 126. Tend to be slow
- Week #19 monday 7th to sunday 13th 2007f May
- 127. Take a cookie not two
- 128. Solid as rock
- 129. Don't turn around even less without pants
- 130. Drunk chicken with no head
- 131. Let me pound
- 132. This is some sort of equipment
- 133. Take that cheddar for granted not grated
- Week #20 monday 14th to sunday 20th 2007f May
- 134. Candy cake
- 135. Crabs are friends
- 136. The sirup from hell
- 137. All aboard pirates
- 138. Un air d'autoroute
- 139. Drop the gun
- 140. Humpted zebra
- Week #21 monday 21st to sunday 27th 2007f May
- 141. Sleepy Nick
- 142. Salvaging the Bruxellum
- 143. The purple ant is asleep
- 144. Ghosts
- 145. Cheese mogul
- 146. Hundred twenty nine
- 147. Some like the scent
- Week #22 monday 28th 2007f May to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 148. Never ending wake up
- 149. For the fake hills
- 150. Be humble
- 151. Wash your hands
- 152. Slimest idea of tempo
- 153. Self Tromso
- 154. Meuheuh
- Week #23 monday 4th to sunday 10th 2007f June
- 155. Shaking Saturn, moving Uranus
- 156. Cats are dead meat
- 157. The northern countries
- 158. Turn on the mower
- 159. Crane station
- 160. Freun's stop
- 161. Left the tub
- Week #24 monday 11th to sunday 17th 2007f June
- 162. Mud sorbet
- 163. Club of Mitch
- 164. Fatless bone
- 165. Centurion overhaul
- 166. Dog ready
- 167. Retain your power
- 168. Taylor handmade broom
- Week #25 monday 18th to sunday 24th 2007f June
- 169. Left hand's pinata
- 170. Slobolouough
- 171. Rasta far east
- 172. Crushed Emedest
- 173. Simple solutions
- 174. Ham
- 175. Little finger
- Week #26 monday 25th 2007f June to sunday 1st 2007f July
- 176. Crusty crumble
- 177. Let the french fries be
- 178. Letter to the editor
- 179. This is no light molybdena
- 180. Salad bar delight
- 181. The train stays still
- 182. Canine happy
- Week #27 monday 2nd to sunday 8th 2007f July
- 183. The nice camera
- 184. Real bobs
- 185. Cherries and pine
- 186. Sneaky Snaky the wild hog
- 187. Restaurant endeavour
- 188. My funny friend herb
- 189. This was a sound and entertaining movie
- Week #28 monday 9th to sunday 15th 2007f July
- 190. Small goats
- 191. Pegasus is, was a horse, not
- 192. Tranquility is round
- 193. Smart crumble people
- 194. Snif, it is finished
- 195. Turbo fish and chips
- 196. Steaming blotovs
- Week #29 monday 16th to sunday 22nd 2007f July
- 197. Sesame and entrepreneurship
- 198. This stinks
- 199. Grated cheese and my love life
- 200. My ducks are ready
- 201. Butt kicking
- 202. Nerds on fire
- 203. Swimming pool
- Week #30 monday 23rd to sunday 29th 2007f July
- 204. Steaming punk ska
- 205. Super Canary
- 206. Grgr just my str
- 207. These are the ones I'd like
- 208. Lemon curd
- 209. Sceneries from where you are
- 210. Thirsty mouth
- Week #31 monday 30th 2007f July to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 211. Rent my town
- 212. Stars in the sea
- 213. Synthetised bubble
- 214. Supertub
- 215. Sneaky sailor
- 216. Dog barks
- 217. Slim as a banana
- Week #32 monday 6th to sunday 12th 2007f August
- 218. Albeit the waves
- 219. Nice jeep
- 220. Cunundrum brigade
- 221. Desperate naked weed
- 222. Teenage crank
- 223. First on the skate
- 224. Meat balls
- Week #33 monday 13th to sunday 19th 2007f August
- 225. The weeds are off
- 226. Melodies that go wha
- 227. The sweet groove
- 228. Funky buttocks
- 229. Roller toaster
- 230. Tailing the fleas
- 231. Why did you stay
- Week #34 monday 20th to sunday 26th 2007f August
- 232. Question of relation
- 233. Fiddling in the rubadub
- 234. The entropy is lost
- 235. Extra scorpion
- 236. Citrus flowers
- 237. Five circus in town
- 238. Enable my hard drive
- Week #35 monday 27th 2007f August to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 239. Natural made pie
- 240. Julius Deadalus
- 241. Strutter
- 242. Darker than leftovers
- 243. Live the life
- 244. Fat discussions
- 245. Ridiculous red nosed goat
- Week #36 monday 3rd to sunday 9th 2007f September
- 246. The smurfs did vomit
- 247. Quest for fried chipmunks
- 248. The fire matcher
- 249. Lemon strings
- 250. People train is for you
- 251. Strong powerhouse build unit
- 252. Dirt roll
- Week #37 monday 10th to sunday 16th 2007f September
- 253. Question of turns
- 254. Froggle the deep impacter
- 255. Yoddling goats
- 256. Helmet decades
- 257. Freaking hot cakes
- 258. Velocity increased
- 259. Burgler and staplers
- Week #38 monday 17th to sunday 23rd 2007f September
- 260. Hotel Desafinado
- 261. Savages in your automobile
- 262. Humble poet
- 263. Yes he did because he could
- 264. Kind of a green fandango
- 265. Be fun and grateful
- 266. Logs in a cabin
- Week #39 monday 24th to sunday 30th 2007f September
- 267. Millions and Sarah
- 268. Xophoid breakdance
- 269. Gentle crocodile
- 270. Wendy is a freak
- 271. Fortissimo madam
- 272. Abort the countdown or go away
- 273. What's the matter
- Week #40 monday 1st 2007f October to sunday 7th 2007f October
- 274. Elderly saxophones
- 275. Watch the TV
- 276. Use your brains and get out
- 277. Lemon distribution
- 278. Jump on the table Mickey
- 279. Ample precedence
- 280. Open drafts to go nowhere
- Week #41 monday 8th to sunday 14th 2007f October
- 281. Funky rhymes
- 282. Total vacuum cleaner broomstick
- 283. Xerox mania
- 284. Grand finale and lonely brandies
- 285. Eminent responder
- 286. Polls are futile
- 287. Master groom and company
- Week #42 monday 15th to sunday 21st 2007f October
- 288. Juvenile hero
- 289. Olympic needles
- 290. Xiphoid and destoid bones
- 291. Lucie is a first name that fits
- 292. Zenetocadortegua
- 293. Liability jeopardy
- 294. A bomb and all that stuff
- Week #43 monday 22nd to sunday 28th 2007f October
- 295. The road to the toad is bumpy
- 296. Hop enturfer
- 297. Zilver zurfer
- 298. Sure things are not brown
- 299. Wurst champion
- 300. Holly citrus juice
- 301. Carrying some loads
- Week #44 monday 29th 2007f October to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 302. Encompassing greyhound
- 303. Turnover gig
- 304. Rockets and motorcycles
- 305. Frivolous hen
- 306. Join the tremor
- 307. Fat ass
- 308. Derby for a small digger
- Week #45 monday 5th to sunday 11th 2007f November
- 309. Quits while it sits
- 310. Swiss carbless fat
- 311. Overhead wide space sitting on the sofa
- 312. Olala
- 313. Vicking tribe picknick
- 314. Zorro and his dog
- 315. My brain is dead
- Week #46 monday 12th to sunday 18th 2007f November
- 316. Broohaaahaaa
- 317. Freaks of the refrigerator
- 318. Chaussette
- 319. I wonder why and what
- 320. The Svens are coming
- 321. Ordinary writer
- 322. Sweets and lime
- Week #47 monday 19th to sunday 25th 2007f November
- 323. Rupertrainfolg
- 324. Jump around and tell her why
- 325. Grumpy old cat
- 326. Wang and willy
- 327. Petite pain
- 328. A wip is no cream
- 329. Flow the tears
- Week #48 monday 26th 2007f November to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 330. Yellow raspberries
- 331. Bronze trespasser
- 332. The fast cars and the bus
- 333. Lemurs are sailing
- 334. Gogo dancers and shit
- 335. Erwinzuberlowovski
- 336. Gums and teeth
- Week #49 monday 3rd to sunday 9th 2007f December
- 337. Savant revolutions in a day
- 338. Short
- 339. Ovoid frascatti dinner
- 340. Don't kill the tarantulaah
- 341. Ripe and raw
- 342. Happy marshmallow
- 343. Queried to let go
- Week #50 monday 10th to sunday 16th 2007f December
- 344. Superbricks
- 345. Jill and Lucy are friends forever
- 346. The devil is a savant lemur
- 347. Paper brick
- 348. Analphabet soup
- 349. War hot tub
- 350. Well under the pipes
- Week #51 monday 17th to sunday 23rd 2007f December
- 351. Cortex and style
- 352. Abort the frosted jello punch
- 353. Not too shabby
- 354. Volerian headsets
- 355. None of the well known stars
- 356. Hurdles and biben
- 357. Hop into the wall
- Week #52 monday 24th to sunday 30th 2007f December
- 358. Fulgurant savor
- 359. Ginger bear butterflies
- 360. Crocodile instincts
- 361. Snails of the Carribean
- 362. Leftovers
- 363. Nothing better than an oyster
- 364. Farms for the men
- Week #53 monday 31st 2008f December to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 365. Slam the door please
- 366. Left on the right of the central lane
- 367. Here they come the hopeless milkmen
- 368. Central california but a little north
- 369. Invitation to go to the ball
- 370. Seemingly less friendly than Max
- 371. Rhum is not something you can drink like that
- Week #54 monday 7th to sunday 13th 2008f January
- 372. Elephants and crustacea
- 373. Nasty sausage and cheese
- 374. Infidel rumpsteak
- 375. Queens of nuts and sweet chocolate ducks
- 376. Fried, cute, and lovely
- 377. Astronomic fields and pumas
- 378. Winds of the funky national railroad
- Week #55 monday 14th to sunday 20th 2008f January
- 379. Swimming in the past
- 380. Yellow parka pumping pumpkins
- 381. Limitless fraction of an anticipated moron
- 382. Cups in a refrigerator
- 383. Olav the frontier's man
- 384. Weird crumbs
- 385. Calm stuffed racoon
- Week #56 monday 21st to sunday 27th 2008f January
- 386. Durtlime
- 387. Inter twinkies
- 388. Nuts from space and a far
- 389. Hunchback
- 390. 20080125_73_oldtimemordelbe.mp3
- 391. 20080126_121_savagebanana.mp3
- 392. 20080127_81_horticulturalso.mp3
- Week #57 monday 28th to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 393. 20080128_77_ravensquare.mp3
- 394. 20080129_105_letthembethesi.mp3
- 395. 20080130_131_squarerootsofe.mp3
- 396. 20080131_87_milkonthego.mp3
- 397. 20080201_208_bouncymatic.mp3
- 398. 20080202_153_absolutqueenso.mp3
- 399. 20080203_97_yesididbalanceb.mp3
- Week #58 monday 4th to sunday 10th 2008f February
- 400. 20080204_122_ulteriorfricti.mp3
- 401. 20080205_84_wellnessisacomp.mp3
- 402. 20080206_gruntsofavikingnig.mp3
- 403. 20080207_72_mishap.mp3
- 404. 20080208_95_drippingbeauty.mp3
- 405. 20080209_72_aristocraticdre.mp3
- 406. 20080210_95_lunaticwomennak.mp3
- Week #59 monday 11th to sunday 17th 2008f February
- 407. 20080211_72_imakeastrangeso.mp3
- 408. 20080212_101_pancakesandhap.mp3
- 409. 20080213_125_grossthesaurus.mp3
- 410. 20080214_120_hellobongoman.mp3
- 411. 20080215_125_readmylipsorwe.mp3
- 412. 20080216_81_fencingtheeverg.mp3
- 413. 20080217_144_jobisdonenowgo.mp3
- Week #60 monday 18th to sunday 24th 2008f February
- 414. 20080218_66_recordedrichres.mp3
- 415. 20080219_103_woppingpingpon.mp3
- 416. 20080220_137_deletingthegan.mp3
- 417. 20080221_88_freakingwelldre.mp3
- 418. 20080222_130_federatingthen.mp3
- 419. 20080223_106_leningradfromt.mp3
- 420. 20080224_77_truthonthefirst.mp3
- Week #61 monday 25th 2008f February to sunday 2nd 2008f March
- 421. 20080225_79_zinfandelforthe.mp3
- 422. 20080226_109_gregorythehybr.mp3
- 423. 20080227_79_typingmachine.mp3
- 424. 20080228_58_jokesforfun.mp3
- 425. 20080229_120_washyourplateb.mp3
- 426. 20080301_106_sausagefrommar.mp3
- 427. 20080302_79_whereisthecat.mp3
- Week #62 monday 3rd to sunday 9th 2008f March
- 428. 20080303_118_compositionfor.mp3
- 429. 20080304_96_vermouthballsof.mp3
- 430. 20080305_80_yummyitlooksgoo.mp3
- 431. 20080306_87_jefferswoan.mp3
- 432. 20080307_104_axingthesavann.mp3
- 433. 20080308_87_highanxietyanda.mp3
- 434. 20080309_131_foldingthegrea.mp3
- Week #63 monday 10th to sunday 16th 2008f March
- 435. 20080310_91_analphabetandse.mp3
- 436. 20080311_85_wetflatcarpet.mp3
- 437. 20080312_68_weepyoubetterdo.mp3
- 438. 20080313_74_thedarkisland.mp3
- 439. 20080314_121_illusionsandha.mp3
- 440. 20080315_93_karmaandfriends.mp3
- 441. 20080316_85_allrightyourinc.mp3
- Week #64 monday 17th to sunday 23rd 2008f March
- 442. 20080317_90_lionortarantula.mp3
- 443. 20080318_104_truthtobesoldo.mp3
- 444. 20080319_97_questionstomake.mp3
- 445. 20080320_86_natashasbrownha.mp3
- 446. 20080321_86_jeronimohumps.mp3
- 447. 20080322_68_whumpattack.mp3
- 448. 20080323_81_gnagnagnagruamp.mp3
- Week #65 monday 24th to sunday 30th 2008f March
- 449. 20080324_122_financetogetyo.mp3
- 450. 20080325_68_elleonestauneno.mp3
- 451. 20080326_112_flocksoffluffy.mp3
- 452. 20080327_93_nofootforyourhe.mp3
- 453. 20080328_111_lickthenoise.mp3
- 454. 20080329_86_difficultytorei.mp3
- 455. 20080330_111_saltwisconsind.mp3
- Week #66 monday 31st 2008f March to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 456. 20080331_64_hotcatfromnonad.mp3
- 457. 20080401_135_eleonorecouldm.mp3
- 458. 20080402_103_gnagnarakamazo.mp3
- 459. 20080403_104_wasitacompendi.mp3
- 460. 20080404_88_jimmyblazetheti.mp3
- 461. 20080405_129_glassestotheri.mp3
- 462. 20080406_128_hawksoftheston.mp3
- Week #67 monday 7th to sunday 13th 2008f April
- 463. 20080407_86_fartman.mp3
- 464. 20080408_129_gradualextinct.mp3
- 465. 20080409_69_hellocopter.mp3
- 466. 20080410_115_errataforlouis.mp3
- 467. 20080411_81_cheaptricks.mp3
- 468. 20080412_123_hilluncutmilia.mp3
- 469. 20080413_140_thedingdongisr.mp3
- Week #68 monday 14th to sunday 20th 2008f April
- 470. 20080414_99_legstogoupthend.mp3
- 471. 20080415_133_zulindongrandp.mp3
- 472. 20080416_81_wagesfortwonuts.mp3
- 473. 20080417_80_theretofuswillf.mp3
- 474. 20080418_122_eleonorcurnico.mp3
- 475. 20080419_95_aquousvermouthm.mp3
- 476. 20080420_138_gallliverfores.mp3
- Week #69 monday 21st to sunday 27th 2008f April
- 477. 20080421_98_trimesterflankp.mp3
- 478. 20080422_96_nelltherainbowg.mp3
- 479. 20080423_80_rubberbouncer.mp3
- 480. 20080424_99_ilovetobeonatig.mp3
- 481. 20080425_141_errornumberten.mp3
- 482. 20080426_98_theswimmingraco.mp3
- 483. 20080427_87_yellowducklings.mp3
- Week #70 monday 28th 2008f April to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 484. 20080428_123_thealphabetrea.mp3
- 485. 20080429_102_rimsandchromiu.mp3
- 486. 20080430_120_nimblemarinewi.mp3
- 487. 20080501_149_oblivionandbey.mp3
- 488. 20080502_65_pridetoliveinaf.mp3
- 489. 20080503_94_hempandcottontr.mp3
- 490. 20080504_99_deafasanailinad.mp3
- Week #71 monday 5th to sunday 11th 2008f May
- 491. 20080505_100_zeltonice.mp3
- 492. 20080506_69_ahappycouple.mp3
- 493. 20080507_132_cornerofmystre.mp3
- 494. 20080508_170_tremendousnutc.mp3
- 495. 20080509_85_jillthestifftur.mp3
- 496. 20080510_100_knucklemix.mp3
- 497. 20080511_89_selftaughtgnocc.mp3
- Week #72 monday 12th to sunday 18th 2008f May
- 498. 20080512_136_limitsofinfini.mp3
- 499. 20080513_108_quitenotwhatiw.mp3
- 500. 20080514_108_glueforyourear.mp3
- 501. 20080515_67_frustratedduckb.mp3
- 502. 20080516_89_oldtimeturntabl.mp3
- 503. 20080517_138_dribblemyglobu.mp3
- 504. 20080518_99_gregarioussourc.mp3
- Week #73 monday 19th to sunday 25th 2008f May
- 505. 20080519_164_zeroonall.mp3
- 506. 20080520_109_errornumbertwe.mp3
- 507. 20080521_70_jupiterforasubs.mp3
- 508. 20080522_111_lurkyourwidow.mp3
- 509. 20080523_83_flishandchlips.mp3
- 510. 20080524_160_bigmotorbike.mp3
- 511. 20080525_91_ripenutmegandcr.mp3
- Week #74 monday 26th 2008f May to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 512. 20080526_124_lumbarpunctuat.mp3
- 513. 20080527_97_clawsofmymummy.mp3
- 514. 20080528_88_shrubsfromjupit.mp3
- 515. 20080529_135_thecountryoffo.mp3
- 516. 20080530_69_illbuthappytoju.mp3
- 517. 20080531_129_rerunofaclassi.mp3
- 518. 20080601_83_solarhemispheri.mp3
- Week #75 monday 2nd to sunday 8th 2008f June
- 519. 20080602_144_turmoilandfilt.mp3
- 520. 20080603_105_hashandcrisscr.mp3
- 521. 20080604_88_obsoletelaundry.mp3
- 522. 20080605_115_deepeningtheam.mp3
- 523. 20080606_81_worshipthefried.mp3
- 524. 20080607_120_nicelittleinse.mp3
- 525. 20080608_168_asphaltmayonna.mp3
- Week #76 monday 9th to sunday 15th 2008f June
- 526. 20080609_84_bartenderwithah.mp3
- 527. 20080610_132_forestfire.mp3
- 528. 20080611_87_halibutpotatofr.mp3
- 529. 20080612_104_mynameismichae.mp3
- 530. 20080613_117_luggagesatrest.mp3
- 531. 20080614_98_sedativerebound.mp3
- 532. 20080615_75_oftentrestraine.mp3
- Week #77 monday 16th to sunday 22nd 2008f June
- 533. 20080616_124_oldtimesfeelgo.mp3
- 534. 20080617_100_trinityofthesh.mp3
- 535. 20080618_145_sadenessness.mp3
- 536. 20080619_81_noseofthefinest.mp3
- 537. 20080620_112_gruesomebunch.mp3
- 538. 20080621_111_forcedantimorp.mp3
- 539. 20080622_72_jubilatoryitisf.mp3
- Week #78 monday 23rd to sunday 29th 2008f June
- 540. 20080623_105_jerrylandmiste.mp3
- 541. 20080624_127_clubsforgolfbe.mp3
- 542. 20080625_88_cleverwassinbad.mp3
- 543. 20080626_102_craniospillosi.mp3
- 544. 20080627_134_ultranight.mp3
- 545. 20080628_94_alderstuffedbil.mp3
- 546. 20080629_120_freakingnightm.mp3
- Week #79 monday 30th 2008f June to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 547. 20080630_82_justasmallswims.mp3
- 548. 20080701_133_defyingthenerd.mp3
- 549. 20080702_147_grizzlybearsin.mp3
- 550. 20080703_99_clevermastermin.mp3
- 551. 20080704_96_astromedia.mp3
- 552. 20080705_127_makemesmile.mp3
- 553. 20080706_79_haroldthecheesy.mp3
- Week #80 monday 7th to sunday 13th 2008f July
- 554. 20080707_120_zuperitzfinige.mp3
- 555. 20080708_95_calamari.mp3
- 556. 20080709_81_julyinaugusttha.mp3
- 557. 20080710_142_halfatonofmeat.mp3
- 558. 20080711_110_yeahyeahyeah.mp3
- 559. 20080712_124_gantryefficien.mp3
- 560. 20080713_64_enamelisagreatt.mp3
- Week #81 monday 14th to sunday 20th 2008f July
- 561. 20080714_104_lyricsextruded.mp3
- 562. 20080715_130_twowheelsforaf.mp3
- 563. 20080716_89_wobblemyhuddlet.mp3
- 564. 20080717_60_niagleprotonicd.mp3
- 565. 20080718_115_ricecrispiers.mp3
- 566. 20080719_70_therearenogoode.mp3
- 567. 20080720_130_mayhansrethink.mp3
- Week #82 monday 21st to sunday 27th 2008f July
- 568. 20080721_137_shedeservespot.mp3
- 569. 20080722_146_juliustheoneth.mp3
- 570. 20080723_113_thereisnoconso.mp3
- 571. 20080724_90_trogloditehemip.mp3
- 572. 20080725_73_higherthanmiste.mp3
- 573. 20080726_83_repeatmesilentl.mp3
- 574. 20080727_109_trevormacgrego.mp3
- Week #83 monday 28th 2008f July to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 575. 20080728_112_folkindianpeng.mp3
- 576. 20080729_107_shedances.mp3
- 577. 20080730_86_crumblenunut.mp3
- 578. 20080731_72_sweatthenuts.mp3
- 579. 20080801_85_ludicruousstraw.mp3
- 580. 20080802_87_odetomusk.mp3
- 581. 20080803_83_jillthebluebird.mp3
- Week #84 monday 4th to sunday 10th 2008f August
- 582. 20080804_102_killmoe.mp3
- 583. 20080805_83_saviourofallsou.mp3
- 584. 20080806_146_uingramoutz.mp3
- 585. 20080807_103_tricornvsunico.mp3
- 586. 20080808_136_thesmartlionan.mp3
- 587. 20080809_82_foulsteam.mp3
- 588. 20080810_98_ornamentaltogo.mp3
- Week #85 monday 11th to sunday 17th 2008f August
- 589. 20080811_126_youmakethebest.mp3
- 590. 20080812_83_alligator.mp3
- 591. 20080813_120_thesmallestbud.mp3
- 592. 20080814_118_kultofgrubbock.mp3
- 593. 20080815_92_westingtontown.mp3
- 594. 20080816_155_decadenceofthe.mp3
- 595. 20080817_93_getmesomesoda.mp3
- Week #86 monday 18th to sunday 24th 2008f August
- 596. 20080818_86_hardtrackstogo.mp3
- 597. 20080819_133_awakeningtoair.mp3
- 598. 20080820_57_urticarianurban.mp3
- 599. 20080821_150_hewoulddothing.mp3
- 600. 20080822_90_yellingtobefree.mp3
- 601. 20080823_84_illuminatedshel.mp3
- 602. 20080824_122_filtaisnonchal.mp3
- Week #87 monday 25th to sunday 31st 2008f August
- 603. 20080825_126_zeroinone.mp3
- 604. 20080826_86_lucianotheplumb.mp3
- 605. 20080827_103_isittimetogofo.mp3
- 606. 20080828_103_thetraincrosse.mp3
- 607. 20080829_104_loringhamhamsa.mp3
- 608. 20080830_89_mighthaveitoldy.mp3
- 609. 20080831_132_papadapap.mp3
- Week #88 monday 1st 2008f September to sunday 7th 2008f September
- 610. 20080901_98_leftmanshammer.mp3
- 611. 20080902_128_recordingmynig.mp3
- 612. 20080903_91_sondertracks.mp3
- 613. 20080904_133_reversemitchel.mp3
- 614. 20080905_130_elephantiasisj.mp3
- 615. 20080906_120_verticalwasher.mp3
- 616. 20080907_99_errornumbernine.mp3
- Week #89 monday 8th to sunday 14th 2008f September
- 617. 20080908_80_whywouldyoulike.mp3
- 618. 20080909_104_lumbagodorsals.mp3
- 619. 20080910_88_iwantthesugarco.mp3
- 620. 20080911_103_theyveallgotth.mp3
- 621. 20080912_124_bangyoureggnog.mp3
- 622. 20080913_145_theplumberyest.mp3
- 623. 20080914_81_nurtureyourblon.mp3
- Week #90 monday 15th to sunday 21st 2008f September
- 624. 20080915_139_herthingsgotst.mp3
- 625. 20080916_101_fishsoupwasthe.mp3
- 626. 20080917_61_rainforestfrogs.mp3
- 627. 20080918_136_hockeyleaguema.mp3
- 628. 20080919_83_drivenfromobliv.mp3
- 629. 20080920_118_theraceistight.mp3
- 630. 20080921_125_jadethenicewai.mp3
- Week #91 monday 22nd to sunday 28th 2008f September
- 631. 20080922_117_cofelnorgforap.mp3
- 632. 20080923_88_helpmeraisethed.mp3
- 633. 20080924_117_mackerelhaveth.mp3
- 634. 20080925_95_callataxi.mp3
- 635. 20080926_105_inthenameoftru.mp3
- 636. 20080927_125_belowtheuntitl.mp3
- 637. 20080928_130_theknightwhoga.mp3
- Week #92 monday 29th 2008f September to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 638. 20080929_100_leafsofgonedem.mp3
- 639. 20080930_137_thetrailofthel.mp3
- 640. 20081001_95_noodlesoupwithb.mp3
- 641. 20081002_81_aruntimefinding.mp3
- 642. 20081003_69_lecroissantfrom.mp3
- 643. 20081004_111_cafeliegoismit.mp3
- 644. 20081005_114_dogcrab.mp3
- Week #93 monday 6th to sunday 12th 2008f October
- 645. 20081006_76_captainsandsire.mp3
- 646. 20081007_81_trombone.mp3
- 647. 20081008_77_thetrogolmondog.mp3
- 648. 20081009_116_tractorfame.mp3
- 649. 20081010_97_thelittleelvesa.mp3
- 650. 20081011_87_lerabbitiscooke.mp3
- 651. 20081012_119_hergreatgrandf.mp3
- Week #94 monday 13th to sunday 19th 2008f October
- 652. 20081013_80_olidastatesofth.mp3
- 653. 20081014_92_volteface.mp3
- 654. 20081015_127_rugousracoon.mp3
- 655. 20081016_109_sausagethunder.mp3
- 656. 20081017_148_theface.mp3
- 657. 20081018_148_twocarstobesur.mp3
- 658. 20081019_86_ultragliderfrom.mp3
- Week #95 monday 20th to sunday 26th 2008f October
- 659. 20081020_164_turmoilesque.mp3
- 660. 20081021_109_jitteringsymph.mp3
- 661. 20081022_103_albeitthenasty.mp3
- 662. 20081023_94_whatthe.mp3
- 663. 20081024_134_somefreakingdo.mp3
- 664. 20081025_80_thetermites.mp3
- 665. 20081026_250_letmelemonthep.mp3
- Week #96 monday 27th 2008f October to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 666. 20081027_128_untilitseeshow.mp3
- 667. 20081028_67_sameasbefore.mp3
- 668. 20081029_143_wellbelowtheto.mp3
- 669. 20081030_101_kenandbarbiewi.mp3
- 670. 20081031_120_feltfortoostro.mp3
- 671. 20081101_86_growthproduct.mp3
- 672. 20081102_145_globe.mp3
- Week #97 monday 3rd to sunday 9th 2008f November
- 673. 20081103_138_ihavenocluenor.mp3
- 674. 20081104_103_potatopie.mp3
- 675. 20081105_87_allididandshewa.mp3
- 676. 20081106_171_lomosonic.mp3
- 677. 20081107_87_helptheseals.mp3
- 678. 20081108_150_doublefaint.mp3
- 679. 20081109_147_essentialsnow.mp3
- Week #98 monday 10th to sunday 16th 2008f November
- 680. 20081110_106_tenwaystomakep.mp3
- 681. 20081111_90_runmedown.mp3
- 682. 20081112_127_linearandflat.mp3
- 683. 20081113_80_closeddoor.mp3
- 684. 20081114_129_bidoubidou.mp3
- 685. 20081115_97_lionheadstheytr.mp3
- 686. 20081116_82_hebey.mp3
- Week #99 monday 17th to sunday 23rd 2008f November
- 687. 20081117_86_thetunesout.mp3
- 688. 20081118_86_artofsystemicre.mp3
- 689. 20081119_104_tractorgirls.mp3
- 690. 20081120_68_seldombasstom.mp3
- 691. 20081121_111_behappyorbemut.mp3
- 692. 20081122_83_tempestoverasus.mp3
- 693. 20081123_144_yeahididit.mp3
- Week #100 monday 24th to sunday 30th 2008f November
- 694. 20081124_110_plusone.mp3
- 695. 20081125_71_theyearitallbeg.mp3
- 696. 20081126_141_killtimbrigoth.mp3
- 697. 20081127_95_thethirdgearwas.mp3
- 698. 20081128_116_cowrobot.mp3
- 699. 20081129_123_zeldaslair.mp3
- 700. 20081130_104_whatfatfratsta.mp3
- Week #101 monday 1st 2008f December to sunday 7th 2008f December
- 701. 20081201_100_helmetblues.mp3
- 702. 20081202_76_noproblemillbet.mp3
- 703. 20081203_111_inthewayitwasf.mp3
- 704. 20081204_95_levelingthegroo.mp3
- 705. 20081205_74_limitingthetrim.mp3
- 706. 20081206_99_loveforonetwoot.mp3
- 707. 20081207_78_slidetonowhere.mp3
- Week #102 monday 8th to sunday 14th 2008f December
- 708. 20081208_154_jilltheteagirl.mp3
- 709. 20081209_103_bringmyapricot.mp3
- 710. 20081210_112_scary.mp3
- 711. 20081211_84_oldearsbutgoodb.mp3
- 712. 20081212_94_hubertthemoonca.mp3
- 713. 20081213_79_getonwithit.mp3
- 714. 20081214_130_happymunchkin.mp3
- Week #103 monday 15th to sunday 21st 2008f December
- 715. 20081215_97_flountedignitio.mp3
- 716. 20081216_80_fatdodo.mp3
- 717. 20081217_144_toomanydrugs.mp3
- 718. 20081218_94_heymitchell.mp3
- 719. 20081219_83_yellowlegends.mp3
- 720. 20081220_106_clevermarsupia.mp3
- 721. 20081221_94_laundrythatlike.mp3
- Week #104 monday 22nd to sunday 28th 2008f December
- 722. 20081222_129_androidmakeup.mp3
- 723. 20081223_70_earnjukeliasres.mp3
- 724. 20081224_99_helpmereach.mp3
- 725. 20081225_78_apintofnothingn.mp3
- 726. 20081226_85_fishwithnolegs.mp3
- 727. 20081227_115_sacredflockofs.mp3
- 728. 20081228_89_soothingeffecto.mp3
- Week #105 monday 29th 2009f December to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 729. 20081229_96_mellowmarch.mp3
- 730. 20081230_134_grgrgrgrgrgri.mp3
- 731. 20081231_111_earlybird.mp3
- 732. 20090101_95_lessthantheunti.mp3
- 733. 20090102_125_rumpsteakandpi.mp3
- 734. 20090103_97_thecowfarm.mp3
- 735. 20090104_107_doppelhummel.mp3
- Week #106 monday 5th to sunday 11th 2009f January
- 736. 20090105_125_zebrastewinles.mp3
- 737. 20090106_85_liverwurst.mp3
- 738. 20090107_91_tempotogo.mp3
- 739. 20090108_103_funkybelly.mp3
- 740. 20090109_77_nerdlikeadventu.mp3
- 741. 20090110_95_thenodulesaresp.mp3
- 742. 20090111_92_whatascarycurry.mp3
- Week #107 monday 12th to sunday 18th 2009f January
- 743. 20090112_54_fanofthelindami.mp3
- 744. 20090113_120_rubberduckyhas.mp3
- 745. 20090114_117_nullrover.mp3
- 746. 20090115_120_donkeyking.mp3
- 747. 20090116_122_listyourstyles.mp3
- 748. 20090117_95_theworryingpigs.mp3
- 749. 20090118_114_heyareyouthemo.mp3
- Week #108 monday 19th to sunday 25th 2009f January
- 750. 20090119_79_frugalsmoothie.mp3
- 751. 20090120_111_idliketotalk.mp3
- 752. 20090121_107_figsandleopard.mp3
- 753. 20090122_116_therustingthre.mp3
- 754. 20090123_88_mytoasterisnotp.mp3
- 755. 20090124_115_crazybutlazyto.mp3
- 756. 20090125_128_thespongeofthe.mp3
- Week #109 monday 26th to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 757. 20090126_143_citrusexpandit.mp3
- 758. 20090127_70_theseventieswhe.mp3
- 759. 20090128_89_thatisadiplodoc.mp3
- 760. 20090129_74_crashtan.mp3
- 761. 20090130_98_cesttropbelle.mp3
- 762. 20090131_81_freaksfromteleb.mp3
- 763. 20090201_91_thenoodlethatle.mp3
- Week #110 monday 2nd to sunday 8th 2009f February
- 764. 20090202_86_shelongstheridd.mp3
- 765. 20090203_95_creationsforthi.mp3
- 766. 20090204_119_dry.mp3
- 767. 20090205_92_deliriumsowhat.mp3
- 768. 20090206_114_imarockingchai.mp3
- 769. 20090207_131_ihadnosocks.mp3
- 770. 20090208_101_thesamegirlsbu.mp3
- Week #111 monday 9th to sunday 15th 2009f February
- 771. 20090209_75_pastagrill.mp3
- 772. 20090210_104_tentimestheflo.mp3
- 773. 20090211_83_superbus.mp3
- 774. 20090212_82_doubletroublefo.mp3
- 775. 20090213_88_thesweetcornwas.mp3
- 776. 20090214_112_gredin.mp3
- 777. 20090215_145_imarcokstarsog.mp3
- Week #112 monday 16th to sunday 22nd 2009f February
- 778. 20090216_66_thedivinecostum.mp3
- 779. 20090217_135_iwillhailataxi.mp3
- 780. 20090218_98_fulltank.mp3
- 781. 20090219_128_dontyoueatthat.mp3
- 782. 20090220_88_troublemakersan.mp3
- 783. 20090221_119_gretchen.mp3
- 784. 20090222_73_whattheroastedp.mp3
- Week #113 monday 23rd 2009f February to sunday 1st 2009f March
- 785. 20090223_200_iwouldplaythey.mp3
- 786. 20090224_91_wandedtrigon.mp3
- 787. 20090225_96_leftist.mp3
- 788. 20090226_128_sandymitchellt.mp3
- 789. 20090227_84_hatredinhappysy.mp3
- 790. 20090228_78_comeondontcompl.mp3
- 791. 20090301_45_slowdowner.mp3
- Week #114 monday 2nd to sunday 8th 2009f March
- 792. 20090302_91_whydidmarcyplea.mp3
- 793. 20090303_155_rockandrollmop.mp3
- 794. 20090304_82_thenugget.mp3
- 795. 20090305_98_loveatfirsttart.mp3
- 796. 20090306_133_akoustik.mp3
- 797. 20090307_117_nonesense.mp3
- 798. 20090308_112_thereflexofafi.mp3
- Week #115 monday 9th to sunday 15th 2009f March
- 799. 20090309_106_thewonderfulsa.mp3
- 800. 20090310_118_tenlittlesiste.mp3
- 801. 20090311_103_iwouldneverlet.mp3
- 802. 20090312_155_threetownsfort.mp3
- 803. 20090313_101_oneonone.mp3
- 804. 20090314_122_thatwasyesterd.mp3
- 805. 20090315_86_halfpighalfturk.mp3
- Week #116 monday 16th to sunday 22nd 2009f March
- 806. 20090316_143_monstermouse.mp3
- 807. 20090317_70_seventysomethin.mp3
- 808. 20090318_94_helmetwear.mp3
- 809. 20090319_81_recordingsetup.mp3
- 810. 20090320_101_rubberwrapingf.mp3
- 811. 20090321_190_tornadotrip.mp3
- 812. 20090322_71_thesailorsofthe.mp3
- Week #117 monday 23rd to sunday 29th 2009f March
- 813. 20090323_122_thepark.mp3
- 814. 20090324_55_someoldtimertha.mp3
- 815. 20090325_93_xyz.mp3
- 816. 20090326_66_crusty.mp3
- 817. 20090327_94_crybabycry.mp3
- 818. 20090328_97_thepartyoftwo.mp3
- 819. 20090329_89_partfunpartther.mp3
- Week #118 monday 30th 2009f March to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 820. 20090330_85_imperfectbalanc.mp3
- 821. 20090331_110_viamimice.mp3
- 822. 20090401_74_brutestomp.mp3
- 823. 20090402_106_thesixthtoelev.mp3
- 824. 20090403_88_ridiculousdepri.mp3
- 825. 20090404_89_thefourthtimear.mp3
- 826. 20090405_88_echostex.mp3
- Week #119 monday 6th to sunday 12th 2009f April
- 827. 20090406_78_sillabousmeltin.mp3
- 828. 20090407_121_pancakes.mp3
- 829. 20090408_100_theloungewasma.mp3
- 830. 20090409_90_helpme.mp3
- 831. 20090410_85_heme.mp3
- 832. 20090411_131_slipperybridge.mp3
- 833. 20090412_104_funfrenchfries.mp3
- Week #120 monday 13th to sunday 19th 2009f April
- 834. 20090413_63_slowanarchistra.mp3
- 835. 20090414_76_sundancerunaway.mp3
- 836. 20090415_106_superstitious.mp3
- 837. 20090416_66_losttospaceandn.mp3
- 838. 20090417_87_rollersphere.mp3
- 839. 20090418_79_thereplywasnoti.mp3
- 840. 20090419_94_baselunlimited.mp3
- Week #121 monday 20th to sunday 26th 2009f April
- 841. 20090420_85_britishhumor.mp3
- 842. 20090421_95_eventhetribesca.mp3
- 843. 20090422_82_swedishshoulder.mp3
- 844. 20090423_106_youtellmewheny.mp3
- 845. 20090424_73_thepennytothezi.mp3
- 846. 20090425_72_juliathereisadr.mp3
- 847. 20090426_132_happykitty.mp3
- Week #122 monday 27th 2009f April to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 848. 20090427_66_sanfrancisco.mp3
- 849. 20090428_110_ultrawidetroph.mp3
- 850. 20090429_78_crappy.mp3
- 851. 20090430_119_theendofamonth.mp3
- 852. 20090501_153_fortherestofus.mp3
- 853. 20090502_105_fortherestofus.mp3
- 854. 20090503_90_figureoutwhatdi.mp3
- Week #123 monday 4th to sunday 10th 2009f May
- 855. 20090504_79_lecasdelababouc.mp3
- 856. 20090505_116_aletyoubuyatru.mp3
- 857. 20090506_125_untoldhistory.mp3
- 858. 20090507_107_thecreamerandt.mp3
- 859. 20090508_75_grimviews.mp3
- 860. 20090509_91_roachmeat.mp3
- 861. 20090510_112_cucumbersalad.mp3
- Week #124 monday 11th to sunday 17th 2009f May
- 862. 20090511_94_thedarthtrain.mp3
- 863. 20090512_95_sometimeforthou.mp3
- 864. 20090513_126_galltrout.mp3
- 865. 20090514_81_thereisnohopele.mp3
- 866. 20090515_94_thereshallbenod.mp3
- 867. 20090516_94_gurggle.mp3
- 868. 20090517_78_tocraveforexist.mp3
- Week #125 monday 18th to sunday 24th 2009f May
- 869. 20090518_86_edge.mp3
- 870. 20090519_106_livetodisappea.mp3
- 871. 20090520_82_somewinesomeche.mp3
- 872. 20090521_101_lowdownruntime.mp3
- 873. 20090522_91_icantunserstand.mp3
- 874. 20090523_115_entrapped.mp3
- 875. 20090524_91_smalltrain.mp3
- Week #126 monday 25th to sunday 31st 2009f May
- 876. 20090525_143_oui.mp3
- 877. 20090526_95_settogo.mp3
- 878. 20090527_95_ismytrumpetonor.mp3
- 879. 20090528_109_lifeeverywhere.mp3
- 880. 20090529_75_suite9.mp3
- 881. 20090530_129_remindmetogets.mp3
- 882. 20090531_95_endmymindedques.mp3
- Week #127 monday 1st 2009f June to sunday 7th 2009f June
- 883. 20090601_72_heavyload.mp3
- 884. 20090602_121_bruterubbish.mp3
- 885. 20090603_90_letmeparkmycar.mp3
- 886. 20090604_84_gluedtotherearb.mp3
- 887. 20090605_135_laughterformar.mp3
- 888. 20090606_66_sixtysixsixsix.mp3
- 889. 20090607_89_thetempo.mp3
- Week #128 monday 8th to sunday 14th 2009f June
- 890. 20090608_96_clic.mp3
- 891. 20090609_83_1983.mp3
- 892. 20090610_70_thewarmthofthet.mp3
- 893. 20090611_98_nullityplusone.mp3
- 894. 20090612_94_fundedpay.mp3
- 895. 20090613_79_gilmorethumbdri.mp3
- 896. 20090614_97_dreadsforillino.mp3
- Week #129 monday 15th to sunday 21st 2009f June
- 897. 20090615_149_odd.mp3
- 898. 20090616_159_ateven.mp3
- 899. 20090617_100_frustration.mp3
- 900. 20090618_108_klobiugtiu.mp3
- 901. 20090619_111_runtimedepthmi.mp3
- 902. 20090620_134.67_zuper.mp3
- 903. 20090621_131_bonga.mp3
- Week #130 monday 22nd to sunday 28th 2009f June
- 904. 20090622_96_jirex.mp3
- 905. 20090623_79_lipidsforfat.mp3
- 906. 20090624_86_poodlecake.mp3
- 907. 20090625_113.4_stillraining.mp3
- 908. 20090626_93_wanker.mp3
- 909. 20090627_106_huntersforfrea.mp3
- 910. 20090628_92_unstablegrunt.mp3
- Week #131 monday 29th 2009f June to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 911. 20090629_88_sandinmytongs.mp3
- 912. 20090630_130.65_definitiono.mp3
- 913. 20090701_116_hairypuff.mp3
- 914. 20090702_78_fairchancestobi.mp3
- 915. 20090703_95_noclownsallowed.mp3
- 916. 20090704_76_thesimplerudder.mp3
- 917. 20090705_134_matrix.mp3
- Week #132 monday 6th to sunday 12th 2009f July
- 918. 20090706_94_pleasedontbarf.mp3
- 919. 20090707_88_norobots.mp3
- 920. 20090708_125_yeah.mp3
- 921. 20090709_133_togul.mp3
- 922. 20090710_72_dix.mp3
- 923. 20090711_126_gameisnotanexc.mp3
- 924. 20090712_65_crushthebonescr.mp3
- Week #133 monday 13th to sunday 19th 2009f July
- 925. 20090713_114_yipiyaye.mp3
- 926. 20090714_84_poetryforthebli.mp3
- 927. 20090715_109_asandcastlewit.mp3
- 928. 20090716_75_baaa.mp3
- 929. 20090717_79_efficientrash.mp3
- 930. 20090718_102_parrot.mp3
- 931. 20090719_78_clearasmineral.mp3
- Week #134 monday 20th to sunday 26th 2009f July
- 932. 20090720_137_salonforhairdr.mp3
- 933. 20090721_134_hamsterdams.mp3
- 934. 20090722_112_passion.mp3
- 935. 20090723_96_whilehefishesth.mp3
- 936. 20090724_106_grosstide.mp3
- 937. 20090725_150_weallliketosha.mp3
- 938. 20090726_146_bredfortheseag.mp3
- Week #135 monday 27th 2009f July to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 939. 20090727_209_thehymn.mp3
- 940. 20090728_122_makemymindbend.mp3
- 941. 20090729_102_iaintnocrab.mp3
- 942. 20090730_115_thecodetrain.mp3
- 943. 20090731_92_highrise.mp3
- 944. 20090801_83.6_livingthelife.mp3
- 945. 20090802_76_illiteratezoo.mp3
- Week #136 monday 3rd to sunday 9th 2009f August
- 946. 20090803_89_slimpork.mp3
- 947. 20090804_82_sheeatstrout.mp3
- 948. 20090805_94_asteroidbeltnos.mp3
- 949. 20090806_85_hardticks.mp3
- 950. 20090807_101_strawberrymoun.mp3
- 951. 20090808_110_higherthanthes.mp3
- 952. 20090809_104_nicer.mp3
- Week #137 monday 10th to sunday 16th 2009f August
- 953. 20090810_133.4_borderlessgr.mp3
- 954. 20090811_158.3_goxicupe.mp3
- 955. 20090812_83.3_rocktsar.mp3
- 956. 20090813_113.5_iwillgoflybe.mp3
- 957. 20090814_91_theeggtheplugth.mp3
- 958. 20090815_115_dontgetupseton.mp3
- 959. 20090816_87_fieldgun.mp3
- Week #138 monday 17th to sunday 23rd 2009f August
- 960. 20090817_82_brutalsoftie.mp3
- 961. 20090818_95_phoneprank.mp3
- 962. 20090819_98_neverbeamegalom.mp3
- 963. 20090820_124_therealcrumble.mp3
- 964. 20090821_87_gnark.mp3
- 965. 20090822_80_zeze.mp3
- 966. 20090823_134_imback.mp3
- Week #139 monday 24th to sunday 30th 2009f August
- 967. 20090824_93_unsolvedpuzzle.mp3
- 968. 20090825_84_hellofacopter.mp3
- 969. 20090826_116_thehomeoftheme.mp3
- 970. 20090827_133_bounceofthemid.mp3
- 971. 20090828_154_bathole.mp3
- 972. 20090829_83_peltisanewwrapf.mp3
- 973. 20090830_106_wouldyouso.mp3
- Week #140 monday 31st 2009f August to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 974. 20090831_85_circusblitz.mp3
- 975. 20090901_100_thesquacl.mp3
- 976. 20090902_132_yotoall.mp3
- 977. 20090903_85_squarewave.mp3
- 978. 20090904_80_lucida.mp3
- 979. 20090905_134_kindenoughfora.mp3
- 980. 20090906_110_ulnarslap.mp3
- Week #141 monday 7th to sunday 13th 2009f September
- 981. 20090907_92_thepotatochip.mp3
- 982. 20090908_128_newplates.mp3
- 983. 20090909_88_owa.mp3
- 984. 20090910_85_theleftrubyofda.mp3
- 985. 20090911_135_klopiunzerteck.mp3
- 986. 20090912_86_bruscetta.mp3
- 987. 20090913_95_funduplications.mp3
- Week #142 monday 14th to sunday 20th 2009f September
- 988. 20090914_75_nailman.mp3
- 989. 20090915_76_niagara6.mp3
- 990. 20090916_85_thecrowspaghett.mp3
- 991. 20090917_116_themardifat.mp3
- 992. 20090918_97_everglide.mp3
- 993. 20090919_93_cyanesque.mp3
- 994. 20090920_89_idontgetitandne.mp3
- Week #143 monday 21st to sunday 27th 2009f September
- 995. 20090921_156_greek.mp3
- 996. 20090922_74_huj.mp3
- 997. 20090923_91_theleftoveralph.mp3
- 998. 20090924_85_youaremyheroyou.mp3
- 999. 20090925_127_fosterrhams.mp3
- 1000. 20090926_125_tohopeisagoodt.mp3
- 1001. 20090927_155_thiswasaprince.mp3
- Week #144 monday 28th 2009f September to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 1002. 20090928_93_glamourouschick.mp3
- 1003. 20090929_94_hanswouldliketo.mp3
- 1004. 20090930_100_thezac.mp3
- 1005. 20091001_91_lemonstofillyou.mp3
- 1006. 20091002_83.2_ramsheyyear.mp3
- 1007. 20091003_121_iwouldnttellim.mp3
- 1008. 20091004_86_popbalance.mp3
- Week #145 monday 5th to sunday 11th 2009f October
- 1009. 20091005_95_yellowwave.mp3
- 1010. 20091006_95_monkeytrick.mp3
- 1011. 20091007_106_anarchist.mp3
- 1012. 20091008_86_letsallpleadgui.mp3
- 1013. 20091009_122_expressmethat.mp3
- 1014. 20091010_75_flamcaptain.mp3
- 1015. 20091011_88_beresponsiblefo.mp3
- Week #146 monday 12th to sunday 18th 2009f October
- 1016. 20091012_87_aspectsaresuper.mp3
- 1017. 20091013_96_supersynth.mp3
- 1018. 20091014_75_swingythewaterm.mp3
- 1019. 20091015_155_norocketsbeyon.mp3
- 1020. 20091016_97_drumpet.mp3
- 1021. 20091017_93_repeatafterme.mp3
- 1022. 20091018_132_fatassreplacem.mp3
- Week #147 monday 19th to sunday 25th 2009f October
- 1023. 20091019_81_thebookofbells.mp3
- 1024. 20091020_151_oldmisterjackh.mp3
- 1025. 20091021_135_imayhaveforgot.mp3
- 1026. 20091022_107_icehotwalnutco.mp3
- 1027. 20091023_109_thepitbullwass.mp3
- 1028. 20091024_81_getupbeforeyoug.mp3
- 1029. 20091025_124_pleaseresubmit.mp3
- Week #148 monday 26th 2009f October to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 1030. 20091026_61_woopiemonster.mp3
- 1031. 20091027_83_quelecho.mp3
- 1032. 20091028_111_noenthousiasm.mp3
- 1033. 20091029_129_bastardapapa.mp3
- 1034. 20091030_68_nutcrackerdelig.mp3
- 1035. 20091031_133_budup.mp3
- 1036. 20091101_69_doesntknowbette.mp3
- Week #149 monday 2nd to sunday 8th 2009f November
- 1037. 20091102_101_latenightshow.mp3
- 1038. 20091103_139_therebelliousd.mp3
- 1039. 20091104_66_waiting.mp3
- 1040. 20091105_97_iwishihadmadeth.mp3
- 1041. 20091106_134_chocolatetromb.mp3
- 1042. 20091107_94_headsfirst.mp3
- 1043. 20091108_146_thefareasterno.mp3
- Week #150 monday 9th to sunday 15th 2009f November
- 1044. 20091109_106_truckdriver.mp3
- 1045. 20091110_135_areyouable.mp3
- 1046. 20091111_109_malart.mp3
- 1047. 20091112_77_drugsubtractit.mp3
- 1048. 20091113_126_thecunbe.mp3
- 1049. 20091114_72_likeitornot.mp3
- 1050. 20091115_105_quietnorth.mp3
- Week #151 monday 16th to sunday 22nd 2009f November
- 1051. 20091116_132_jazz.mp3
- 1052. 20091117_97_mollodtrager.mp3
- 1053. 20091118_103_elusivenightma.mp3
- 1054. 20091119_109_upbip.mp3
- 1055. 20091120_75_olderthantthoug.mp3
- 1056. 20091121_92_suburbianbarbar.mp3
- 1057. 20091122_75_aflightforthoma.mp3
- Week #152 monday 23rd to sunday 29th 2009f November
- 1058. 20091123_119_sitied.mp3
- 1059. 20091124_73_ihateyou.mp3
- 1060. 20091125_95_theninetyfive.mp3
- 1061. 20091126_143_mikanortustifo.mp3
- 1062. 20091127_78_iwishicouldstop.mp3
- 1063. 20091128_88_ghosts.mp3
- 1064. 20091129_89_sailorspleasest.mp3
- Week #153 monday 30th 2009f November to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 1065. 20091130_92_coinsforthelibe.mp3
- 1066. 20091201_124_traintracks.mp3
- 1067. 20091202_82_imfired.mp3
- 1068. 20091203_87_anthemfordices.mp3
- 1069. 20091204_88_rudemustache.mp3
- 1070. 20091205_120_vicesforthedep.mp3
- 1071. 20091206_118_limitx.mp3
- Week #154 monday 7th to sunday 13th 2009f December
- 1072. 20091207_118_bodelbuddy.mp3
- 1073. 20091208_96_what.mp3
- 1074. 20091209_134_thegibils.mp3
- 1075. 20091210_88_gettingnear.mp3
- 1076. 20091211_99_smackdownforaru.mp3
- 1077. 20091212_75_citrusspiritual.mp3
- 1078. 20091213_64_levelingtowards.mp3
- Week #155 monday 14th to sunday 20th 2009f December
- 1079. 20091214_143_olderbrothers.mp3
- 1080. 20091215_79_run.mp3
- 1081. 20091216_73_theriverisflush.mp3
- 1082. 20091217_93_chestireconcert.mp3
- 1083. 20091218_86_sobalongthestub.mp3
- 1084. 20091219_81_thecrudetruth.mp3
- 1085. 20091220_97_theslightestcha.mp3
- Week #156 monday 21st to sunday 27th 2009f December
- 1086. 20091221_101_currentlylooki.mp3
- 1087. 20091222_111_bootymachine.mp3
- 1088. 20091223_131_thedarkskies.mp3
- 1089. 20091224_68_illbebacktoward.mp3
- 1090. 20091225_94_merrysomething.mp3
- 1091. 20091226_106_fusiformallell.mp3
- 1092. 20091227_65_invertedpilgrim.mp3
- Week #157 monday 28th 2009f December to sunday 1st 1970f January
- 1093. 20091228_101_ultradry.mp3
- 1094. 20091229_133_heyyo.mp3
- 1095. 20091230_130_freakingred.mp3
- 1096. 20091231_88_turningsight.mp3
- 1097. 20100101_80_weooewoaowe.mp3
- 1098. 20100102_80_dlrjghnw.mp3
- 1099. 20100103_99_pataoumpep.mp3
- Week #158 monday 4th to sunday 10th 2010f January
- 1100. 20100104_134_getsomepotatoe.mp3
- 1101. 20100105_97_stellardistorti.mp3
- 1102. 20100106_120_dufe.mp3
- 1103. 20100107_157_crunchynot.mp3
- 1104. 20100108_101_subthalamicbra.mp3
- 1105. 20100109_85_imnotgettingany.mp3
- 1106. 20100110_85_stopthefuss.mp3
- Week #159 monday 11th to sunday 17th 2010f January
- 1107. 20100111_75_uhu.mp3
- 1108. 20100112_150_fasttrain.mp3
- 1109. 20100113_86_fu.mp3
- 1110. 20100114_134_gettingtoolate.mp3
- 1111. 20100115_126_grenze.mp3
- 1112. 20100116_93_done.mp3
- 1113. 20100117_166_coconuts.mp3
- Week #160 monday 18th to sunday 24th 2010f January
- 1114. 20100118_75_globalunlimited.mp3
- 1115. 20100119_123_frugallunchwit.mp3
- 1116. 20100120_116_foricantell.mp3
- 1117. 20100121_250_theballsarefun.mp3
- 1118. 20100122_125_gunsolid.mp3
- 1119. 20100123_130_getme.mp3
- 1120. 20100124_116_graceicanhardl.mp3
- Week #161 monday 25th to sunday 31st 2010f January
- 1121. 20100125_148_exoticrush.mp3
- 1122. 20100126_77_iwouldchaseyou.mp3
- 1123. 20100127_102_chooseitdohail.mp3
- 1124. 20100128_138_blackcrows.mp3
- 1125. 20100129_120_whatadaywhatas.mp3
- 1126. 20100130_133_rain.mp3
- 1127. 20100131_91_rockthewinkitis.mp3
- Week #162 monday 1st 2010f February to sunday 7th 2010f February
- 1128. 20100201_119_pleaserewind.mp3
- 1129. 20100202_145_thefutureoftre.mp3
- 1130. 20100203_129_frugal.mp3
- 1131. 20100204_160_wreckitasitsui.mp3
- 1132. 20100205_107_waayowaaa.mp3
- 1133. 20100206_88_iiwouldstrikeon.mp3
- 1134. 20100207_135_therearesomeli.mp3
- Week #163 monday 8th to sunday 14th 2010f February
- 1135. 20100208_111_staticity.mp3
- 1136. 20100209_125_olivesteady.mp3
- 1137. 20100210_97_thisistimtodee.mp3
- 1138. 20100211_111_stainedheyeah.mp3
- 1139. 20100212_91_thebookedupone.mp3
- 1140. 20100213_169_terre.mp3
- 1141. 20100214_110_tellmewhythere.mp3
- Week #164 monday 15th to sunday 21st 2010f February
- 1142. 20100215_71_ranger.mp3
- 1143. 20100216_133_yocouldntfindi.mp3
- 1144. 20100217_77_dsl.mp3
- 1145. 20100218_150_biggeranenvelo.mp3
- 1146. 20100219_88_youshouldtakeso.mp3
- 1147. 20100220_173_funkylittlepod.mp3
- 1148. 20100221_92_icantgoicantcon.mp3
- Week #165 monday 22nd to sunday 28th 2010f February
- 1149. 20100222_162_freetheworld.mp3
- 1150. 20100223_80_reverse.mp3
- 1151. 20100224_112_enzymesarelow.mp3
- 1152. 20100225_106_dreamandcomeal.mp3
- 1153. 20100226_99_bamboushots.mp3
- 1154. 20100227_80_letyourdaughter.mp3
- 1155. 20100228_133_doyoucaredoyou.mp3
- Week #166 monday 1st 2010f March to sunday 7th 2010f March
- 1156. 20100301_172_screwyou.mp3
- 1157. 20100302_81_thelaw.mp3
- 1158. 20100303_128_divebelowthetr.mp3
- 1159. 20100304_177_therandomlyche.mp3
- 1160. 20100305_91_thelimitsofunco.mp3
- 1161. 20100306_91_relativelydistr.mp3
- 1162. 20100307_133_passporting.mp3
- Week #167 monday 8th to sunday 14th 2010f March
- 1163. 20100308_111_aperotorototo.mp3
- 1164. 20100309_104_thetearsons.mp3
- 1165. 20100310_140_furlytails.mp3
- 1166. 20100311_85_werethey.mp3
- 1167. 20100312_132_rockytalky.mp3
- 1168. 20100313_90_saturationforal.mp3
- 1169. 20100314_137_1972too.mp3
- Week #168 monday 15th to sunday 21st 2010f March
- 1170. 20100315_72_tchootchoo.mp3
- 1171. 20100316_95_bearinmind.mp3
- 1172. 20100317_99_atthecraze.mp3
- 1173. 20100318_138_thebubbleofbur.mp3
- 1174. 20100319_95_bathtard.mp3
- 1175. 20100320_120_thetrendistoru.mp3
- 1176. 20100321_146_circus.mp3
- Week #169 monday 22nd to sunday 28th 2010f March
- 1177. 20100322_96_metaljazz.mp3
- 1178. 20100323_86_soundpinch.mp3
- 1179. 20100324_143_worldcup.mp3
- 1180. 20100325_83_artyswimpu.mp3
- 1181. 20100326_84_thehwolemind.mp3
- 1182. 20100327_74_nosufferingnost.mp3
- 1183. 20100328_111_onebeforethecr.mp3
- 1. Yeeehaaa
Monday 1st 2007f January
This is the start of a new day, a new month, a new year, everything is fresh, except the bread.
see & listen
- 2. Botty grump
Tuesday 2nd 2007f January
This figure can impress anyone withtout enough knowledge of tape-dispenser uebersurfing, but the 'botty grump' is indeed very technical and needs many years of practice for perfect realization.
see & listen
- 3. Horse and a radish
Wednesday 3rd 2007f January
I will exchange my boombox with your horse and a radish. I guess that will feed him for the rest of the day and I don't have time to go get groceries before the day ends.
see & listen
- 4. Slow static
Thursday 4th 2007f January
Tttttttthhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssss iiiiiiiiiissssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaaaa ssssssssssllllllllllllooooooooooowwwwwwwwww sssssssssstttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccccccccc, grththhzzsssthgrrrrrrrrkkkllrrreeeeeiiisssstthzzz.
see & listen
- 5. Rio und dist ya gern
Friday 5th 2007f January
What do you want to drink? A beer? They make great cocktails in this joint, sex on the beach? Martini? Something else? Heard their speciality was the Rio Und Dist. Ya, gern.
see & listen
- 6. This wasn't so simple
Saturday 6th 2007f January
Get down with it. If you have a grievance regarding the coup from yesterday, tell me. I'm all ears, this wasn't so simple and you know it. We could have lost them if we hadn't been as prepared. Come on, tell me, I'm starting to get impatient.
see & listen
- 7. Random agony
Sunday 7th 2007f January
Yes, Jules was ready for any kind of death. He was confident anything that might happen would have not brokn his nerves and that he would die serenely. He was however not prepared for a random agony, how could he have prepared for anyways?
see & listen
- 8. The funky rabbit was the king of the town
Monday 8th 2007f January
The funky rabbit decided it was time to turn the idle on and go for a ride downtown. Today was a great day and it wasn't close to being finished.
see & listen
- 9. Hop la hop yoho
Tuesday 9th 2007f January
Hop la hop yoho where the last word he screamed as he jumped feet first into the raging ocean. The sun was up, the sky was blue, it was warm, and this was really the best day to go surfing.
see & listen
- 10. The sun, the moon, too soon
Wednesday 10th 2007f January
The sun, the moon, both at the same time but a little too soon are flying through the sky. Nothing very unusual, daily business as ordinary. Just another random title.
see & listen
- 11. Robert the palmyc
Thursday 11th 2007f January
Robert was a palmyc and he new it, it it why he didn't mind to go to the emphfpagad coffee shop once in a while.
see & listen
- 12. Third and Fourth
Friday 12th 2007f January
Not only did he run fast but he managed to be in the best of the crew. He maybe wasn't first or second but he did make it to be not only third but also fourth, at the same time.
see & listen
- 13. Something not so
Saturday 13th 2007f January
Common knowledge says there is such a thing as this. But no, this is not something you can so easily define, this is something not so.
see & listen
- 14. Take me to the playa
Sunday 14th 2007f January
Everytime I think about winters, I think about ski. But this time it is too hot, the sky is so blue, the water almost warm, this time I want you to take me to the playa.
see & listen
- 15. Hammer the nail and go
Monday 15th 2007f January
At a time where coats are so valuable, where there is nothing else to protect you from the unknown, you better hammer the nail and go before you think of hooking it up to.
see & listen
- 16. The machine
Tuesday 16th 2007f January
While you're at it, just go down butlington street and go get one of those new, enhanced, inoxidable machines. Or better, just go get one unique one, the machine.
see & listen
- 17. Castor bouncing
Wednesday 17th 2007f January
One of the smartest animals around is the castor. It has a furry coat, sharp teeth, and a formidable flat tail, ready to bounce.
see & listen
- 18. Tumble dry carrot
Thursday 18th 2007f January
After the avocado, the tomato, the potato, the artichoke, and the cucumber, there is the carrot. And you must tumble dry the carrot.
see & listen
- 19. This was a bit last minute
Friday 19th 2007f January
Everyday is another day, but the last time he had had a bit more time to get down to it. This was a bit last minute, and it could be well heard.
see & listen
- 20. Oil in boiling water
Saturday 20th 2007f January
You can put it in salad sauce, you can use it to make french fries, and you can even use it to make your car runner smoother. But noone never heard of oil in boiling water, maybe except to cook pasta.
see & listen
- 21. The road is full of rocks
Sunday 21st 2007f January
Full drive is an interesting option, the ride gets much smoother in the mud, the snow, and on the sand. But the price tag is a bit steep for an option you'd seldom use if you're from the city. Well, the road is full of rocks and you might well get 4x4.
see & listen
- 22. Slow truc
Monday 22nd 2007f January
The large v8 engine roared with a powerful background hum. The gaz pedal went down, the tires screetched, the race was on, but this truck, definitely, was a slow truck. Or as the French say, a slow truc.
see & listen
- 23. Manamanomamumo
Tuesday 23rd 2007f January
He had a large beard, strong eyes, a angular mouth, and he moved his head as if he was made of steel. The locals commonly referred to him as 'the steel giant', 'muscles', or, sometimes, and maybe by the more intimates 'manamanomamumo'.
see & listen
- 24. South of the sea it is dry
Wednesday 24th 2007f January
Take the sun. It goes up, stays a while at top, returns down on the other side, and while there are other stars, he is the only one that really warms our atmosphere. And south of the sea it is dry.
see & listen
- 25. La la la bra la la
Thursday 25th 2007f January
"La la la bra la la" she sang, "la la la bra la la" over and over again, until the sky became dark. Then it rained. But she wouldn't stop singing "la la la bra la la" over and over again, until she drowned.
see & listen
- 26. The fun house is nothing but gern
Friday 26th 2007f January
His English speaking got better and better. As years went by, his accent was less marked, his words better carved, but when he went to the casino and got a little excited, he couldn't manage not saying gern at the end of his now traditional phrase. Yes, indeed, the fun house is nothing but gern.
see & listen
- 27. There are no rules
Saturday 27th 2007f January
One, you stand up, two you jump, up, and down, three you wiggle, four you scream, five you go nuts, six you smile. Because there are no rules.
see & listen
- 28. While you where home I was out
Sunday 28th 2007f January
It isn't very complicated to understand. You stayed home, to work, I went to get some things to eat tonight. While you where home, I was out. That's it.
see & listen
- 29. Rusty convertible trailer
Monday 29th 2007f January
Rollin', rollin', rollin', it was a jumpin', runnin', growlin', it was a super, fantastic swingin', a nice and cosy, a fun and rusty convertible trailer.
see & listen
- 30. Bouncing and bouncing rolling to town
Tuesday 30th 2007f January
She just gotten twenty five years old, she was fit, she was slim, but she definitely could maintain some plumpyness at some places, and they where bouncing and bouncing, rolling to town. She wanted to dance.
see & listen
- 31. Boring
Wednesday 31st 2007f January
Not the first, not the last, one in the middle, one that just is boring.
see & listen
- 32. Zobelburger runtime error
Thursday 1st 2007f February
Definitely can't understand what has happened. My computer just crashed indicating a zobelburger runtime error. I don't get it.
see & listen
- 33. Hi I'm here wainting for the bus
Friday 2nd 2007f February
It's cold outside, it's not raining, but it's freezing. I keep my hands in my pockets, I want to feel worm. Hi, I'm here waiting for the bus.
see & listen
- 34. Sleepy woman steep hill
Saturday 3rd 2007f February
Yo can go for a win, you can hope all your sin, you might dream or fantasize the moment, but be prepared, before sleepy woman, steep hill.
see & listen
- 35. Just throw your butt out
Sunday 4th 2007f February
It's cold out there, it's very cold, but you know it, or must I say butt you know it, you have to have enough courage, just throw your but out, or must I say just throw your butt out.
see & listen
- 36. Tea time while in the moonlight
Monday 5th 2007f February
Four o clock in sweden, it's winter, it is night, it's tea time. There is no choice, this is tea time while in the moonlight.
see & listen
- 37. It's the static invasion
Tuesday 6th 2007f February
All over the place, no reason to hide because it's too late. There was an escape, but now it is too late. It's the static invasion.
see & listen
- 38. Short piece
Wednesday 7th 2007f February
It's large, it's fat, it's huge, it's enormous but it's a short piece.
see & listen
- 39. Shampoo for all
Thursday 8th 2007f February
Once every few days, you feel a bit sticky and unclean. There is a specific reason: your hairs are greasy. No matter how hard you treat yourself to keeping the sebum away, you hairs have no escape. Cheers, shampoo for all.
see & listen
- 40. Beuarg
Friday 9th 2007f February
While you stay strong in the face of human insanity, you can't stay still and steady while your heart gets to figure out stupidity. You must scream, and this is it: beuarg.
see & listen
- 41. This is my hat respect it
Saturday 10th 2007f February
You know how it is. The sun, the rain, the wind, they all make you feel like your head is bare naked. This is why I always have one at disposal. This is my hat respect it.
see & listen
- 42. Thank you all for coming
Sunday 11th 2007f February
This is a special night tonight, it is a special occasion that we must share together and this is why I would like to thank you all for coming.
see & listen
- 43. Don't forget the lasso, it could serve
Monday 12th 2007f February
When the cows are a bit too frantic, when the blizzard is up, when the hills are golden and the grill is red, the urge for a steak is unbarable. So gals and guys, don't forget the lasso, it could serve.
see & listen
- 44. The donuts will get you
Tuesday 13th 2007f February
Then again he had to run over the corpse. There was fear in the air, the night was dark and there where nobody around to seek help. What could he do? To run was the only hope. Far away he could guess the lights from the freeway, but hey the hope is nothing, they are too fast. The donuts will get you.
see & listen
- 45. Sam the big old bearded sheppard
Wednesday 14th 2007f February
Bee, beee said the small white and soft quadrupedes. Moo, mooo said Sam the big old bearded sheppard in a try to stay convincing. The sheeps however did not understand cow-speak well, and therefore they all jumped off the cliff into the ocean. The water was pretty warm, they spent the rest of the afternoon sun bathing.
see & listen
- 46. The graveyard is full of fun
Thursday 15th 2007f February
This is a fact. There graveyard is full of fun, there are so many things to do. It is a quiet place with space, many nice plants, lots of stones, peaceful trees, benches (important, never forget), sometimes even small bridges and false wells. Yeah, yeepee.
see & listen
- 47. Orange juice is not a fruit but from a fruit
Friday 16th 2007f February
As common knowledge would put it, the objects one states can sometimes be incorrect and thus induce comprehension errors. It is also true that orange juice is not a fruit but from a fruit. Some would even go further as to state it is of a fruit, but I would reply that it is in fact in the fruit.
see & listen
- 48. My right ear scratches
Saturday 17th 2007f February
Really, it's true, I've got that itch. It's really bothering, the more I feel it, the more I want to grab it and scratch it, my right ear scratches me.
see & listen
- 49. I like to hide
Sunday 18th 2007f February
Since I was aware of myself, I liked to stay at a distance. It is much more confortable to stand away, to stare at the scene while the others move in and ramble. I like to hide, I like it that way.
see & listen
- 50. Trumpets of Zunglob
Monday 19th 2007f February
Handy as can be, a brass ensemble can not be as powerful without the trumpets of Zunglob. They are mighty loud and mighty good.
see & listen
- 51. Romantism is back in trends
Tuesday 20th 2007f February
That's a happy fact. After years in the no-foreplay zone, we are back on the good tracks with loads of smooth and mellow, tons of pink and purple. It's true romantism is back in trends.
see & listen
- 52. Soap Box Sausage
Wednesday 21st 2007f February
No, it is impossible to make a sausage using only a soapbox. It has been tried many times, that is indeed true, but for each time a failure. This is sad but realistic.
see & listen
- 53. A vacuum cleaner
Thursday 22nd 2007f February
The broom is nice, but it isn't as efficient as what modern technology has acustomed to. There are many new technologies for us modern-men that make our daily life much easier. The vacuum cleaner ain't one of them. It's noisy and still has to be strolled around the house. What we modern homo-sapiens need is A vacuum cleaner for the true revolution to begin.
see & listen
- 54. A sunset and a kiss
Friday 23rd 2007f February
The animals only come out of the darkness at night to drink at the pond. The predators are however not asleep, and the risk is high for one to come out of the bush and satisfy his hunger. But all the animals want is a sunset and a kiss.
see & listen
- 55. Oyster heaven in an aquarium
Saturday 24th 2007f February
Impossible! It is impossible to have you be freed when you get eaten. You're a trained city oyster, you will never be able to be happy in the open sea. For a sea molusk, oyster heaven is geographically limited, in an aquarium, oyster heaven in an aquarium.
see & listen
- 56. Sam the sesame salesman
Sunday 25th 2007f February
Anyone that sold little seeds in the twenties was automatically catapulted to the higher ranks of society. One of the prosperous ones was named Sam. It was Sam the sesame salesman.
see & listen
- 57. Lions and a panda
Monday 26th 2007f February
Right here in the savannah, there where many Lions and a panda. No, not Zebras and a panda, not crocodiles and a panda, not elephants and a panda, not monkeys and a panda, no, but maybe giraffes and a panda. No, just kiddin', it was lions and a panda.
see & listen
- 58. Four wheels and a turbo
Tuesday 27th 2007f February
Wooh that felt good. Riding and cruising across the lands, driving in a straight line, the slow motion of the cylindrical idle, the purring and the growling where only symphony to me. And I forgot the best, the wheezing of the turbo, fast and nervous, all my mind needed where four wheels and a turbo.
see & listen
- 59. Hell yes
Wednesday 28th 2007f February
Hell yes, you bet. I'm in.
see & listen
- 60. Small lady bug but dead
Thursday 1st 2007f March
Red with little black dots on the back, she flies through the skies. From one flower to another, she bounces and bounces up as a fly. In a few minutes she will meet the crow. She then will still be a small lady bug but dead.
see & listen
- 61. Around the world and the seas go away
Friday 2nd 2007f March
They had a few years before of them. The crew was prepared both physicaly and mentally, they had enough citrus to fight scurvy, they knew the prize they could expect if they did make it alive until the end of their journey. They where sailing around the world, and the seas go away.
see & listen
- 62. You've got black hairs, no blond, yes blond
Saturday 3rd 2007f March
When you look at yourself in the mirror, it's as it had never been. Your eyes are far, your mind is too, you see your skin and it cracks, it scratches too. The aches, the pain, and your hairs are dark. You've got black hairs, no blond, yes blond. Times change, you too.
see & listen
- 63. False tune is out
Sunday 4th 2007f March
Ten years ago it was pretty hip to be out of tune. It was sort of a way to express one's individuality and uniqueness. Now the times have changed, it isn't hip anymore, false tune is out. Out, period.
see & listen
- 64. Sour grapes nd blueberry juice
Monday 5th 2007f March
Breakfast being te most important meal of the day, it is important to have an adequate amount of ll the daily nutrients. Sour grapes and blueberry juice are important in the balancing of your diet. To be fit, this is a good start.
see & listen
- 65. Bull parade and slug cruisade
Tuesday 6th 2007f March
As every first tuesday of the month, the festivities will include some of the most daring acrobats, the fantastic bearded twin swede top models, and as once and always, the ever popular bull parade and slug cruisade, straight from the old tradition of the stubudoriunostaveros tribe.
see & listen
- 66. Eightyfive kilometers an hour
Wednesday 7th 2007f March
The whistling of the turbo was constant, the rumor coming from the exhaust pipe added the rest. What a sensation you did get with this fantastic convertible. The roar of the eight cylinders, back and forth, sliding and thumping like precisely. Eightyfive kilometers an hour where nothing, what was left was plentyful.
see & listen
- 67. This is not a snail even if it looks like
Thursday 8th 2007f March
Slow, brown, with two telescopic eyes, making bubbles along its path, going forth like a snake but without all of its glory, this is not a snail even if it looks like.
see & listen
- 68. Rumble in the basement, stay home
Friday 9th 2007f March
Like when in an earthquake, the earth was vibrating. The windows didn't break but the distorted views through the glass gave some weird appearance to the usually calm neighbourhood. Outside, it was chaos. Rumble in the basement, stay home.
see & listen
- 69. The cactus was not where it should
Saturday 10th 2007f March
The desert is dry, is hot. The sand followed the wind. A few birds of prey where cruising around in the search of some carcass. Everything was as usual, except for the cactus. The cactus was not where it should. Someone had to do something.
see & listen
- 70. Terrible extra midget slug
Sunday 11th 2007f March
Slugs have a strict code of conduct. According to their individual talent and caracter, they will expect to have a job position where they can express themeselves best. The terrible extra midget slug could readily expect to sell soft ice at the local luba park.
see & listen
- 71. This is Jake walking
Monday 12th 2007f March
Dreaming that she might be coming tonight, he does have a few hopes. He already had tried a few times to get to know her better, but the occasion has never been comfortable enough. Today he felt more confident. This is Jake walking, he is happy end hopes well.
see & listen
- 72. A bear with ears is a bear that hears
Tuesday 13th 2007f March
The little white rabbit was confident he could get along with the old Joe bear. He thougt he could go on farting his little carrot farts, the odorless ones, without bothering him. But, wrong he was, oh so wrong, he heard him and a bear with ears is a bear that hears.
see & listen
- 73. Twentyfive and all the chives
Wednesday 14th 2007f March
Getting old is an everyday job. Today Joe is going twenty five. It is the golden age for an active businessman like him. His carreer is wide open to him and his expectation can be high. It's twentyfive and all the chives.
see & listen
- 74. Fantasy made of playa and islands
Thursday 15th 2007f March
The smiling faces of tourists are what makes the travel agent purr with content. All they need is a bit of a dream come true, all they want is a bit of a fantasy made of playa and islands.
see & listen
- 75. The week has been rude
Friday 16th 2007f March
Monday started rather well, with all the usual work from the week-end easily wiped off. Tuesday was as usual, with no real surprises, calm. Wednesday a bit more surprising with a few last-minute appointments to clear. Thursday was hopeful as the week-end got near. Friday is here to tell us all the week has been rude and the next might be too.
see & listen
- 76. He won her playing poker
Saturday 17th 2007f March
No romantism here. He liked her, she didn't care. There where a few pretending men. They played and he won her playing poker. Simply, and she still didn't care.
see & listen
- 77. Ugly duck cantonese style
Sunday 18th 2007f March
Fables and culinary art can mix. Yes, does anyone know about these few receipes that can make all your guests oh so happy. Let's take the ugly duckling cantonese style, or the lesser delicatessen ugly duck cantonese style. They are always a success.
see & listen
- 78. Pancakes are made of flour
Monday 19th 2007f March
Today, most of us think pancakes grow on trees. No. Let's be clear about this. Pancakes are not made out of old recycled tires neither. They aren't made in hard steel, pancakes are made of flour, essentially.
see & listen
- 79. Samba libre move your babay
Tuesday 20th 2007f March
When you want to say something stupid, something that means nothing but sounds cool, try the following phrase: samba libre move your babay.
see & listen
- 80. Mojito on the rocks with lemon
Wednesday 21st 2007f March
Thirsty? We have what you need to satisfy you. Get down to our fantastic bar, say hello to our wonderful barmen and barmaids, and check out that radical mojito on the rocks with lemon.
see & listen
- 81. Live to your full potential or take a glass of milk
Thursday 22nd 2007f March
Be serious. Stop talking nonesense. Get your stuff together and do it. This is the time. Live to your full potential or take a glass of milk.
see & listen
- 82. Snakes in the banana box
Friday 23rd 2007f March
Moving from a flat to another, every once and then, to get your mind some fresh air, to clean all the angry souvenirs, to make things seem so much better, at least for a few weeks. And even thought sometimes there are snakes in the banana box.
see & listen
- 83. Impossible monophonic note
Saturday 24th 2007f March
Take two trumpets, one saxophone, a tuba, a few clarinets, and try this out. You will find it rather impossible to get that impossible monophonic note. Impossible.
see & listen
- 84. The program was too dry or hot or both
Sunday 25th 2007f March
Programming takes a lot of dexterity, even from Dexter. This guy was shallow. He thought big of himself but couldn't fool his roommates. He did some programming on his time off, but the program was to dry, or hot, or both.
see & listen
- 85. Take a slice of pie
Monday 26th 2007f March
You're hungry, don't be shy. Take a slice of pie. It's full of meat, cheese and onion. It was freshly baked and still has the crusty feeling to it, just waiting for your teeth to bite.
see & listen
- 86. Catch up yes time
Tuesday 27th 2007f March
Be quick to respond. This is only a limited time offer. If you send an email fast with your coordinates to the underscribed unknown non-functional address, and we get it, you will catch up yes time, yes, yes time.
see & listen
- 87. Mucho grando biggo enormusso
Wednesday 28th 2007f March
In most anglo-european langages, it is simple to say something is great. In Hoppoleggononoyoho dialect it is a bit longer, but this is a langage poets love. You want to tackle a poet carreer, try: mucho grano biggo enormusso. This is how to say it.
see & listen
- 88. Take your tooth out of my leg
Thursday 29th 2007f March
You know I don't have anything against you, I even do enjoy your sense of humor sometimes. You do have a chic sense of party, but this is too much, please take your tooth out of my leg.
see & listen
- 89. Pineapple confettis and cream
Friday 30th 2007f March
True, there is no s at the end of confetti. It is already plural in italian. Ok, but this is not very important. What is is that fantastic dessert that are pineapple confettis and cream, or if you prefer, you purist, pineapple confetti and cream.
see & listen
- 90. Road to yellow tank brigade
Saturday 31st 2007f March
First on the left, 12 miles north, 100 yards on the left, follow the dotted red line, up the mountains, down on the other side for about 7.3 miles, turn after the big dead tree (there is only one), look for an old rusty tractor abandoned on the right side, this is the road to yellow tank brigade.
see & listen
- 91. Drums are a plenty
Sunday 1st 2007f April
In a symphonic orchestra you will rarely find anything like it. You can expect some mean grouping of violins and other stringies, but rarely a complete set of modern drums, double pedal and all. While this holds true for a chamber orchestra too, in a funk band drums are a plenty.
see & listen
- 92. Sixteen times around town
Monday 2nd 2007f April
This is a small town. But hey, sixteen times around town isn't nothing. If you calculate the total length of one, it comes to approximatively 15 kilometers, so wow, just multiply this by sixteen and think how boring this must have been for them.
see & listen
- 93. Latin rabbit
Tuesday 3rd 2007f April
Need say more. He's a latin rabbit. There is however an spelling problem. Does rabbit take one or two b's? Hmm.
see & listen
- 94. Airplanes to go where ever you want
Wednesday 4th 2007f April
This is really a neat feature. She was impressed. Nowhere else did she found such an attractive offer. For long had she been unsatisfied with her week end club life, but know she had learnt that in Zeberzuviskovinskevia there where airplanes to go where ever you want, and for less too.
see & listen
- 95. Porcupine dreams of sweet pumpkin
Thursday 5th 2007f April
Working on the field for an impressive twenty years, doc Smithymomokaskoviak has been able to dig deep into the porcupine's unconscious mechanism. Using his models and behavioural tools to go beyond our common knowledge, he was able to state for sure that the porcupine dreams od sweet pumpkin. No less.
see & listen
- 96. Take the third door after the elevator
Friday 6th 2007f April
I knew you wanted to go and visit Alphonso the royal oak alligator. He works at the top of the Stanley Humby liver building. Just take the third door after the elevator, there he'll be.
see & listen
- 97. Rap the carrots
Saturday 7th 2007f April
In no other langage than French can new musical trends be of such an arrogance to rabbits. For example if you say rap the carrots to a French rabbit, he will show you what it means to mess around with his pride.
see & listen
- 98. Crunch the herd
Sunday 8th 2007f April
To gain a substantial amount of space you have a few practical options. First, you can reduce the size of your herd. Take a few out and you'll get something lighter for your out in the prairie rundowns. Otherwise there is the always fun to do, crunch the herd method. A little sadistic, but so, oh so efficient and humorous.
see & listen
- 99. Level it up with mjama
Monday 9th 2007f April
Common man, you know you where a bit harsh on him regarding the affair. Still you should have made things clear. You should definitely level it up with mjama. But stay cool.
see & listen
- 100. High heels and a baguette
Tuesday 10th 2007f April
French and sexy is not a goal so hard to reach for most women living in the hexagonal country. Simply wear your high heels and a baguette, and you'll just look as good as you can get. Just beware that the baguette needs to be held with class as many other possibilities could be thought of but not very polite.
see & listen
- 101. Pride in repetitive behaviour
Wednesday 11th 2007f April
Never mind what others say. I could move my feet back and forth, drag my leg in always the same task, rotate my neck round and round, I will always have pride in repetitive behaviour, and that's how I feel good. Try it.
see & listen
- 102. Cervelas is not a quiche but a kind of sausage
Thursday 12th 2007f April
Quiche looks like a pizza with more stuff on it. Sometimes you can find pizza with sausage on, or respectively quiche with sausage on it. Don't hesitate however to be firm and state that cervelas is not a quiche but a kind of sausage, and that you will likely never find any on a pizza.
see & listen
- 103. Will it tell me anything
Friday 13th 2007f April
This is a sponge. I use it to scrub my back, sometimes. It is rather soft, and once soapy makes for a rather comfy and efficient back scrubber. But will it tell me anything if I ask it gently?
see & listen
- 104. Drilling your way through clay
Saturday 14th 2007f April
At a time when all seems important is personal carreer, it is a fact that drilling your way through clay can be rewarding. It will also really impress your secretary.
see & listen
- 105. Level it out with envy
Sunday 15th 2007f April
Got tired of competing with your workmates. Instead of trying to be better or stronger or whatever, just level it out with envy, it'll make you feel good. Yes, it's true!
see & listen
- 106. Take the next elevator on the left just before you get out
Monday 16th 2007f April
You're lost. Let me help you. You know, the path you followed yesterday to get your coffee. Well, just take the next elevator on the left just before you get out. There it will be.
see & listen
- 107. The tulips are growing
Tuesday 17th 2007f April
This is a great feeling. It has finally happened, and as everytime the sun puts its hand onto the job, thing come true. The tulips are growing, and this is really a great sight.
see & listen
- 108. Tunafish can make an easy pet
Wednesday 18th 2007f April
She had long ago decided to switch her chihuhaha (who can spell that correctly, hm) for one of those hip new tunafishes from the petgrocery on fifth avenue. Tunafish can make an easy pet, and they are gentle too.
see & listen
- 109. Despite the weather take a hotdog
Thursday 19th 2007f April
For weeks it had rained. This was an exceptional time of the year when the elements would go through you, freeze you in a incredible humidity making you feel like if you where swimming in a cold pond. Anita, as only a vengerous spanish rebel could speak was direct: despite the weather take a hotdog.
see & listen
- 110. Ole la vache est de retour
Friday 20th 2007f April
This is not an ordinary cow. She did it all, climbed the everest, the k2, had gone to space, ran the marathon, and even survived the feria. She was proud but showed it with a classy subtility. This was Ole, and ole la vache est de retour.
see & listen
- 111. Streets of London in bad weather
Saturday 21st 2007f April
Nothing beats the beating you can get from the rain, the penetrating coldness of a thick british fog. You may like fish and chips, and all will match nicely together, you like the streets of London in bad weather.
see & listen
- 112. The trees salute you
Sunday 22nd 2007f April
I like to run in the morning. I like to look at the sky. I wish sometimes I where a bird, that I could fly. I am all nuts. And that is when the trees salute you.
see & listen
- 113. You could fetch the butter croissant
Monday 23rd 2007f April
To be polite you could fetch the butter croissant. But err on the face of all the manners you try to elaborate and your profile will loose all credibility, including the one with the croissant.
see & listen
- 114. The sausage master
Tuesday 24th 2007f April
In the cage you could feel the chill. The beasts are hardly manageable, and the faintest drop of sweat will just make you a perfect bait. Gladfully, Harold was the sausage master, he was the only one to master them in every occasion.
see & listen
- 115. Eleven jumps and the nice lady goes
Wednesday 25th 2007f April
Happy. That's how Jeff felt about his evening ride to the disco. He was feeling frivolous and bounced all over the dance floor. And to his great surprise, eleven jumps and the nice lady goes horny.
see & listen
- 116. Carnage at the butcher's
Thursday 26th 2007f April
Horrible was the scene. Steaks and sausage fragments all over the place. A few ribs, some liver and a bit of tenderloin could be found still stuck on the wall's red surface. It was a real carnage at the butcher's. And all due to this week-end's planned barbecue party...
see & listen
- 117. I do not laugh at work, beware
Friday 27th 2007f April
Some thought fine to joke and leisurely take on their daily activities. Some even giggled, whistled in ease, sang happy little songs. You might be warned: I do not laugh at work, beware.
see & listen
- 118. The receipe for the cake is long gone
Saturday 28th 2007f April
Hmmm so good. Jenny finished her share of the dessert long ago. She did like it and wished to do the same for her next girlfriends' event. However what she doesn't know, to her future deception, is that the receipe for the cake is long gone.
see & listen
- 119. Several times a year is wear
Sunday 29th 2007f April
He was suffocating. The hit had been stronger than one could imagine, the airbags did work well, but this was too strong for even the toughest man. He couldn't really breathe, and suddenly he struggled "several times a year is wear..." before stopping, for ever. The mystery was unsolved.
see & listen
- 120. Excite your bumper
Monday 30th 2007f April
Turn the engine on, roar the pistons, make the wheels scream, let the oil boil and the wind flow over the shield. Excite your bumper, a little not more, and make the run a successful one. You're a champion.
see & listen
- 121. Hundredthirtytwo plus one minus one
Tuesday 1st 2007f May
Today I will reach my calculator. I will check it all up. It needs to work fine, no miscalculations will be allowed because the outcome is so important. I will enter digit by digit until I get the answer to the most crucial calculation ever. Hundredthirytwo plus one minus one doesn't give the answer you'd expect.
see & listen
- 122. Have the kids gone down the block?
Wednesday 2nd 2007f May
Hey mom, did you check them up? I can't figure out where they've gone. Haven't you by any chance figured out if the kids are at the barber's? Or have the kids gone down the block? Naaa.
see & listen
- 123. Cut the hairs up in three
Thursday 3rd 2007f May
Cut them, cut the damn pilosity up, cut the hairs up in three. Or I'll do it. C'mon, don't be a fool, do it, be a man.
see & listen
- 124. Funky puppies eating marshmellows
Friday 4th 2007f May
Sam, Minty, Rodge, Bobby are cute little puppies. Once in a while they reunite. They go for a round in town. They like to jump and bark, they like to stroll and make weird faces. Sometimes they just are funky puppies eating marshmellows.
see & listen
- 125. Seldom used but soo obtuse
Saturday 5th 2007f May
She would have tossed away all her hopes. A long time ago, someone had thought she'd live a life happy and free. That one's to be today away, she is seldom used but so obtuse.
see & listen
- 126. Tend to be slow
Sunday 6th 2007f May
Max is an abbreviation for maximum. His name was Max. The day's ending, the sun's gone down, but still he is running, and running. If you tend to be slow, just don't do it so.
see & listen
- 127. Take a cookie not two
Monday 7th 2007f May
What did I tell you? Again and again you can't stop. Be strong, just don't let your inner self take over. You know it's impolite. Take a cookie, not two. I know they're good.
see & listen
- 128. Solid as rock
Tuesday 8th 2007f May
Stone rigid. Steel strong. Concrete force. Unlimited resistance. Meet Mentalsunstone, he is solid as rock will never be.
see & listen
- 129. Don't turn around even less without pants
Wednesday 9th 2007f May
This is not an old lady's tale. It is true. This is not a myth because many have tried and many have cried. Don't ever do that while in the dark Chuinghuijtutju forest, don't turn around even less without pants. Oooh yeah.
see & listen
- 130. Drunk chicken with no head
Thursday 10th 2007f May
There is no link whatsoever, but it is a well known fact. The drunk chicken with no head had no head and was drunk. Not the contrary.
see & listen
- 131. Let me pound
Friday 11th 2007f May
Yeah baby. Gentle and subtle, he had left the scene. Everyone's got some thoughts at once that tells them the time has come to let the funky flow. Let me pound, yeah, let me pound.
see & listen
- 132. This is some sort of equipment
Saturday 12th 2007f May
Take the hammer and pound. The nails are in the box below the wedge-saw. You may need some pipes and some joints that you'll find in the upper drawer near the tub. This is some sort of equipment, I can't tell you what it's for.
see & listen
- 133. Take that cheddar for granted not grated
Sunday 13th 2007f May
Wendy liked her pasta a bit reinforced by the taste of some good old cheddar. There was some left inside the fridge. Old Nathan came in with just perfect timing and said: take that cheddar for granted, not grated, one big piece in your pasta 'll be harder to swallow.
see & listen
- 134. Candy cake
Monday 14th 2007f May
Apple pie. Strawberry fudge. Lemon tart. Candy cake. Red wine, no whines.
see & listen
- 135. Crabs are friends
Tuesday 15th 2007f May
Sun goes up, moon goes down, your hairs grow long, my eyes are rounds. Your mind may be free, I don't feel envy, I am no lord, I have no sword. Believe in them, crabs are friends.
see & listen
- 136. The sirup from hell
Wednesday 16th 2007f May
An once of water, a drop of the syrup from hell, sorry, I meant the sirup from hell, and your company will surely have one of the most successful beverages to tackle their tongues. Harsh and strong, no cries just highs.
see & listen
- 137. All aboard pirates
Thursday 17th 2007f May
It is a slow season. No ships to cruise, no treasure to hunt. At least the beaches where clean and the sun untamed. For pirates all around the globes this was a slow season. Wait! There seems to be some cargo coming along, all aboard pirates!
see & listen
- 138. Un air d'autoroute
Friday 18th 2007f May
As the french say: this road looks like some wind from the freeway (or in the original language, lik un air d'autoroute). This is indeed something that jumps to the eye. Miles ahead, looks far away.
see & listen
- 139. Drop the gun
Saturday 19th 2007f May
Because I ask you, kindly, to. Drop the gun. It isn't the way to end this story. It's not a solution. I knew giving you this water gun wasn't the brightest of my late ideas, but you must listen to me tonight. Drop it, before it's too late.
see & listen
- 140. Humpted zebra
Sunday 20th 2007f May
The zoo is a strange place. There are many animals. Some are really funny, some are sad. Soon it will be one of the last place to find the endangered species, one of them being the humpted zebra. Sad it is.
see & listen
- 141. Sleepy Nick
Monday 21st 2007f May
They had been sailors for generations, they lived their lives accross the oceans. No one had ever seen one of the Dunloops get lost out in the sea. Even sleepy Nick, the one who'd sleep in any occasion, was well known for waking up at the right time.
see & listen
- 142. Salvaging the Bruxellum
Tuesday 22nd 2007f May
Hello. My name is Aflonsito. I am a professional salvager and have been called in order to save the day. I heard you've lost a few men salvaging the Bruxellum. I'm not only here to help, but I will solve the problem.
see & listen
- 143. The purple ant is asleep
Wednesday 23rd 2007f May
The queen of all, the ant eaters' fantastic dream of a perfect meal, the purple ant is a ferocious insect. She will devour anyone stupid enough not to arm himself with the finest cutelry. The purple ant is asleep, now is your time to get her.
see & listen
- 144. Ghosts
Thursday 24th 2007f May
There are ghosts in my closet. They used to be under my bed, but they needed some privacy.
see & listen
- 145. Cheese mogul
Friday 25th 2007f May
I know him. He's almost a friend, I kind of hang with him sometimes after work. I like to drink beers with him as he has definitely an awesome drunken conversation. You know, he's a cheese mogul, but he stays rather humble in any occasion, even when a few glasses have got there way through.
see & listen
- 146. Hundred twenty nine
Saturday 26th 2007f May
A hundred and twenty seven, a hundred and twenty eight, a hundred and twenty nine, a hundred and thirty, I am getting thirsty.
see & listen
- 147. Some like the scent
Sunday 27th 2007f May
What a delight it is to smell those beautiful roses growing in your garden. I really enjoy the fragrant red petals and the souvenirs they evoke. I love your garden, it is so nice. Your roses are beautiful, some like the looks, some like the scent, I like both.
see & listen
- 148. Never ending wake up
Monday 28th 2007f May
'Hey Michael, don't you think it has rung long enough?' screamed Alyza. She thought this never ending wake up was never going to stop, thus never ending, and her nerves where wrecked and irritable. Thus the one responsible will surely have to compensate for the loss.
see & listen
- 149. For the fake hills
Tuesday 29th 2007f May
And now I propose a toast for all the fake hills we had to ride with our bicycle. They where tiring indeed, and well, now that we're far beyond them and look back, it just seems as they never where there.
see & listen
- 150. Be humble
Wednesday 30th 2007f May
You believe you're the best. Well he isn't. Milly is. She is a mean piece of energy. She just ate him. Now is your turn, so be humble.
see & listen
- 151. Wash your hands
Thursday 31st 2007f May
When ever you go to the toilets, wash your hands. This is how proper hygiene should be applied in your everyday life. Or if not, don't ever come back a shake my hand, and pet my back as if we where friends.
see & listen
- 152. Slimest idea of tempo
Friday 1st 2007f June
Check out the metronome. He clicks and rings with a swiss watch precision. Check what you play, it sounds bad, your notes are off and in between, not just slightly before or after these, but just where they shouldn't be. Or maybe not.
see & listen
- 153. Self Tromso
Saturday 2nd 2007f June
I like norway, I traveled there. I like to go north. So when I feel like it like there, I just apply myself some Tromso. This is what I call the self Tromso. Try it, I'm sure you'll like it.
see & listen
- 154. Meuheuh
Sunday 3rd 2007f June
Cotcot, Beeebeeeeh, wofwoof, meowmeow, meuheuh. Next stop, badass.
see & listen
- 155. Shaking Saturn, moving Uranus
Monday 4th 2007f June
Please don't misunderstand me. I'm a cosmonaut, it is normal and even usual for me to speak about doing things to planets. When I say 'shaking Saturn, moving Uranus' I don't mean yours.
see & listen
- 156. Cats are dead meat
Tuesday 5th 2007f June
For Bill the bullterrier, any furred animal with claws that just lives on their owner's love and admiration is just a cat. For him any cat is as useles as a fork to fight a rhinoceros. Cats are dead meat today, yeah Bill.
see & listen
- 157. The northern countries
Wednesday 6th 2007f June
In a world full of contradictions, where the humans get inhumane, where the women are manly and the men girlysh, it is reassuring to observe the northern countries are still north and vice a versa.
see & listen
- 158. Turn on the mower
Thursday 7th 2007f June
This spring was rather humid but had plenty of sun too. The trees grew well, and while the nights where a bit chilly, the days where unprobably sunny and warm. Turn on the mower and go get that wild grass before it get you.
see & listen
- 159. Crane station
Friday 8th 2007f June
This is the new city. Things have been renamed, things have changed. Michael and Annyu had to find their way using the new subway station nomenclature and more embarassing, the old pocket plan. They should have left at Crane station but the new name they couldn't figure out.
see & listen
- 160. Freun's stop
Saturday 9th 2007f June
The least I will say about him was that he had quite some momentum. He could nevertheless brake in a record amount of time and Freun's stop was known to be one of the fastest in town. He did work his acceleration thought, and maybe he would be ready for next year's cup.
see & listen
- 161. Left the tub
Sunday 10th 2007f June
Woops, you're a bit late. Have you been here 10 minutes ago you'd have found him. No, he's left the tub now, and I don't know where his headed to.
see & listen
- 162. Mud sorbet
Monday 11th 2007f June
Earth, air, fire, water. Take a bit of earth, mix it with fire-warmed water and blow a constant air flux through. Once the concuction is smooth, freeze it while mixing, and you'll get the faboulous mud sorbet everyone is talking about around town.
see & listen
- 163. Club of Mitch
Tuesday 12th 2007f June
Jen has his. Willy has too. Nancy likes to think about her's as one of the best. No you might all want to clean the place, here he is, the club of Mitch will be one of these great things that will mark history.
see & listen
- 164. Fatless bone
Wednesday 13th 2007f June
I am a gourmet. I like fat. I like meat. I like to get down to the bone, and leave it a fatless bone. Nothing will be left.
see & listen
- 165. Centurion overhaul
Thursday 14th 2007f June
Romans where the ones that coquered everything. Without the regular centurion overhaul, they wouldn't have had that superiority on the combat field. This where far better fighters than combat wombats with bats.
see & listen
- 166. Dog ready
Friday 15th 2007f June
This house is very well build. From the fire extinguisher on the front porch to the emergency exits from all the main rooms, it is even dog ready with special openings enabling your pets to go inside and out.
see & listen
- 167. Retain your power
Saturday 16th 2007f June
She must deliberately withold the force, she knows she can easily go through, but she must really retain her powers, then she might try to retain your power. But only then.
see & listen
- 168. Taylor handmade broom
Sunday 17th 2007f June
The company's business plan is relatively lisible. They make all kinds of brooms. Some have synthetic hair, the other's animal or vegetal (bio), and their service goes up to the taylor handmade broom rolls-royce of brooms made of platinum and silk (diamond incrustations extra).
see & listen
- 169. Left hand's pinata
Monday 18th 2007f June
Party everyone. Let's go, let's all have fun. Take that stick and got get it, this left hand's pinata is ready to get hit!
see & listen
- 170. Slobolouough
Tuesday 19th 2007f June
His name was hard to say. Once memorized however, and naturally once one understood how to pronounce it, it became rather simple. Even to yell it was simple then.
see & listen
- 171. Rasta far east
Wednesday 20th 2007f June
'I have the company you need', the pink laden salesman told Mr Gary Grind. 'If you are thinking about the rasta far east market, we have what you need', he looked convincing. The deal was on, GG liked them who said things frankly.
see & listen
- 172. Crushed Emedest
Thursday 21st 2007f June
The canary's name was Emedest. Once the big dog had crushed him, there was not much left to sing about. Poor crushed Emedest, he sang so well, and his plumage was so lively.
see & listen
- 173. Simple solutions
Friday 22nd 2007f June
To complex problems there are always simple solutions. Often you will look at the impending variables and see insolubility, but hey, you shall be optimistic and attack the core of all troubles.
see & listen
- 174. Ham
Saturday 23rd 2007f June
The sandwich is made of many prime materials. The salad is first grade, the tomato is really succulent and ripe as any gourmet could desire, and I will not even go on to describe the ham, the butter, and the mayonnaise.
see & listen
- 175. Little finger
Sunday 24th 2007f June
My hands have both five fingers. Actually my feet do to. The smallest one is logically named the little finger.
see & listen
- 176. Crusty crumble
Monday 25th 2007f June
Shelly is a really nice cook. She had been studying desserts, and she could bake a mean crust. Everyone would beg her to make their papillas growl, one could just imagine her crusty crumble and drown in saliva.
see & listen
- 177. Let the french fries be
Tuesday 26th 2007f June
If you want to call yourself someone open and free, just let the french fries be. Then we'll talk.
see & listen
- 178. Letter to the editor
Wednesday 27th 2007f June
This is my letter to the editor. I want to say I am shocked by your magazine. The article about lava and derived mesopotamian eagles is not accurate. I wanted to be sure you knew and did everything you could to correct that mistake.
see & listen
- 179. This is no light molybdena
Thursday 28th 2007f June
You though mercury was heavy. James thought so too. But wait until he has to carry an once of this baby, this is no light molybdena. It's really heavier than Elias thought.
see & listen
- 180. Salad bar delight
Friday 29th 2007f June
Take away the eggplant, a bit too mushy, overcooked, the rest of the bar is delicious, it is a real salad bar delight. You might want to take the pancakes extra, but they're a bit greasy.
see & listen
- 181. The train stays still
Saturday 30th 2007f June
The time was hard for coal workers. When they had the chance of working for a succesfull mine, they wouldn't get any part of the dough. But when the mine was empty, the trains stays still, and the miner becomes skinny.
see & listen
- 182. Canine happy
Sunday 1st 2007f July
Felines share to some extent the goods when it comes to share food and social entertainment in our modern societies. But what really is canine happy is often closer to what mankind craves for, thus some advantage to the woof pet.
see & listen
- 183. The nice camera
Monday 2nd 2007f July
Hey Phil, please hand me the other cam. No, not the one with the wide angle but the one next to it. You know, the nice camera, the one with the good looking viewfinder and the new paint job.
see & listen
- 184. Real bobs
Tuesday 3rd 2007f July
Sometimes life holds to some little detail. For example a completely fun and sensual story can just get ruined by the lack of an o. The single missing voyel would have changed everything, including this one story where the real bobs are far less recomforting.
see & listen
- 185. Cherries and pine
Wednesday 4th 2007f July
Fruits and plants are closely related. While Humphrey would walk the dog, Hermy, the nice red haired librarian would collect cherries and pine. Like that, just in case.
see & listen
- 186. Sneaky Snaky the wild hog
Thursday 5th 2007f July
Yesterday I was walking down the new avenue at central Dortmall. Midway through my small stroll, I was horrified. This was Sneaky Snaky the wild hog, hoggier than ever, running accross the parking lot, the one and only, or maybe the one of the two of them.
see & listen
- 187. Restaurant endeavour
Friday 6th 2007f July
Yes. We are all bar addicts. We are all ones that like to lay sitting and drinking. But sometimes a soul must eat, and there is a restaurant endeavour that we will all once realize.
see & listen
- 188. My funny friend herb
Saturday 7th 2007f July
This is her, oh, and my funny friend herb. He's the one who invented the herb tea all our grammas drink before bed time. Not to diuretic, not to exciting, simply the best. He's also the guy with the smoke mixture, the herb one, yes, that herb.
see & listen
- 189. This was a sound and entertaining movie
Sunday 8th 2007f July
Every week or so she'd go to the movies. Most often did she choose a romantic comedy to let herself slip out of her dull existence, maybe just for a few minutes. But today she went and saw the 'Elephant maniac hotdog' sequel, and she felt this was a sound and entertaining movie.
see & listen
- 190. Small goats
Monday 9th 2007f July
The field is good for any kind of crop. Moreover, it is good for any animal you wish to feed. Sheeps, horses, cows, lamas, even small goats can find their meat on this kind of land. It is rich, I tell you.
see & listen
- 191. Pegasus is, was a horse, not
Tuesday 10th 2007f July
Horses run all in a grand family. He had maybe betrayed him a bit. Just a tad, but Pegasus is, was a horse, not, maybe half a man. Well nobody knows.
see & listen
- 192. Tranquility is round
Wednesday 11th 2007f July
Any old man can tell you. Tranquility is round. Not that they have anything against squares, but that's how things are in the space and time of old men. Young women will tell you it's straight, but that is another story.
see & listen
- 193. Smart crumble people
Thursday 12th 2007f July
They though they could get me, but no. Ok, it was close and they are the smart crumble people, but I'm the one that resisted until now and I don't plan on letting down yet.
see & listen
- 194. Snif, it is finished
Friday 13th 2007f July
Boohoo, Linda and Markus too are very sad. Snif, it is finished and we will have to wait another year to live something as good again. These winter festivals are so cool, can't wait. Maybe next summer, maybe next spring. That'll make time go faster.
see & listen
- 195. Turbo fish and chips
Saturday 14th 2007f July
Monday morning, she was hungry. She was also late for work. She took a turbo fish and chips, ketchup and mayonnaise, and zoop she was behind her desk, full of energy and ready to carry on all the crucial things that needed to be done.
see & listen
- 196. Steaming blotovs
Sunday 15th 2007f July
What are steaming blotovs? They are the feets of pink debelbillius birds. What is special about them is their orange hooks, and the small perspiration vents that steam when the weather is cold. Blotov was an adventurer and had discovered them by the mid-twentfifth century.
see & listen
- 197. Sesame and entrepreneurship
Monday 16th 2007f July
You will invest into beer making. And while you're at it, look at sesame and entrepreneurship, it seems promising. Sesame can be found everywhere from burger buns to salads, the wow factor is high with these seeds.
see & listen
- 198. This stinks
Tuesday 17th 2007f July
Hard to tell you that another was. This stinks. You where all right, it does not smell good. Smells like fish or rotten rats. This is when we all hope a good wind will blow it away.
see & listen
- 199. Grated cheese and my love life
Wednesday 18th 2007f July
I feel today that grated cheese and my love life don't have so much in common. And this is apart from the odor, the looks and the taste of it. My love life does not seem to melt on pasta nor pizza. And that's important.
see & listen
- 200. My ducks are ready
Thursday 19th 2007f July
Yo soldiers. Are you ready? The chinese restaurant is coming to us, we will resist. My ducks are ready, good. Let's make it a revenge and show that the best chinese food doesn't necessarily mean duck. Let's all hail for vegetarian, vegetarian!
see & listen
- 201. Butt kicking
Friday 20th 2007f July
Butt kicking until the day ends, butt kicking you will be king, butt kicking there are no rules, we are butt kicking and nobody's rocking, we are butt kicking, better than a sting.
see & listen
- 202. Nerds on fire
Saturday 21st 2007f July
Linda, Olga, Ruth and Wendy where going to put some nerds on fire. These mini-skirts where so short, their legs so smooth, it was going to be easy to get the job done. All they wanted was their homework to be done by some nice and friendly nerds. Because the results had to be good.
see & listen
- 203. Swimming pool
Sunday 22nd 2007f July
This beautiful house has a grand backyard and a nonetheless huge swimming pool. The kids will love it and if you plan on a barbecue next week end, everyone will be delighted. Trust me, it's a bargain.
see & listen
- 204. Steaming punk ska
Monday 23rd 2007f July
Dancing and rolling. Rocking and stomping, this is the steaming punk ska you all believe in. Funking and shacking. Sweating and freaking. This is the dance you all wish to loose your mind on.
see & listen
- 205. Super Canary
Tuesday 24th 2007f July
It is yellow, it is strong, it flies through the air like a speeding bullet, it is Super Canary. He will be there whenever the poor and the needy will be in trouble, to whistle them an annoying and cute little song.
see & listen
- 206. Grgr just my str
Wednesday 25th 2007f July
Michael, you might better know that: zdzfue strimm the blubb! And if you don't like that you might as well grgr just my str, or else.
see & listen
- 207. These are the ones I'd like
Thursday 26th 2007f July
The old lady was in the flower shop since this morning, and no one could reall figure what she wanted. She wandered between plants and flowers, but suddenly screamed: These are the ones I'd like!
see & listen
- 208. Lemon curd
Friday 27th 2007f July
Make the dessert. Make it light, make it sweet, make me love it, I want to eat. With delectation I want to taste its lemon curd, nothing will ever beat it.
see & listen
- 209. Sceneries from where you are
Saturday 28th 2007f July
I wish I'd be inside your head, behind your eyes I want to share, the feel and see the sceneries from where you are. I won't be mean, I will share them, I will let you know that I love them.
see & listen
- 210. Thirsty mouth
Sunday 29th 2007f July
Warm is the summer. Hot is the time. No water, it's hotter. And I can see your thirsty mouth. It would be cool, it would refresh, a beer, a keg, with ice to freeze. I want it be.
see & listen
- 211. Rent my town
Monday 30th 2007f July
Please mister I need the money. I am young, you where too, please understand what it means. I am not selling, I just want some time to stand up. Pleas miss, rent my town.
see & listen
- 212. Stars in the sea
Tuesday 31st 2007f July
There are fishes until you can't see. Into the deep, there some eyes, that look at you. There are stars in the sea, there are animals to let you be, in the deepest of seas, there are some lights.
see & listen
- 213. Synthetised bubble
Wednesday 1st 2007f August
He would be true, he would be too. Running and sweating to let all be new. Renewed to be down, he is so lone, he has some synthetised bubble. And lives in, hard as a pin.
see & listen
- 214. Supertub
Thursday 2nd 2007f August
Ho, ha, you drop your feets go into it. They feel the warmth, they ache no more, this is a supertub, with bubbles and all. Supertub, supertub come to me.
see & listen
- 215. Sneaky sailor
Friday 3rd 2007f August
When on the sea you want to flee, the best you get is a sneaky sailor. One that's all muscle. If you don't care, you can go alone, but beware, nothing's better than a sneaky sailor run on the ocean.
see & listen
- 216. Dog barks
Saturday 4th 2007f August
Cat meows don't impress as much as dog barks. We don't understand it, but it's a fact. While the dog is man's best friend, we can't feel but the scare when the quadruped barks. Groaf, woof, kouak.
see & listen
- 217. Slim as a banana
Sunday 5th 2007f August
Slim as a peach, you can even be slimmer. That's why all the women say, slim as a banana, slimmer than ever, slim as a peach, you're out of reach.
see & listen
- 218. Albeit the waves
Monday 6th 2007f August
Albeit the waves your speaker work fine. Don't you care about the tweeters, they won't let go, it is the woofer that feels a bit tight. If you do it bad, it will be too much, the waves will be so hard, the dome will blow.
see & listen
- 219. Nice jeep
Tuesday 7th 2007f August
What a nice Pontiac. I wanted a Chevy, I thought I'd get a Saab, maybe I'd care for a Volvo, but I got a nice jeep. Now I can go ride up to the hill, stop everything there and go camping.
see & listen
- 220. Cunundrum brigade
Wednesday 8th 2007f August
They are a bit lazy but nevertheless dangerous. They are the cunundrum brigade. When hope has left, when the fine words are scarce, you just call them and everything's back. So fun.
see & listen
- 221. Desperate naked weed
Thursday 9th 2007f August
While winter lasts, the desperate naked weed just dies. It needs some sun, but there ain't enough, and so life goes a bit too far. Let's try plancton.
see & listen
- 222. Teenage crank
Friday 10th 2007f August
Just imagine a teenage girl. Just think your turn when you where so young. Just imagine a teenage crank, and just believe now you're too old.
see & listen
- 223. First on the skate
Saturday 11th 2007f August
If I'd where first I'd go away. But I was not the first on the skate, I just was last, and being ten on one single board is a bit much if you want to make some spin.
see & listen
- 224. Meat balls
Sunday 12th 2007f August
Scandinavian moose meat can make awesome meat balls. The kind you have to chew not because they're hard, but because they're tasty and wild.
see & listen
- 225. The weeds are off
Monday 13th 2007f August
They could be on, but once again they have come back and died so slow. The weeds are off and off for good, until next time.
see & listen
- 226. Melodies that go wha
Tuesday 14th 2007f August
In a world as today's, melodies that go wha have no more reason to be. Today we need rythm, we need some punch and popular sounds that can sell well. The last we need is something nice one can whistle.
see & listen
- 227. The sweet groove
Wednesday 15th 2007f August
Oh, hoho, this is my feel, I've got some pain deep in my knees. Have you heard my love, is gone for good, the sweet groove it is, I wish I'd lie, and let me go.
see & listen
- 228. Funky buttocks
Thursday 16th 2007f August
Funky buttocks are better than moldy asses. This is what she thinks and I respect it. She has got some say, she had got years of experience, and I like her. She's a good play.
see & listen
- 229. Roller toaster
Friday 17th 2007f August
You put the bread, the toaster's red. You like it hot, like in a roller toaster. Your jam is good, the butter too, you let them drop, you eat them now, until there's none.
see & listen
- 230. Tailing the fleas
Saturday 18th 2007f August
With this new apparatus, you can be sure they have no way to get you lost. If you think about tailing the fleas, just think of me, I won't let you.
see & listen
- 231. Why did you stay
Sunday 19th 2007f August
I had nothing, you didn't either. Why did you stay, I don't want to. I have no nerve, maybe you did, I wish I'd knew, but I'm a kid, and I can't stand to let it be.
see & listen
- 232. Question of relation
Monday 20th 2007f August
This was tuesday on a foggy morning. The question of relation came first to the minds of all the congressmen. They where afraid. But the day just started, and the worse was to come.
see & listen
- 233. Fiddling in the rubadub
Tuesday 21st 2007f August
Have you ever tried this. When Shelley got bored she tried it too. The pleasure was intense, a warmth she'd find one of her bests. Fiddling in the rubadub is one of the greates things one can hope for.
see & listen
- 234. The entropy is lost
Wednesday 22nd 2007f August
These are the laws of physics. When you open the cooler's door, the entropy is lost and the food gets warm. It's so simple, it's so dumb. Entropy is about all there is to it.
see & listen
- 235. Extra scorpion
Thursday 23rd 2007f August
I want an extra scorpion. I just have one and they are fun. This is a joy for me to see, the little beast's foots and fingers, and the badest of tails. They know how to play.
see & listen
- 236. Citrus flowers
Friday 24th 2007f August
When I mix my lemonade I like to add it a bit of dried crunched citrus flowers. It adds some spice to the overall taste and it is a touch of originality that makes my lemonade recognizable.
see & listen
- 237. Five circus in town
Saturday 25th 2007f August
There are five circus in town this week-end. Flavio's flying, Rosemario's House of Fierce Animals, Emilio's Happy Family, Sybellio's Space Odyssey Adventure Tent, and John's Circus for the elderly. The last one's success is unprecedented, the poodle show is great, this is for sure.
see & listen
- 238. Enable my hard drive
Sunday 26th 2007f August
If you don't quickly enable my hard drive my system is going to crash. My computer is getting slower everyday and I am sure I will regret soon not having called you to do so before. Please don't make me beg more, I have begged too much already. Thanks.
see & listen
- 239. Natural made pie
Monday 27th 2007f August
Linda loved to eat sweets. She liked the pies a lot, I can think of this natural made pie, made of cherries and lemon, it was really so good. Mary didn't like linda, but that was it.
see & listen
- 240. Julius Deadalus
Tuesday 28th 2007f August
The last roman emperor had that strange name. In many history books can you find it, but his real name, not the hollywood sounding one, was Julius Deadalus king of Rome, the lioncake emperor. No one knows why lioncake and what it was, but that's history.
see & listen
- 241. Strutter
Wednesday 29th 2007f August
Since the problems with his feet had risen, he was forced to use his strutter to go around. Now that he was being followed, he felt rather helpless and whished he hadn't been so relaxed on the shoes he had for the marathon.
see & listen
- 242. Darker than leftovers
Thursday 30th 2007f August
You can be scared of me. Yes I am not only the dark one, but I am darker, even darker than leftovers, and this is not all. I am mean, so mean. I told you, darker than leftovers.
see & listen
- 243. Live the life
Friday 31st 2007f August
No advice will sound better than the one I will give you Hemley. Live the life, live it like you had no ties. Try to get as much as you can because there ain't much left now you know.
see & listen
- 244. Fat discussions
Saturday 1st 2007f September
These are the ones I thought of yesterday. I'm tired of the fat discussions with no sense. I want to be able to hear something else that will make our brain shake, and our hearts flake.
see & listen
- 245. Ridiculous red nosed goat
Sunday 2nd 2007f September
Jack is a goat. He is well build, as he should be, and can handle fairly massive amounts of work on the farm. Joe is another goat, he is also known as the ridiculous red nosed goat, but his nose is in fact pink. And it isn't so ridiculous by the way. And he's a cow too.
see & listen
- 246. The smurfs did vomit
Monday 3rd 2007f September
It is a fact: the smurfs did vomit. But our young lecturers wouldn't have been able to cope with the crude truth.
see & listen
- 247. Quest for fried chipmunks
Tuesday 4th 2007f September
Many historians debate wether or not the quest for fried chipmunks did provoke, or not, the colonisation of the western lands. Not many documents from the time have been preserved, and this matter needs a bit more thought.
see & listen
- 248. The fire matcher
Wednesday 5th 2007f September
Thank you for coming by. I am the fire matcher, what do you want? I want fire, said the little piglet. You want fire? responded the fire matcher. Yes! Yes what? Yes, please!
see & listen
- 249. Lemon strings
Thursday 6th 2007f September
First mix the sugar into the hot water until you get a smooth sirup. Than throw in the lemon strings. Let them cook for about five minutes and add the ginger. While you keep that mix hot, go get the ice cream in the freezer.
see & listen
- 250. People train is for you
Friday 7th 2007f September
Looking for some great occasion to travel accross the continent? People train is for you, the future is not for then, it is now with the People train.
see & listen
- 251. Strong powerhouse build unit
Saturday 8th 2007f September
The grey one is well made, it is a strong powerhouse build unit from the seventies. They knew well how to make unbreakable stuff in those days. Now I don't say today's work is not as good, it's just something I came accross. Or do you think I'm wrong? Naaa, said Layla.
see & listen
- 252. Dirt roll
Sunday 9th 2007f September
I have finished eating. I had bread with cheese, and now I need to give a shot at the dirt roll in order to get rid of all these crumbs. It works really well, it is a great invention.
see & listen
- 253. Question of turns
Monday 10th 2007f September
Sheila is very smart. She knows it is a question of turns when it comes to employee satisfaction. This isn't the first time she's seeing that kind of a fight, and she is willing to resolve it.
see & listen
- 254. Froggle the deep impacter
Tuesday 11th 2007f September
He had a name: Froggle the deep impacter. He was the toughest jet propulsed metal-oxyde reinforced jet missile. Nothing could resist his impact when at full speed. Nothing but now.
see & listen
- 255. Yoddling goats
Wednesday 12th 2007f September
Swiss speciality indeed the yoddling goats are great fun to watch. They yoddle over and over from dusk until dawn. They keep it going and going, dancing and having fun, they are great masters of ceremony.
see & listen
- 256. Helmet decades
Thursday 13th 2007f September
We enter the helmet decades where nobody is ever safe without his reinforced hat. For many years to come humans will have to protect themeselves from thes new deadly weapons from the sky.
see & listen
- 257. Freaking hot cakes
Friday 14th 2007f September
Woa, these are the nasty ones, the ones I did not hope ever to mess with, never to get to know, the freaking hot cakes are so damn' hot, I'm a bit scared.
see & listen
- 258. Velocity increased
Saturday 15th 2007f September
Humbert would say to Jane that was how things where. She'd however not beleive it, and while the velocity increased, she would start taking things a bit more seriously and understand that what he meant was to be listened to.
see & listen
- 259. Burgler and staplers
Sunday 16th 2007f September
I want my ham burgler and staplers for lunch. I am hungry and not willing to negociate. I want my ham burgler and staplers, I won't discuss.
see & listen
- 260. Hotel Desafinado
Monday 17th 2007f September
This is a four star hotel. You will get all the confort you'd expect from a place like Hotel Desafinado, the pool, the bed, the bar, the restaurant, the luxury goods, and that exquisite sense for fashionable items.
see & listen
- 261. Savages in your automobile
Tuesday 18th 2007f September
If you think I am the cause of all the mess in your car, you are wrong. The cause is unexpected but nevertheless true, there where savages in your automobile and they are responsible for all the misshaps.
see & listen
- 262. Humble poet
Wednesday 19th 2007f September
Some inexistant poet would be a humbl poet, but then if you are the one who names himself so, you might find hard to convince him of this.
see & listen
- 263. Yes he did because he could
Thursday 20th 2007f September
Did he do it because he was smart and strong? Well, yes, he did because he could, because he could he did, and because he did we are currently speaking about it.
see & listen
- 264. Kind of a green fandango
Friday 21st 2007f September
Blue, yellow, and green, this is kind of a red, yellow, and orange fandango. Brown, purple, and grey, this is, no, this is kind of a green fandango.
see & listen
- 265. Be fun and grateful
Saturday 22nd 2007f September
If the man at the back offers you a grapefruit juice, don't act like a fool Be fun and grateful and cheer the company, otherwise you'll only look dumb.
see & listen
- 266. Logs in a cabin
Sunday 23rd 2007f September
I was camping some time ago. Two to three years ago to be precise. Everything was neatly organized with all the necessary equipment and goods ready for us to camp. Logs in a cabin to have dry wood for the fire too.
see & listen
- 267. Millions and Sarah
Monday 24th 2007f September
They had these camels they wanted to get rid of. Jim had millions and Sarah, the swap was rather easy but she never really forgave him. What should he care, he was happy now.
see & listen
- 268. Xophoid breakdance
Tuesday 25th 2007f September
Yo the new guy! said Jozzef the tattooed indian guy. Do you know the new dance? Lemmo was not impressed by the tough looks and firm voice. Yo mean the xophoid breakdance? he responded. Yeah, yo know how to practice?
see & listen
- 269. Gentle crocodile
Wednesday 26th 2007f September
Who could ever have imagined such a gentle crocodile? He was so kind with the little kittens. But at the end he ate them anyway.
see & listen
- 270. Wendy is a freak
Thursday 27th 2007f September
All the Wendy's in the audience will excuse me, but the one I'm thinking of will surely recognize herself. Wendy is a freak, but I do appreciate her nonetheless. You hear me Wendy?
see & listen
- 271. Fortissimo madam
Friday 28th 2007f September
Please sir, I would like my steak nice and tasty. Fortissimo madam? Yes, why not, I'm in that mood and I'm hungry. Oh, and make another one for Bob, fortissimo I expect. That's when Bob fainted.
see & listen
- 272. Abort the countdown or go away
Saturday 29th 2007f September
Please abort the countdown or go away. The sake of our planet is my concern, and if I don't expect you to do it, at least leave and let me or one of us do. Come on, don't shy on us like that.
see & listen
- 273. What's the matter
Sunday 30th 2007f September
What could it be. Years of geological and antropological research had slowly answered most of the questions we thought would help us understand better how the Tellegethy lived. But what's the matter now, doesn't the answer nicely fit together?
see & listen
- 274. Elderly saxophones
Monday 1st 2007f October
New isn't trendy. What the people want is free access to elderly saxophones for any occasion to party. Elderly! Saxophones! Elderly! Elderly saxophones for everyone!
see & listen
- 275. Watch the TV
Tuesday 2nd 2007f October
Listen to the radio, read the paper, but don't you ever watch the TV. You might become dumb and then it'll be too late. Don't be a fool.
see & listen
- 276. Use your brains and get out
Wednesday 3rd 2007f October
Please could you for once use your brains and get out? It's sunny outside and miss Leslie Dillo has been waiting for you to go play at the park.
see & listen
- 277. Lemon distribution
Thursday 4th 2007f October
The detail of the retaliation will probably never be known to us, but everything started with lemon distribution. Three years ago the rebellion tried to lock the government in using their droid army, and, as in the old old times, scorbut started to take its toll.
see & listen
- 278. Jump on the table Mickey
Friday 5th 2007f October
Donald is waiting, Minnie is out, Pluto is in the kitchen and you've been waiting for a long time to get drunk and do it. Jump on the table Mickey, and then trash everything in the room, you deserve it.
see & listen
- 279. Ample precedence
Saturday 6th 2007f October
I do confirm I had enough time to manage the fire and the smoke, I did have ample precedence and didn't take it seriously enough. I agree, but I can not take the fault.
see & listen
- 280. Open drafts to go nowhere
Sunday 7th 2007f October
I am not going. There are open drafts to go nowhere and I am not going there. Lemernd did want to, but felt I should come with him, wich I will not.
see & listen
- 281. Funky rhymes
Monday 8th 2007f October
Eleonor was so subtle as to honour whatever dance that shall be brought, Eleonor she had no sore, she was ready and never bore. Eleonor she was so fun, I think we'll always keep her and honor.
see & listen
- 282. Total vacuum cleaner broomstick
Tuesday 9th 2007f October
This is one of the most unbelieved advancements in the history of the human kind. This is the perfect mix between the electric appliance and the simple tool for every day cleaning. Total vacuum cleaner broomstick is it.
see & listen
- 283. Xerox mania
Wednesday 10th 2007f October
She likes to copy, over and over, she likes to duplicate and let the photocopier go loose. She has that xerox mania, and it's getting worse.
see & listen
- 284. Grand finale and lonely brandies
Thursday 11th 2007f October
If you wanted to get me confused you could have said you where going to the grand finale and lonely brandies. I wouldn't have understood and stayed in a frustrated state of shock.
see & listen
- 285. Eminent responder
Friday 12th 2007f October
He is the eminent responder the Nentumburduesterland group told you about. He is fast and he will get that paint job done in less time than you'll have to say it. And when I say it, I mean it.
see & listen
- 286. Polls are futile
Saturday 13th 2007f October
Polls are futile, the result is all that counts.
see & listen
- 287. Master groom and company
Sunday 14th 2007f October
You will be very satisfied by the services of this top rated company that is mine. Master groom and company will deliver, I guarantee it.
see & listen
- 288. Juvenile hero
Monday 15th 2007f October
Yes, he is indeed young but that doesn't make him anything else than a juvenile hero nonetheless. He deserved his price.
see & listen
- 289. Olympic needles
Tuesday 16th 2007f October
The olympic needles have well defined mensurations. They must weight a maximum of 7 grams, a length of 4 centimeters, and a diameter of 0.4 millimiters. Anything else will disqualify the contestants.
see & listen
- 290. Xiphoid and destoid bones
Wednesday 17th 2007f October
If I was the lotoid bone I would be pissed off. All the attention the xiphoid and destoid bones receive is way overdone. These bones found in the paleolitical species of rhinoceratops cornulis are so overrated.
see & listen
- 291. Lucie is a first name that fits
Thursday 18th 2007f October
Mildred is a nice first name but Lucie is a first name that fits much better with her small and svelte silhouette. Come on, don't be too jaleous, your name is great, you don't have to be envious.
see & listen
- 292. Zenetocadortegua
Friday 19th 2007f October
You are a flower lover. Then get out of your sofa, run through the door and go buy a zenetocadortegua. You will love it. And it makes a perfect gift too.
see & listen
- 293. Liability jeopardy
Saturday 20th 2007f October
Hell no. I will not go play liability jeopardy with this bunch of morons. Neil and Evelyne where there too and seemed to have had some hard time, all they wanted to do was leave.
see & listen
- 294. A bomb and all that stuff
Sunday 21st 2007f October
That is quite a big engine you have there. Sounds like a bomb and all that stuff around makes it even more massive looking. I wish I had one too.
see & listen
- 295. The road to the toad is bumpy
Monday 22nd 2007f October
Very smooth ride to the dam. The road to the toad is bumpy. No one ever dared to ride through the old cypress path.
see & listen
- 296. Hop enturfer
Tuesday 23rd 2007f October
Take this hop enturfer. In your journey through space and time it will make things much easier to bear. Take it from me.
see & listen
- 297. Zilver zurfer
Wednesday 24th 2007f October
Pardon my accent, but I happen to be a good friend of ze zilver zurfer and he salutes you thought he could not come wiz me.
see & listen
- 298. Sure things are not brown
Thursday 25th 2007f October
In the sure things category, one thing is for sure, and that is that sure things are not brown. Even sure brownies. They are more like brownish.
see & listen
- 299. Wurst champion
Friday 26th 2007f October
I didn't say the worst champion but wurst champion. No, I didn't express myself poorly, you just didn't listen to me well. Please don't try to make a fool out of everyone else than you, you're plain responsible for your incoherent attention.
see & listen
- 300. Holly citrus juice
Saturday 27th 2007f October
The man made it so because its in his power. The holly citrus juice is above us all, we must respect it. Respect the juice and it will respect you.
see & listen
- 301. Carrying some loads
Sunday 28th 2007f October
The fantastic group of four they made was carrying some loads. Gladfully they had got those great suitcases we all have seen on the television. Superheroes can use some good technology too, it's not just for us basic humans.
see & listen
- 302. Encompassing greyhound
Monday 29th 2007f October
He is an encompassing greyhound, we don't know what that means, but that's what he is.
see & listen
- 303. Turnover gig
Tuesday 30th 2007f October
Every musician gets to change once in a while, this is the turnover gig where everyone gets a chance to play his piece.
see & listen
- 304. Rockets and motorcycles
Wednesday 31st 2007f October
In a near future the only two interesting objects for cyborgs will be rockets and motorcycles. The first to protect them against automatic defense bots, the second to escape from them.
see & listen
- 305. Frivolous hen
Thursday 1st 2007f November
A frivolous hen and an egg makes the farm a more interesting place. That's how the everyday dullness is forgotten to the best of incrdible day to day stories.
see & listen
- 306. Join the tremor
Friday 2nd 2007f November
And once again the whole crew felt inclined to invite the blue bell deep diving freestyle team to join the tremor. No cats will be accepted this time. Too complicated to manage.
see & listen
- 307. Fat ass
Saturday 3rd 2007f November
At first I wanted to say fat booty, but fat ass was a bit more what I intended. So I wrote it down and finally it works as expected, efficiently and expressively.
see & listen
- 308. Derby for a small digger
Sunday 4th 2007f November
The derby for a small digger is a once a year event. Anyone can participate. The fee is hundred and fifty two dollar fifty, or hundred and one euro and fifty cents for those on this side of the ocean. Once payed you'll get all the other important details by regular mail.
see & listen
- 309. Quits while it sits
Monday 5th 2007f November
I really wanted to say this in English, but I can't find any word to translate the french term contrepetrie. Because quits while it sits could well be one, but it is not.
see & listen
- 310. Swiss carbless fat
Tuesday 6th 2007f November
It was very interesting for that process to work. Swiss quality, and seriousness, great taste and near zero calories. Swiss carbless fat is the future of neutral cooking.
see & listen
- 311. Overhead wide space sitting on the sofa
Wednesday 7th 2007f November
Who could understand such an absurd statement without a bit more information on the context. Overhead wide space sitting on the sofa could be meaningless unless you knew that his parents actually named him overhad wide space. Overhead Wide Ppace Mitchell Reymond is a nice guy, just has a complicated name.
see & listen
- 312. Olala
Thursday 8th 2007f November
Olala, this is noisy.
see & listen
- 313. Vicking tribe picknick
Friday 9th 2007f November
The only word in vicking tribe picknick that is correctly written is tribe. Too many c's there are.
see & listen
- 314. Zorro and his dog
Saturday 10th 2007f November
There are a few myths that persist. For example it wasn't Zorro and his horse, but Zorro and his dog. When they filmed the show they however believed it would look too ackards having Zorro sit on a big dog, so that's how this one started.
see & listen
- 315. My brain is dead
Sunday 11th 2007f November
My brain is dead. My feets are still running.
see & listen
- 316. Broohaaahaaa
Monday 12th 2007f November
The wall shaked, the ground was moving, and then the fissures. Broohaaahaaa the whole building collapsed in a huge cloud of dust and flames.
see & listen
- 317. Freaks of the refrigerator
Tuesday 13th 2007f November
The cheese is as nefastious as the chicken loaf in terms of refrigerator social behaviours. The freaks of the refrigerator have their own laws and beware if you don't respect them.
see & listen
- 318. Chaussette
Wednesday 14th 2007f November
Say byebye to the chaussette because it is leaving now. Yes it is not late yet, but she's getting bored.
see & listen
- 319. I wonder why and what
Thursday 15th 2007f November
Not to say there are no clues on the whereabouts of the diverse protagonists, but I wonder why and what, and maybe even where the last standing officer went after tea.
see & listen
- 320. The Svens are coming
Friday 16th 2007f November
They planned this family reunion for a month. Everything was set. The menu was decided as to accomoate all tastes, beverages where the finest that could, even the musical playlist was chosen in order to please everyone. That was without knowing the little detail that would ruin the party. The Svens are coming, and they don't intend to do soft figuration.
see & listen
- 321. Ordinary writer
Saturday 17th 2007f November
Joel is one of those ordinary writers that just writes ordinary stuff for ordinary readers. His salary is nothing extraordinary and he drives an ordinary car from his dull home to his boring work. In an ordinary world he is quite fit.
see & listen
- 322. Sweets and lime
Sunday 18th 2007f November
Hello grand mommy, I thought you'd like some sweets and lime, so I brought you some. Oh thank you my youngster, she replied, I do love sweets and lime, thank you, thank you very much. Come here and lets take a cup of tea together.
see & listen
- 323. Rupertrainfolg
Monday 19th 2007f November
If you concatenate the first name Rupert with the word rain and add folg at the end you get Rupertrainfolg, which doesn't sound half as bad as what it doesn't mean.
see & listen
- 324. Jump around and tell her why
Tuesday 20th 2007f November
Entertain your spouse by letting your imagination express itself. For example you could juggle with three chikens and a tomato or jump around and tell her why with a potato in your mouth. These are only two great ways to cheer up the ambiance in your homely life, much better than renting a DVD.
see & listen
- 325. Grumpy old cat
Wednesday 21st 2007f November
The school kids are in the van. They know they shouldn't have brought Sam the grumpy old cat with them for this chocolate factory visit, but the poor old fellow never gets a chance to go out. This will be a first, and he'll love it, guaranteed.
see & listen
- 326. Wang and willy
Thursday 22nd 2007f November
Hand in hand they went to the town. To buy some wood they did. So holly and cheerful they sang the songs, they where Wang and Willy and they where happy.
see & listen
- 327. Petite pain
Friday 23rd 2007f November
Never ever add a e to petit when you try to write petit pain. This is french and pain is of the masculine gender, otherwise it would be petite pain, and this could me misinterpreted. We didn't ask the bread, maybe we should.
see & listen
- 328. A wip is no cream
Saturday 24th 2007f November
Yeeehaaa the cowboy is going to cook for us tonight. He is the only one who makes deserts right, because a wip is no cream, you need to master its handling to get perfect results. The cowboy has got the training, and we can't wait for the feast.
see & listen
- 329. Flow the tears
Sunday 25th 2007f November
Yo my man, let it go. You feel bad, let flow the tears, I won't tell. Let them go, let them wash away all that's gone, let them renew your soul. Rejuvenate.
see & listen
- 330. Yellow raspberries
Monday 26th 2007f November
A little too early to take, they are not ripe yet. The yellow raspberries tasted however great. Very refined to the palate, not too sugary.
see & listen
- 331. Bronze trespasser
Tuesday 27th 2007f November
First place for Jacky the gold wanderer, second place for the silver random walker, and third the courageous yet brave bronze trespasser who cheered us all with his incrdible technique of the sackbag relapse overthrow.
see & listen
- 332. The fast cars and the bus
Wednesday 28th 2007f November
Nothing would have escaped the wave, not even the fast cars and the bus. All but a tricycle did it right, and that was the red little tricycle the small Kenny Mitchell Jr had received for his four years' birthday.
see & listen
- 333. Lemurs are sailing
Thursday 29th 2007f November
They don't walk anymore between three and four pm. Now the lemurs are sailing because it is one of these joyful activities our new lifestyle has imposed as a new means of releasing the society's induced pressure.
see & listen
- 334. Gogo dancers and shit
Friday 30th 2007f November
All I want are gogodancers and shit. All I will is sing and jump around in pain. All they'll ever think is noting at all and sanitize.
see & listen
- 335. Erwinzuberlowovski
Saturday 1st 2007f December
The inventor of the overlofering vienese vienerschnitzel wurst is a guy named Erwinzuberlowovski but no one cares.
see & listen
- 336. Gums and teeth
Sunday 2nd 2007f December
Yes, said the dentist before letting his last breath fade away. His dream had come true, a world full of gums and teeth, with nothing else than beautiful sunsets and nake woman to fascinate him.
see & listen
- 337. Savant revolutions in a day
Monday 3rd 2007f December
How many savant revolutions in a day can you fit in your drawer? I would not guess more than seventeen, but maybe it would be a bit less. Jeremy at the back of the class had guessed something like twelve, but Deril not more than five. No, really, we weren't savants enough.
see & listen
- 338. Short
Tuesday 4th 2007f December
A small pant can also simply be named a short.
see & listen
- 339. Ovoid frascatti dinner
Wednesday 5th 2007f December
While the other guests slurped on the final deserts, the ovoid frascatti dinner associates where nowhere to be found. For sure something suspicious was taking place.
see & listen
- 340. Don't kill the tarantulaah
Thursday 6th 2007f December
Elaborate plans to circumvent the odd animal. Whatever it might be, don't fool the beast, don't kill the tarantulaah. Too late.
see & listen
- 341. Ripe and raw
Friday 7th 2007f December
All the fruit cargo was in as good a shape as it could be: ripe and raw, fruity and delicious. The oranges, the peaches, the apricots where desireable and one could feel the saliva drip from everyones mouth.
see & listen
- 342. Happy marshmallow
Saturday 8th 2007f December
Someone forgot him in the bottom of the bag. The fire is out now. The scouts are all asleep and the last marshmallow feels contempt. He is a happy marshmallow indeed. Who wouldn't?
see & listen
- 343. Queried to let go
Sunday 9th 2007f December
He was told he sould be here before noon if he wanted to make it a deal. He was here, but his farm buddy was not and the delay was expected to be over.
see & listen
- 344. Superbricks
Monday 10th 2007f December
No mortar will be needed for you to build the dreamhouse your spouse had looked upon. These superbricks don't need anything to glue tight together. And they come with a 50 years limited warranty.
see & listen
- 345. Jill and Lucy are friends forever
Tuesday 11th 2007f December
The two little girls had drawn magical properties from the herbal tea they had drank that early summer afternoon at the park. Jill and Lucy are friends forever, and ever, because of that simple event and foul smelling infusion.
see & listen
- 346. The devil is a savant lemur
Wednesday 12th 2007f December
Your cow liks grass and the devil is a savant lemur. There are way too many lemurs grinding around here but he is the only one with a large brain in lemurland.
see & listen
- 347. Paper brick
Thursday 13th 2007f December
Scissors, stones and lettuce, combined to paper brick and electrical barb wire make an evening at the Jones an interesting adventure the whole family can enjoy. You can even bring your dog.
see & listen
- 348. Analphabet soup
Friday 14th 2007f December
I used to get it sour when I had to compose complete and intelligible sentences from my soup. Now with the new cans of analphabet soup, this nightmare is over, I can concentrate on my food again.
see & listen
- 349. War hot tub
Saturday 15th 2007f December
More energy efficient than any other bathroom appliance is the war hot tub. Instant warming up with each grenade or bazooka explosion, and you even get the bubbles. This is a one day offer you may want to consider as you might never find such a bargain again.
see & listen
- 350. Well under the pipes
Sunday 16th 2007f December
She feels so low, so down, well under the pipes, below the ground, deep into earth and she just wish she'd be drained for something else as boring and casual day to day hassles.
see & listen
- 351. Cortex and style
Monday 17th 2007f December
All the boys need are cortex and style. Good looking babes, fantastic cars, money, fancy clothes are just the artefacts and being stupid would be to deny it.
see & listen
- 352. Abort the frosted jello punch
Tuesday 18th 2007f December
This was a top secret mission with a stupid name. James knew he was in a bit of a mayhem when he arrived at Lebertovic airport, abort the frosted jello punch was all that could say the blond long-legged stewardess when she saw him, that was all.
see & listen
- 353. Not too shabby
Wednesday 19th 2007f December
Not too shabby. Pretty sturdy. Greatly improved, well designed cover box for all the fashionista in town. Complicated relation between form and function, nothing is there to invert the stance.
see & listen
- 354. Volerian headsets
Thursday 20th 2007f December
Stereophonic volerian headsets to get a grasp on all the intricate subtelties of modern sounding hardcore rock combos. Check this out, yo gals and guys.
see & listen
- 355. None of the well known stars
Friday 21st 2007f December
Please be seated to your convenience, none of the well known stars will come, so take a rest, feel confortable and take a nap. This will otherwise feel like it lasts forever.
see & listen
- 356. Hurdles and biben
Saturday 22nd 2007f December
Make her happy and subscribe to hurdles and biben magazine, the magazine for the modern homely man. You deserve it and your home too.
see & listen
- 357. Hop into the wall
Sunday 23rd 2007f December
The running phelmonous chicks wanted to run and hop into the wall, a wall made of plain fruit pasta with a glimpse of citrus syrup. What a dream, but only it, as the world isn't so sweet as we all know.
see & listen
- 358. Fulgurant savor
Monday 24th 2007f December
The lemony fruity taste was a perfect blend with the crunchyness and the juicy pulp of the fruit, this fulgurant savor could only be devoured by someone like her.
see & listen
- 359. Ginger bear butterflies
Tuesday 25th 2007f December
Kelly and John liked to collect old socks. Some of them where still inhabited by our little friends from the savannah, the butter bear butterflies. They are carnivorous, but don't eat men, so there are only a small risk if you fall asleep.
see & listen
- 360. Crocodile instincts
Wednesday 26th 2007f December
To let things go out of control, to make things happen in an untimely fashion, to hold on things that don't matter anymore, that's having crocodile instincts and nothing else.
see & listen
- 361. Snails of the Carribean
Thursday 27th 2007f December
We must preserve the wonderful fauna of the tropical islands, we must take care of the snails of the Carribean before they are all gone, to let some nature to see for the future generations.
see & listen
- 362. Leftovers
Friday 28th 2007f December
Too much at once and leftovers for weeks to come. This is a fact that I wish I could forget. We'll have to eat through it.
see & listen
- 363. Nothing better than an oyster
Saturday 29th 2007f December
You can love mussels, you can praise foie gras, you can delectate yourself with turkey breasts, but there is nothing better than an oyster for new year's eve. On second thought, maybe the turkey breast.
see & listen
- 364. Farms for the men
Sunday 30th 2007f December
They need the activity to move their muscles and lose the power to think. If we want to preserve our social package and priviledges, we need farms for the men, ok, we're men too, but not the same.
see & listen
- 365. Slam the door please
Monday 31st 2008f December
Repeat after me: slam the door please. Once more: slam the door please. That was good but you can do better: slam the door please. Ok, fine, this one was good, please slam the door, please.
see & listen
- 366. Left on the right of the central lane
Tuesday 1st 2008f January
Until you beg, the time is so, as you fled. Hold me now, sort of how, I won't blink.
see & listen
- 367. Here they come the hopeless milkmen
Wednesday 2nd 2008f January
Don't leave inside, believe they ride, the time is now, you hide, hourra. I will go through, and feel the tide, you hit me too.
see & listen
- 368. Central california but a little north
Thursday 3rd 2008f January
see & listen
- 369. Invitation to go to the ball
Friday 4th 2008f January
see & listen
- 370. Seemingly less friendly than Max
Saturday 5th 2008f January
see & listen
- 371. Rhum is not something you can drink like that
Sunday 6th 2008f January
see & listen
- 372. Elephants and crustacea
Monday 7th 2008f January
see & listen
- 373. Nasty sausage and cheese
Tuesday 8th 2008f January
see & listen
- 374. Infidel rumpsteak
Wednesday 9th 2008f January
see & listen
- 375. Queens of nuts and sweet chocolate ducks
Thursday 10th 2008f January
see & listen
- 376. Fried, cute, and lovely
Friday 11th 2008f January
see & listen
- 377. Astronomic fields and pumas
Saturday 12th 2008f January
see & listen
- 378. Winds of the funky national railroad
Sunday 13th 2008f January
see & listen
- 379. Swimming in the past
Monday 14th 2008f January
see & listen
- 380. Yellow parka pumping pumpkins
Tuesday 15th 2008f January
see & listen
- 381. Limitless fraction of an anticipated moron
Wednesday 16th 2008f January
see & listen
- 382. Cups in a refrigerator
Thursday 17th 2008f January
see & listen
- 383. Olav the frontier's man
Friday 18th 2008f January
see & listen
- 385. Calm stuffed racoon
Sunday 20th 2008f January
see & listen
- 388. Nuts from space and a far
Wednesday 23rd 2008f January
see & listen
- 390. 20080125_73_oldtimemordelbe.mp3
Friday 25th 2008f January
see & listen
- 391. 20080126_121_savagebanana.mp3
Saturday 26th 2008f January
see & listen
- 392. 20080127_81_horticulturalso.mp3
Sunday 27th 2008f January
see & listen
- 393. 20080128_77_ravensquare.mp3
Monday 28th 2008f January
see & listen
- 394. 20080129_105_letthembethesi.mp3
Tuesday 29th 2008f January
see & listen
- 395. 20080130_131_squarerootsofe.mp3
Wednesday 30th 2008f January
see & listen
- 396. 20080131_87_milkonthego.mp3
Thursday 31st 2008f January
see & listen
- 397. 20080201_208_bouncymatic.mp3
Friday 1st 2008f February
see & listen
- 398. 20080202_153_absolutqueenso.mp3
Saturday 2nd 2008f February
see & listen
- 399. 20080203_97_yesididbalanceb.mp3
Sunday 3rd 2008f February
see & listen
- 400. 20080204_122_ulteriorfricti.mp3
Monday 4th 2008f February
see & listen
- 401. 20080205_84_wellnessisacomp.mp3
Tuesday 5th 2008f February
see & listen
- 402. 20080206_gruntsofavikingnig.mp3
Wednesday 6th 2008f February
see & listen
- 403. 20080207_72_mishap.mp3
Thursday 7th 2008f February
see & listen
- 404. 20080208_95_drippingbeauty.mp3
Friday 8th 2008f February
see & listen
- 405. 20080209_72_aristocraticdre.mp3
Saturday 9th 2008f February
see & listen
- 406. 20080210_95_lunaticwomennak.mp3
Sunday 10th 2008f February
see & listen
- 407. 20080211_72_imakeastrangeso.mp3
Monday 11th 2008f February
see & listen
- 408. 20080212_101_pancakesandhap.mp3
Tuesday 12th 2008f February
see & listen
- 409. 20080213_125_grossthesaurus.mp3
Wednesday 13th 2008f February
see & listen
- 410. 20080214_120_hellobongoman.mp3
Thursday 14th 2008f February
see & listen
- 411. 20080215_125_readmylipsorwe.mp3
Friday 15th 2008f February
see & listen
- 412. 20080216_81_fencingtheeverg.mp3
Saturday 16th 2008f February
see & listen
- 413. 20080217_144_jobisdonenowgo.mp3
Sunday 17th 2008f February
see & listen
- 414. 20080218_66_recordedrichres.mp3
Monday 18th 2008f February
see & listen
- 415. 20080219_103_woppingpingpon.mp3
Tuesday 19th 2008f February
see & listen
- 416. 20080220_137_deletingthegan.mp3
Wednesday 20th 2008f February
see & listen
- 417. 20080221_88_freakingwelldre.mp3
Thursday 21st 2008f February
see & listen
- 418. 20080222_130_federatingthen.mp3
Friday 22nd 2008f February
see & listen
- 419. 20080223_106_leningradfromt.mp3
Saturday 23rd 2008f February
see & listen
- 420. 20080224_77_truthonthefirst.mp3
Sunday 24th 2008f February
see & listen
- 421. 20080225_79_zinfandelforthe.mp3
Monday 25th 2008f February
see & listen
- 422. 20080226_109_gregorythehybr.mp3
Tuesday 26th 2008f February
see & listen
- 423. 20080227_79_typingmachine.mp3
Wednesday 27th 2008f February
see & listen
- 424. 20080228_58_jokesforfun.mp3
Thursday 28th 2008f February
see & listen
- 425. 20080229_120_washyourplateb.mp3
Friday 29th 2008f February
see & listen
- 426. 20080301_106_sausagefrommar.mp3
Saturday 1st 2008f March
see & listen
- 427. 20080302_79_whereisthecat.mp3
Sunday 2nd 2008f March
see & listen
- 428. 20080303_118_compositionfor.mp3
Monday 3rd 2008f March
see & listen
- 429. 20080304_96_vermouthballsof.mp3
Tuesday 4th 2008f March
see & listen
- 430. 20080305_80_yummyitlooksgoo.mp3
Wednesday 5th 2008f March
see & listen
- 431. 20080306_87_jefferswoan.mp3
Thursday 6th 2008f March
see & listen
- 432. 20080307_104_axingthesavann.mp3
Friday 7th 2008f March
see & listen
- 433. 20080308_87_highanxietyanda.mp3
Saturday 8th 2008f March
see & listen
- 434. 20080309_131_foldingthegrea.mp3
Sunday 9th 2008f March
see & listen
- 435. 20080310_91_analphabetandse.mp3
Monday 10th 2008f March
see & listen
- 436. 20080311_85_wetflatcarpet.mp3
Tuesday 11th 2008f March
see & listen
- 437. 20080312_68_weepyoubetterdo.mp3
Wednesday 12th 2008f March
see & listen
- 438. 20080313_74_thedarkisland.mp3
Thursday 13th 2008f March
see & listen
- 439. 20080314_121_illusionsandha.mp3
Friday 14th 2008f March
see & listen
- 440. 20080315_93_karmaandfriends.mp3
Saturday 15th 2008f March
see & listen
- 441. 20080316_85_allrightyourinc.mp3
Sunday 16th 2008f March
see & listen
- 442. 20080317_90_lionortarantula.mp3
Monday 17th 2008f March
see & listen
- 443. 20080318_104_truthtobesoldo.mp3
Tuesday 18th 2008f March
see & listen
- 444. 20080319_97_questionstomake.mp3
Wednesday 19th 2008f March
see & listen
- 445. 20080320_86_natashasbrownha.mp3
Thursday 20th 2008f March
see & listen
- 446. 20080321_86_jeronimohumps.mp3
Friday 21st 2008f March
see & listen
- 447. 20080322_68_whumpattack.mp3
Saturday 22nd 2008f March
see & listen
- 448. 20080323_81_gnagnagnagruamp.mp3
Sunday 23rd 2008f March
see & listen
- 449. 20080324_122_financetogetyo.mp3
Monday 24th 2008f March
see & listen
- 450. 20080325_68_elleonestauneno.mp3
Tuesday 25th 2008f March
see & listen
- 451. 20080326_112_flocksoffluffy.mp3
Wednesday 26th 2008f March
see & listen
- 452. 20080327_93_nofootforyourhe.mp3
Thursday 27th 2008f March
see & listen
- 453. 20080328_111_lickthenoise.mp3
Friday 28th 2008f March
see & listen
- 454. 20080329_86_difficultytorei.mp3
Saturday 29th 2008f March
see & listen
- 455. 20080330_111_saltwisconsind.mp3
Sunday 30th 2008f March
see & listen
- 456. 20080331_64_hotcatfromnonad.mp3
Monday 31st 2008f March
see & listen
- 457. 20080401_135_eleonorecouldm.mp3
Tuesday 1st 2008f April
see & listen
- 458. 20080402_103_gnagnarakamazo.mp3
Wednesday 2nd 2008f April
see & listen
- 459. 20080403_104_wasitacompendi.mp3
Thursday 3rd 2008f April
see & listen
- 460. 20080404_88_jimmyblazetheti.mp3
Friday 4th 2008f April
see & listen
- 461. 20080405_129_glassestotheri.mp3
Saturday 5th 2008f April
see & listen
- 462. 20080406_128_hawksoftheston.mp3
Sunday 6th 2008f April
see & listen
- 463. 20080407_86_fartman.mp3
Monday 7th 2008f April
see & listen
- 464. 20080408_129_gradualextinct.mp3
Tuesday 8th 2008f April
see & listen
- 465. 20080409_69_hellocopter.mp3
Wednesday 9th 2008f April
see & listen
- 466. 20080410_115_errataforlouis.mp3
Thursday 10th 2008f April
see & listen
- 467. 20080411_81_cheaptricks.mp3
Friday 11th 2008f April
see & listen
- 468. 20080412_123_hilluncutmilia.mp3
Saturday 12th 2008f April
see & listen
- 469. 20080413_140_thedingdongisr.mp3
Sunday 13th 2008f April
see & listen
- 470. 20080414_99_legstogoupthend.mp3
Monday 14th 2008f April
see & listen
- 471. 20080415_133_zulindongrandp.mp3
Tuesday 15th 2008f April
see & listen
- 472. 20080416_81_wagesfortwonuts.mp3
Wednesday 16th 2008f April
see & listen
- 473. 20080417_80_theretofuswillf.mp3
Thursday 17th 2008f April
see & listen
- 474. 20080418_122_eleonorcurnico.mp3
Friday 18th 2008f April
see & listen
- 475. 20080419_95_aquousvermouthm.mp3
Saturday 19th 2008f April
see & listen
- 476. 20080420_138_gallliverfores.mp3
Sunday 20th 2008f April
see & listen
- 477. 20080421_98_trimesterflankp.mp3
Monday 21st 2008f April
see & listen
- 478. 20080422_96_nelltherainbowg.mp3
Tuesday 22nd 2008f April
see & listen
- 479. 20080423_80_rubberbouncer.mp3
Wednesday 23rd 2008f April
see & listen
- 480. 20080424_99_ilovetobeonatig.mp3
Thursday 24th 2008f April
see & listen
- 481. 20080425_141_errornumberten.mp3
Friday 25th 2008f April
see & listen
- 482. 20080426_98_theswimmingraco.mp3
Saturday 26th 2008f April
see & listen
- 483. 20080427_87_yellowducklings.mp3
Sunday 27th 2008f April
see & listen
- 484. 20080428_123_thealphabetrea.mp3
Monday 28th 2008f April
see & listen
- 485. 20080429_102_rimsandchromiu.mp3
Tuesday 29th 2008f April
see & listen
- 486. 20080430_120_nimblemarinewi.mp3
Wednesday 30th 2008f April
see & listen
- 487. 20080501_149_oblivionandbey.mp3
Thursday 1st 2008f May
see & listen
- 488. 20080502_65_pridetoliveinaf.mp3
Friday 2nd 2008f May
see & listen
- 489. 20080503_94_hempandcottontr.mp3
Saturday 3rd 2008f May
see & listen
- 490. 20080504_99_deafasanailinad.mp3
Sunday 4th 2008f May
see & listen
- 491. 20080505_100_zeltonice.mp3
Monday 5th 2008f May
see & listen
- 492. 20080506_69_ahappycouple.mp3
Tuesday 6th 2008f May
see & listen
- 493. 20080507_132_cornerofmystre.mp3
Wednesday 7th 2008f May
see & listen
- 494. 20080508_170_tremendousnutc.mp3
Thursday 8th 2008f May
see & listen
- 495. 20080509_85_jillthestifftur.mp3
Friday 9th 2008f May
see & listen
- 496. 20080510_100_knucklemix.mp3
Saturday 10th 2008f May
see & listen
- 497. 20080511_89_selftaughtgnocc.mp3
Sunday 11th 2008f May
see & listen
- 498. 20080512_136_limitsofinfini.mp3
Monday 12th 2008f May
see & listen
- 499. 20080513_108_quitenotwhatiw.mp3
Tuesday 13th 2008f May
see & listen
- 500. 20080514_108_glueforyourear.mp3
Wednesday 14th 2008f May
see & listen
- 501. 20080515_67_frustratedduckb.mp3
Thursday 15th 2008f May
see & listen
- 502. 20080516_89_oldtimeturntabl.mp3
Friday 16th 2008f May
see & listen
- 503. 20080517_138_dribblemyglobu.mp3
Saturday 17th 2008f May
see & listen
- 504. 20080518_99_gregarioussourc.mp3
Sunday 18th 2008f May
see & listen
- 505. 20080519_164_zeroonall.mp3
Monday 19th 2008f May
see & listen
- 506. 20080520_109_errornumbertwe.mp3
Tuesday 20th 2008f May
see & listen
- 507. 20080521_70_jupiterforasubs.mp3
Wednesday 21st 2008f May
see & listen
- 508. 20080522_111_lurkyourwidow.mp3
Thursday 22nd 2008f May
see & listen
- 509. 20080523_83_flishandchlips.mp3
Friday 23rd 2008f May
see & listen
- 510. 20080524_160_bigmotorbike.mp3
Saturday 24th 2008f May
see & listen
- 511. 20080525_91_ripenutmegandcr.mp3
Sunday 25th 2008f May
see & listen
- 512. 20080526_124_lumbarpunctuat.mp3
Monday 26th 2008f May
see & listen
- 513. 20080527_97_clawsofmymummy.mp3
Tuesday 27th 2008f May
see & listen
- 514. 20080528_88_shrubsfromjupit.mp3
Wednesday 28th 2008f May
see & listen
- 515. 20080529_135_thecountryoffo.mp3
Thursday 29th 2008f May
see & listen
- 516. 20080530_69_illbuthappytoju.mp3
Friday 30th 2008f May
see & listen
- 517. 20080531_129_rerunofaclassi.mp3
Saturday 31st 2008f May
see & listen
- 518. 20080601_83_solarhemispheri.mp3
Sunday 1st 2008f June
see & listen
- 519. 20080602_144_turmoilandfilt.mp3
Monday 2nd 2008f June
see & listen
- 520. 20080603_105_hashandcrisscr.mp3
Tuesday 3rd 2008f June
see & listen
- 521. 20080604_88_obsoletelaundry.mp3
Wednesday 4th 2008f June
see & listen
- 522. 20080605_115_deepeningtheam.mp3
Thursday 5th 2008f June
see & listen
- 523. 20080606_81_worshipthefried.mp3
Friday 6th 2008f June
see & listen
- 524. 20080607_120_nicelittleinse.mp3
Saturday 7th 2008f June
see & listen
- 525. 20080608_168_asphaltmayonna.mp3
Sunday 8th 2008f June
see & listen
- 526. 20080609_84_bartenderwithah.mp3
Monday 9th 2008f June
see & listen
- 527. 20080610_132_forestfire.mp3
Tuesday 10th 2008f June
see & listen
- 528. 20080611_87_halibutpotatofr.mp3
Wednesday 11th 2008f June
see & listen
- 529. 20080612_104_mynameismichae.mp3
Thursday 12th 2008f June
see & listen
- 530. 20080613_117_luggagesatrest.mp3
Friday 13th 2008f June
see & listen
- 531. 20080614_98_sedativerebound.mp3
Saturday 14th 2008f June
see & listen
- 532. 20080615_75_oftentrestraine.mp3
Sunday 15th 2008f June
see & listen
- 533. 20080616_124_oldtimesfeelgo.mp3
Monday 16th 2008f June
see & listen
- 534. 20080617_100_trinityofthesh.mp3
Tuesday 17th 2008f June
see & listen
- 535. 20080618_145_sadenessness.mp3
Wednesday 18th 2008f June
see & listen
- 536. 20080619_81_noseofthefinest.mp3
Thursday 19th 2008f June
see & listen
- 537. 20080620_112_gruesomebunch.mp3
Friday 20th 2008f June
see & listen
- 538. 20080621_111_forcedantimorp.mp3
Saturday 21st 2008f June
see & listen
- 539. 20080622_72_jubilatoryitisf.mp3
Sunday 22nd 2008f June
see & listen
- 540. 20080623_105_jerrylandmiste.mp3
Monday 23rd 2008f June
see & listen
- 541. 20080624_127_clubsforgolfbe.mp3
Tuesday 24th 2008f June
see & listen
- 542. 20080625_88_cleverwassinbad.mp3
Wednesday 25th 2008f June
see & listen
- 543. 20080626_102_craniospillosi.mp3
Thursday 26th 2008f June
see & listen
- 544. 20080627_134_ultranight.mp3
Friday 27th 2008f June
see & listen
- 545. 20080628_94_alderstuffedbil.mp3
Saturday 28th 2008f June
see & listen
- 546. 20080629_120_freakingnightm.mp3
Sunday 29th 2008f June
see & listen
- 547. 20080630_82_justasmallswims.mp3
Monday 30th 2008f June
see & listen
- 548. 20080701_133_defyingthenerd.mp3
Tuesday 1st 2008f July
see & listen
- 549. 20080702_147_grizzlybearsin.mp3
Wednesday 2nd 2008f July
see & listen
- 550. 20080703_99_clevermastermin.mp3
Thursday 3rd 2008f July
see & listen
- 551. 20080704_96_astromedia.mp3
Friday 4th 2008f July
see & listen
- 552. 20080705_127_makemesmile.mp3
Saturday 5th 2008f July
see & listen
- 553. 20080706_79_haroldthecheesy.mp3
Sunday 6th 2008f July
see & listen
- 554. 20080707_120_zuperitzfinige.mp3
Monday 7th 2008f July
see & listen
- 555. 20080708_95_calamari.mp3
Tuesday 8th 2008f July
see & listen
- 556. 20080709_81_julyinaugusttha.mp3
Wednesday 9th 2008f July
see & listen
- 557. 20080710_142_halfatonofmeat.mp3
Thursday 10th 2008f July
see & listen
- 558. 20080711_110_yeahyeahyeah.mp3
Friday 11th 2008f July
see & listen
- 559. 20080712_124_gantryefficien.mp3
Saturday 12th 2008f July
see & listen
- 560. 20080713_64_enamelisagreatt.mp3
Sunday 13th 2008f July
see & listen
- 561. 20080714_104_lyricsextruded.mp3
Monday 14th 2008f July
see & listen
- 562. 20080715_130_twowheelsforaf.mp3
Tuesday 15th 2008f July
see & listen
- 563. 20080716_89_wobblemyhuddlet.mp3
Wednesday 16th 2008f July
see & listen
- 564. 20080717_60_niagleprotonicd.mp3
Thursday 17th 2008f July
see & listen
- 565. 20080718_115_ricecrispiers.mp3
Friday 18th 2008f July
see & listen
- 566. 20080719_70_therearenogoode.mp3
Saturday 19th 2008f July
see & listen
- 567. 20080720_130_mayhansrethink.mp3
Sunday 20th 2008f July
see & listen
- 568. 20080721_137_shedeservespot.mp3
Monday 21st 2008f July
see & listen
- 569. 20080722_146_juliustheoneth.mp3
Tuesday 22nd 2008f July
see & listen
- 570. 20080723_113_thereisnoconso.mp3
Wednesday 23rd 2008f July
see & listen
- 571. 20080724_90_trogloditehemip.mp3
Thursday 24th 2008f July
see & listen
- 572. 20080725_73_higherthanmiste.mp3
Friday 25th 2008f July
see & listen
- 573. 20080726_83_repeatmesilentl.mp3
Saturday 26th 2008f July
see & listen
- 574. 20080727_109_trevormacgrego.mp3
Sunday 27th 2008f July
see & listen
- 575. 20080728_112_folkindianpeng.mp3
Monday 28th 2008f July
see & listen
- 576. 20080729_107_shedances.mp3
Tuesday 29th 2008f July
see & listen
- 577. 20080730_86_crumblenunut.mp3
Wednesday 30th 2008f July
see & listen
- 578. 20080731_72_sweatthenuts.mp3
Thursday 31st 2008f July
see & listen
- 579. 20080801_85_ludicruousstraw.mp3
Friday 1st 2008f August
see & listen
- 580. 20080802_87_odetomusk.mp3
Saturday 2nd 2008f August
see & listen
- 581. 20080803_83_jillthebluebird.mp3
Sunday 3rd 2008f August
see & listen
- 582. 20080804_102_killmoe.mp3
Monday 4th 2008f August
see & listen
- 583. 20080805_83_saviourofallsou.mp3
Tuesday 5th 2008f August
see & listen
- 584. 20080806_146_uingramoutz.mp3
Wednesday 6th 2008f August
see & listen
- 585. 20080807_103_tricornvsunico.mp3
Thursday 7th 2008f August
see & listen
- 586. 20080808_136_thesmartlionan.mp3
Friday 8th 2008f August
see & listen
- 587. 20080809_82_foulsteam.mp3
Saturday 9th 2008f August
see & listen
- 588. 20080810_98_ornamentaltogo.mp3
Sunday 10th 2008f August
see & listen
- 589. 20080811_126_youmakethebest.mp3
Monday 11th 2008f August
see & listen
- 590. 20080812_83_alligator.mp3
Tuesday 12th 2008f August
see & listen
- 591. 20080813_120_thesmallestbud.mp3
Wednesday 13th 2008f August
see & listen
- 592. 20080814_118_kultofgrubbock.mp3
Thursday 14th 2008f August
see & listen
- 593. 20080815_92_westingtontown.mp3
Friday 15th 2008f August
see & listen
- 594. 20080816_155_decadenceofthe.mp3
Saturday 16th 2008f August
see & listen
- 595. 20080817_93_getmesomesoda.mp3
Sunday 17th 2008f August
see & listen
- 596. 20080818_86_hardtrackstogo.mp3
Monday 18th 2008f August
see & listen
- 597. 20080819_133_awakeningtoair.mp3
Tuesday 19th 2008f August
see & listen
- 598. 20080820_57_urticarianurban.mp3
Wednesday 20th 2008f August
see & listen
- 599. 20080821_150_hewoulddothing.mp3
Thursday 21st 2008f August
see & listen
- 600. 20080822_90_yellingtobefree.mp3
Friday 22nd 2008f August
see & listen
- 601. 20080823_84_illuminatedshel.mp3
Saturday 23rd 2008f August
see & listen
- 602. 20080824_122_filtaisnonchal.mp3
Sunday 24th 2008f August
see & listen
- 603. 20080825_126_zeroinone.mp3
Monday 25th 2008f August
see & listen
- 604. 20080826_86_lucianotheplumb.mp3
Tuesday 26th 2008f August
see & listen
- 605. 20080827_103_isittimetogofo.mp3
Wednesday 27th 2008f August
see & listen
- 606. 20080828_103_thetraincrosse.mp3
Thursday 28th 2008f August
see & listen
- 607. 20080829_104_loringhamhamsa.mp3
Friday 29th 2008f August
see & listen
- 608. 20080830_89_mighthaveitoldy.mp3
Saturday 30th 2008f August
see & listen
- 609. 20080831_132_papadapap.mp3
Sunday 31st 2008f August
see & listen
- 610. 20080901_98_leftmanshammer.mp3
Monday 1st 2008f September
see & listen
- 611. 20080902_128_recordingmynig.mp3
Tuesday 2nd 2008f September
see & listen
- 612. 20080903_91_sondertracks.mp3
Wednesday 3rd 2008f September
see & listen
- 613. 20080904_133_reversemitchel.mp3
Thursday 4th 2008f September
see & listen
- 614. 20080905_130_elephantiasisj.mp3
Friday 5th 2008f September
see & listen
- 615. 20080906_120_verticalwasher.mp3
Saturday 6th 2008f September
see & listen
- 616. 20080907_99_errornumbernine.mp3
Sunday 7th 2008f September
see & listen
- 617. 20080908_80_whywouldyoulike.mp3
Monday 8th 2008f September
see & listen
- 618. 20080909_104_lumbagodorsals.mp3
Tuesday 9th 2008f September
see & listen
- 619. 20080910_88_iwantthesugarco.mp3
Wednesday 10th 2008f September
see & listen
- 620. 20080911_103_theyveallgotth.mp3
Thursday 11th 2008f September
see & listen
- 621. 20080912_124_bangyoureggnog.mp3
Friday 12th 2008f September
see & listen
- 622. 20080913_145_theplumberyest.mp3
Saturday 13th 2008f September
see & listen
- 623. 20080914_81_nurtureyourblon.mp3
Sunday 14th 2008f September
see & listen
- 624. 20080915_139_herthingsgotst.mp3
Monday 15th 2008f September
see & listen
- 625. 20080916_101_fishsoupwasthe.mp3
Tuesday 16th 2008f September
see & listen
- 626. 20080917_61_rainforestfrogs.mp3
Wednesday 17th 2008f September
see & listen
- 627. 20080918_136_hockeyleaguema.mp3
Thursday 18th 2008f September
see & listen
- 628. 20080919_83_drivenfromobliv.mp3
Friday 19th 2008f September
see & listen
- 629. 20080920_118_theraceistight.mp3
Saturday 20th 2008f September
see & listen
- 630. 20080921_125_jadethenicewai.mp3
Sunday 21st 2008f September
see & listen
- 631. 20080922_117_cofelnorgforap.mp3
Monday 22nd 2008f September
see & listen
- 632. 20080923_88_helpmeraisethed.mp3
Tuesday 23rd 2008f September
see & listen
- 633. 20080924_117_mackerelhaveth.mp3
Wednesday 24th 2008f September
see & listen
- 634. 20080925_95_callataxi.mp3
Thursday 25th 2008f September
see & listen
- 635. 20080926_105_inthenameoftru.mp3
Friday 26th 2008f September
see & listen
- 636. 20080927_125_belowtheuntitl.mp3
Saturday 27th 2008f September
see & listen
- 637. 20080928_130_theknightwhoga.mp3
Sunday 28th 2008f September
see & listen
- 638. 20080929_100_leafsofgonedem.mp3
Monday 29th 2008f September
see & listen
- 639. 20080930_137_thetrailofthel.mp3
Tuesday 30th 2008f September
see & listen
- 640. 20081001_95_noodlesoupwithb.mp3
Wednesday 1st 2008f October
see & listen
- 641. 20081002_81_aruntimefinding.mp3
Thursday 2nd 2008f October
see & listen
- 642. 20081003_69_lecroissantfrom.mp3
Friday 3rd 2008f October
see & listen
- 643. 20081004_111_cafeliegoismit.mp3
Saturday 4th 2008f October
see & listen
- 644. 20081005_114_dogcrab.mp3
Sunday 5th 2008f October
see & listen
- 645. 20081006_76_captainsandsire.mp3
Monday 6th 2008f October
see & listen
- 646. 20081007_81_trombone.mp3
Tuesday 7th 2008f October
see & listen
- 647. 20081008_77_thetrogolmondog.mp3
Wednesday 8th 2008f October
see & listen
- 648. 20081009_116_tractorfame.mp3
Thursday 9th 2008f October
see & listen
- 649. 20081010_97_thelittleelvesa.mp3
Friday 10th 2008f October
see & listen
- 650. 20081011_87_lerabbitiscooke.mp3
Saturday 11th 2008f October
see & listen
- 651. 20081012_119_hergreatgrandf.mp3
Sunday 12th 2008f October
see & listen
- 652. 20081013_80_olidastatesofth.mp3
Monday 13th 2008f October
see & listen
- 653. 20081014_92_volteface.mp3
Tuesday 14th 2008f October
see & listen
- 654. 20081015_127_rugousracoon.mp3
Wednesday 15th 2008f October
see & listen
- 655. 20081016_109_sausagethunder.mp3
Thursday 16th 2008f October
see & listen
- 656. 20081017_148_theface.mp3
Friday 17th 2008f October
see & listen
- 657. 20081018_148_twocarstobesur.mp3
Saturday 18th 2008f October
see & listen
- 658. 20081019_86_ultragliderfrom.mp3
Sunday 19th 2008f October
see & listen
- 659. 20081020_164_turmoilesque.mp3
Monday 20th 2008f October
see & listen
- 660. 20081021_109_jitteringsymph.mp3
Tuesday 21st 2008f October
see & listen
- 661. 20081022_103_albeitthenasty.mp3
Wednesday 22nd 2008f October
see & listen
- 662. 20081023_94_whatthe.mp3
Thursday 23rd 2008f October
see & listen
- 663. 20081024_134_somefreakingdo.mp3
Friday 24th 2008f October
see & listen
- 664. 20081025_80_thetermites.mp3
Saturday 25th 2008f October
see & listen
- 665. 20081026_250_letmelemonthep.mp3
Sunday 26th 2008f October
see & listen
- 666. 20081027_128_untilitseeshow.mp3
Monday 27th 2008f October
see & listen
- 667. 20081028_67_sameasbefore.mp3
Tuesday 28th 2008f October
see & listen
- 668. 20081029_143_wellbelowtheto.mp3
Wednesday 29th 2008f October
see & listen
- 669. 20081030_101_kenandbarbiewi.mp3
Thursday 30th 2008f October
see & listen
- 670. 20081031_120_feltfortoostro.mp3
Friday 31st 2008f October
see & listen
- 671. 20081101_86_growthproduct.mp3
Saturday 1st 2008f November
see & listen
- 672. 20081102_145_globe.mp3
Sunday 2nd 2008f November
see & listen
- 673. 20081103_138_ihavenocluenor.mp3
Monday 3rd 2008f November
see & listen
- 674. 20081104_103_potatopie.mp3
Tuesday 4th 2008f November
see & listen
- 675. 20081105_87_allididandshewa.mp3
Wednesday 5th 2008f November
see & listen
- 676. 20081106_171_lomosonic.mp3
Thursday 6th 2008f November
see & listen
- 677. 20081107_87_helptheseals.mp3
Friday 7th 2008f November
see & listen
- 678. 20081108_150_doublefaint.mp3
Saturday 8th 2008f November
see & listen
- 679. 20081109_147_essentialsnow.mp3
Sunday 9th 2008f November
see & listen
- 680. 20081110_106_tenwaystomakep.mp3
Monday 10th 2008f November
see & listen
- 681. 20081111_90_runmedown.mp3
Tuesday 11th 2008f November
see & listen
- 682. 20081112_127_linearandflat.mp3
Wednesday 12th 2008f November
see & listen
- 683. 20081113_80_closeddoor.mp3
Thursday 13th 2008f November
see & listen
- 684. 20081114_129_bidoubidou.mp3
Friday 14th 2008f November
see & listen
- 685. 20081115_97_lionheadstheytr.mp3
Saturday 15th 2008f November
see & listen
- 686. 20081116_82_hebey.mp3
Sunday 16th 2008f November
see & listen
- 687. 20081117_86_thetunesout.mp3
Monday 17th 2008f November
see & listen
- 688. 20081118_86_artofsystemicre.mp3
Tuesday 18th 2008f November
see & listen
- 689. 20081119_104_tractorgirls.mp3
Wednesday 19th 2008f November
see & listen
- 690. 20081120_68_seldombasstom.mp3
Thursday 20th 2008f November
see & listen
- 691. 20081121_111_behappyorbemut.mp3
Friday 21st 2008f November
see & listen
- 692. 20081122_83_tempestoverasus.mp3
Saturday 22nd 2008f November
see & listen
- 693. 20081123_144_yeahididit.mp3
Sunday 23rd 2008f November
see & listen
- 694. 20081124_110_plusone.mp3
Monday 24th 2008f November
see & listen
- 695. 20081125_71_theyearitallbeg.mp3
Tuesday 25th 2008f November
see & listen
- 696. 20081126_141_killtimbrigoth.mp3
Wednesday 26th 2008f November
see & listen
- 697. 20081127_95_thethirdgearwas.mp3
Thursday 27th 2008f November
see & listen
- 698. 20081128_116_cowrobot.mp3
Friday 28th 2008f November
see & listen
- 699. 20081129_123_zeldaslair.mp3
Saturday 29th 2008f November
see & listen
- 700. 20081130_104_whatfatfratsta.mp3
Sunday 30th 2008f November
see & listen
- 701. 20081201_100_helmetblues.mp3
Monday 1st 2008f December
see & listen
- 702. 20081202_76_noproblemillbet.mp3
Tuesday 2nd 2008f December
see & listen
- 703. 20081203_111_inthewayitwasf.mp3
Wednesday 3rd 2008f December
see & listen
- 704. 20081204_95_levelingthegroo.mp3
Thursday 4th 2008f December
see & listen
- 705. 20081205_74_limitingthetrim.mp3
Friday 5th 2008f December
see & listen
- 706. 20081206_99_loveforonetwoot.mp3
Saturday 6th 2008f December
see & listen
- 707. 20081207_78_slidetonowhere.mp3
Sunday 7th 2008f December
see & listen
- 708. 20081208_154_jilltheteagirl.mp3
Monday 8th 2008f December
see & listen
- 709. 20081209_103_bringmyapricot.mp3
Tuesday 9th 2008f December
see & listen
- 710. 20081210_112_scary.mp3
Wednesday 10th 2008f December
see & listen
- 711. 20081211_84_oldearsbutgoodb.mp3
Thursday 11th 2008f December
see & listen
- 712. 20081212_94_hubertthemoonca.mp3
Friday 12th 2008f December
see & listen
- 713. 20081213_79_getonwithit.mp3
Saturday 13th 2008f December
see & listen
- 714. 20081214_130_happymunchkin.mp3
Sunday 14th 2008f December
see & listen
- 715. 20081215_97_flountedignitio.mp3
Monday 15th 2008f December
see & listen
- 716. 20081216_80_fatdodo.mp3
Tuesday 16th 2008f December
see & listen
- 717. 20081217_144_toomanydrugs.mp3
Wednesday 17th 2008f December
see & listen
- 718. 20081218_94_heymitchell.mp3
Thursday 18th 2008f December
see & listen
- 719. 20081219_83_yellowlegends.mp3
Friday 19th 2008f December
see & listen
- 720. 20081220_106_clevermarsupia.mp3
Saturday 20th 2008f December
see & listen
- 721. 20081221_94_laundrythatlike.mp3
Sunday 21st 2008f December
see & listen
- 722. 20081222_129_androidmakeup.mp3
Monday 22nd 2008f December
see & listen
- 723. 20081223_70_earnjukeliasres.mp3
Tuesday 23rd 2008f December
see & listen
- 724. 20081224_99_helpmereach.mp3
Wednesday 24th 2008f December
see & listen
- 725. 20081225_78_apintofnothingn.mp3
Thursday 25th 2008f December
see & listen
- 726. 20081226_85_fishwithnolegs.mp3
Friday 26th 2008f December
see & listen
- 727. 20081227_115_sacredflockofs.mp3
Saturday 27th 2008f December
see & listen
- 728. 20081228_89_soothingeffecto.mp3
Sunday 28th 2008f December
see & listen
- 729. 20081229_96_mellowmarch.mp3
Monday 29th 2009f December
see & listen
- 730. 20081230_134_grgrgrgrgrgri.mp3
Tuesday 30th 2009f December
see & listen
- 731. 20081231_111_earlybird.mp3
Wednesday 31st 2009f December
see & listen
- 732. 20090101_95_lessthantheunti.mp3
Thursday 1st 2009f January
see & listen
- 733. 20090102_125_rumpsteakandpi.mp3
Friday 2nd 2009f January
see & listen
- 734. 20090103_97_thecowfarm.mp3
Saturday 3rd 2009f January
see & listen
- 735. 20090104_107_doppelhummel.mp3
Sunday 4th 2009f January
see & listen
- 736. 20090105_125_zebrastewinles.mp3
Monday 5th 2009f January
see & listen
- 737. 20090106_85_liverwurst.mp3
Tuesday 6th 2009f January
see & listen
- 738. 20090107_91_tempotogo.mp3
Wednesday 7th 2009f January
see & listen
- 739. 20090108_103_funkybelly.mp3
Thursday 8th 2009f January
see & listen
- 740. 20090109_77_nerdlikeadventu.mp3
Friday 9th 2009f January
see & listen
- 741. 20090110_95_thenodulesaresp.mp3
Saturday 10th 2009f January
see & listen
- 742. 20090111_92_whatascarycurry.mp3
Sunday 11th 2009f January
see & listen
- 743. 20090112_54_fanofthelindami.mp3
Monday 12th 2009f January
see & listen
- 744. 20090113_120_rubberduckyhas.mp3
Tuesday 13th 2009f January
see & listen
- 745. 20090114_117_nullrover.mp3
Wednesday 14th 2009f January
see & listen
- 746. 20090115_120_donkeyking.mp3
Thursday 15th 2009f January
see & listen
- 747. 20090116_122_listyourstyles.mp3
Friday 16th 2009f January
see & listen
- 748. 20090117_95_theworryingpigs.mp3
Saturday 17th 2009f January
see & listen
- 749. 20090118_114_heyareyouthemo.mp3
Sunday 18th 2009f January
see & listen
- 750. 20090119_79_frugalsmoothie.mp3
Monday 19th 2009f January
see & listen
- 751. 20090120_111_idliketotalk.mp3
Tuesday 20th 2009f January
see & listen
- 752. 20090121_107_figsandleopard.mp3
Wednesday 21st 2009f January
see & listen
- 753. 20090122_116_therustingthre.mp3
Thursday 22nd 2009f January
see & listen
- 754. 20090123_88_mytoasterisnotp.mp3
Friday 23rd 2009f January
see & listen
- 755. 20090124_115_crazybutlazyto.mp3
Saturday 24th 2009f January
see & listen
- 756. 20090125_128_thespongeofthe.mp3
Sunday 25th 2009f January
see & listen
- 757. 20090126_143_citrusexpandit.mp3
Monday 26th 2009f January
see & listen
- 758. 20090127_70_theseventieswhe.mp3
Tuesday 27th 2009f January
see & listen
- 759. 20090128_89_thatisadiplodoc.mp3
Wednesday 28th 2009f January
see & listen
- 760. 20090129_74_crashtan.mp3
Thursday 29th 2009f January
see & listen
- 761. 20090130_98_cesttropbelle.mp3
Friday 30th 2009f January
see & listen
- 762. 20090131_81_freaksfromteleb.mp3
Saturday 31st 2009f January
see & listen
- 763. 20090201_91_thenoodlethatle.mp3
Sunday 1st 2009f February
see & listen
- 764. 20090202_86_shelongstheridd.mp3
Monday 2nd 2009f February
see & listen
- 765. 20090203_95_creationsforthi.mp3
Tuesday 3rd 2009f February
see & listen
- 766. 20090204_119_dry.mp3
Wednesday 4th 2009f February
see & listen
- 767. 20090205_92_deliriumsowhat.mp3
Thursday 5th 2009f February
see & listen
- 768. 20090206_114_imarockingchai.mp3
Friday 6th 2009f February
see & listen
- 769. 20090207_131_ihadnosocks.mp3
Saturday 7th 2009f February
see & listen
- 770. 20090208_101_thesamegirlsbu.mp3
Sunday 8th 2009f February
see & listen
- 771. 20090209_75_pastagrill.mp3
Monday 9th 2009f February
see & listen
- 772. 20090210_104_tentimestheflo.mp3
Tuesday 10th 2009f February
see & listen
- 773. 20090211_83_superbus.mp3
Wednesday 11th 2009f February
see & listen
- 774. 20090212_82_doubletroublefo.mp3
Thursday 12th 2009f February
see & listen
- 775. 20090213_88_thesweetcornwas.mp3
Friday 13th 2009f February
see & listen
- 776. 20090214_112_gredin.mp3
Saturday 14th 2009f February
see & listen
- 777. 20090215_145_imarcokstarsog.mp3
Sunday 15th 2009f February
see & listen
- 778. 20090216_66_thedivinecostum.mp3
Monday 16th 2009f February
see & listen
- 779. 20090217_135_iwillhailataxi.mp3
Tuesday 17th 2009f February
see & listen
- 780. 20090218_98_fulltank.mp3
Wednesday 18th 2009f February
see & listen
- 781. 20090219_128_dontyoueatthat.mp3
Thursday 19th 2009f February
see & listen
- 782. 20090220_88_troublemakersan.mp3
Friday 20th 2009f February
see & listen
- 783. 20090221_119_gretchen.mp3
Saturday 21st 2009f February
see & listen
- 784. 20090222_73_whattheroastedp.mp3
Sunday 22nd 2009f February
see & listen
- 785. 20090223_200_iwouldplaythey.mp3
Monday 23rd 2009f February
see & listen
- 786. 20090224_91_wandedtrigon.mp3
Tuesday 24th 2009f February
see & listen
- 787. 20090225_96_leftist.mp3
Wednesday 25th 2009f February
see & listen
- 788. 20090226_128_sandymitchellt.mp3
Thursday 26th 2009f February
see & listen
- 789. 20090227_84_hatredinhappysy.mp3
Friday 27th 2009f February
see & listen
- 790. 20090228_78_comeondontcompl.mp3
Saturday 28th 2009f February
see & listen
- 791. 20090301_45_slowdowner.mp3
Sunday 1st 2009f March
see & listen
- 792. 20090302_91_whydidmarcyplea.mp3
Monday 2nd 2009f March
see & listen
- 793. 20090303_155_rockandrollmop.mp3
Tuesday 3rd 2009f March
see & listen
- 794. 20090304_82_thenugget.mp3
Wednesday 4th 2009f March
see & listen
- 795. 20090305_98_loveatfirsttart.mp3
Thursday 5th 2009f March
see & listen
- 796. 20090306_133_akoustik.mp3
Friday 6th 2009f March
see & listen
- 797. 20090307_117_nonesense.mp3
Saturday 7th 2009f March
see & listen
- 798. 20090308_112_thereflexofafi.mp3
Sunday 8th 2009f March
see & listen
- 799. 20090309_106_thewonderfulsa.mp3
Monday 9th 2009f March
see & listen
- 800. 20090310_118_tenlittlesiste.mp3
Tuesday 10th 2009f March
see & listen
- 801. 20090311_103_iwouldneverlet.mp3
Wednesday 11th 2009f March
see & listen
- 802. 20090312_155_threetownsfort.mp3
Thursday 12th 2009f March
see & listen
- 803. 20090313_101_oneonone.mp3
Friday 13th 2009f March
see & listen
- 804. 20090314_122_thatwasyesterd.mp3
Saturday 14th 2009f March
see & listen
- 805. 20090315_86_halfpighalfturk.mp3
Sunday 15th 2009f March
see & listen
- 806. 20090316_143_monstermouse.mp3
Monday 16th 2009f March
see & listen
- 807. 20090317_70_seventysomethin.mp3
Tuesday 17th 2009f March
see & listen
- 808. 20090318_94_helmetwear.mp3
Wednesday 18th 2009f March
see & listen
- 809. 20090319_81_recordingsetup.mp3
Thursday 19th 2009f March
see & listen
- 810. 20090320_101_rubberwrapingf.mp3
Friday 20th 2009f March
see & listen
- 811. 20090321_190_tornadotrip.mp3
Saturday 21st 2009f March
see & listen
- 812. 20090322_71_thesailorsofthe.mp3
Sunday 22nd 2009f March
see & listen
- 813. 20090323_122_thepark.mp3
Monday 23rd 2009f March
see & listen
- 814. 20090324_55_someoldtimertha.mp3
Tuesday 24th 2009f March
see & listen
- 815. 20090325_93_xyz.mp3
Wednesday 25th 2009f March
see & listen
- 816. 20090326_66_crusty.mp3
Thursday 26th 2009f March
see & listen
- 817. 20090327_94_crybabycry.mp3
Friday 27th 2009f March
see & listen
- 818. 20090328_97_thepartyoftwo.mp3
Saturday 28th 2009f March
see & listen
- 819. 20090329_89_partfunpartther.mp3
Sunday 29th 2009f March
see & listen
- 820. 20090330_85_imperfectbalanc.mp3
Monday 30th 2009f March
see & listen
- 821. 20090331_110_viamimice.mp3
Tuesday 31st 2009f March
see & listen
- 822. 20090401_74_brutestomp.mp3
Wednesday 1st 2009f April
see & listen
- 823. 20090402_106_thesixthtoelev.mp3
Thursday 2nd 2009f April
see & listen
- 824. 20090403_88_ridiculousdepri.mp3
Friday 3rd 2009f April
see & listen
- 825. 20090404_89_thefourthtimear.mp3
Saturday 4th 2009f April
see & listen
- 826. 20090405_88_echostex.mp3
Sunday 5th 2009f April
see & listen
- 827. 20090406_78_sillabousmeltin.mp3
Monday 6th 2009f April
see & listen
- 828. 20090407_121_pancakes.mp3
Tuesday 7th 2009f April
see & listen
- 829. 20090408_100_theloungewasma.mp3
Wednesday 8th 2009f April
see & listen
- 830. 20090409_90_helpme.mp3
Thursday 9th 2009f April
see & listen
- 831. 20090410_85_heme.mp3
Friday 10th 2009f April
see & listen
- 832. 20090411_131_slipperybridge.mp3
Saturday 11th 2009f April
see & listen
- 833. 20090412_104_funfrenchfries.mp3
Sunday 12th 2009f April
see & listen
- 834. 20090413_63_slowanarchistra.mp3
Monday 13th 2009f April
see & listen
- 835. 20090414_76_sundancerunaway.mp3
Tuesday 14th 2009f April
see & listen
- 836. 20090415_106_superstitious.mp3
Wednesday 15th 2009f April
see & listen
- 837. 20090416_66_losttospaceandn.mp3
Thursday 16th 2009f April
see & listen
- 838. 20090417_87_rollersphere.mp3
Friday 17th 2009f April
see & listen
- 839. 20090418_79_thereplywasnoti.mp3
Saturday 18th 2009f April
see & listen
- 840. 20090419_94_baselunlimited.mp3
Sunday 19th 2009f April
see & listen
- 841. 20090420_85_britishhumor.mp3
Monday 20th 2009f April
see & listen
- 842. 20090421_95_eventhetribesca.mp3
Tuesday 21st 2009f April
see & listen
- 843. 20090422_82_swedishshoulder.mp3
Wednesday 22nd 2009f April
see & listen
- 844. 20090423_106_youtellmewheny.mp3
Thursday 23rd 2009f April
see & listen
- 845. 20090424_73_thepennytothezi.mp3
Friday 24th 2009f April
see & listen
- 846. 20090425_72_juliathereisadr.mp3
Saturday 25th 2009f April
see & listen
- 847. 20090426_132_happykitty.mp3
Sunday 26th 2009f April
see & listen
- 848. 20090427_66_sanfrancisco.mp3
Monday 27th 2009f April
see & listen
- 849. 20090428_110_ultrawidetroph.mp3
Tuesday 28th 2009f April
see & listen
- 850. 20090429_78_crappy.mp3
Wednesday 29th 2009f April
see & listen
- 851. 20090430_119_theendofamonth.mp3
Thursday 30th 2009f April
see & listen
- 852. 20090501_153_fortherestofus.mp3
Friday 1st 2009f May
see & listen
- 853. 20090502_105_fortherestofus.mp3
Saturday 2nd 2009f May
see & listen
- 854. 20090503_90_figureoutwhatdi.mp3
Sunday 3rd 2009f May
see & listen
- 855. 20090504_79_lecasdelababouc.mp3
Monday 4th 2009f May
see & listen
- 856. 20090505_116_aletyoubuyatru.mp3
Tuesday 5th 2009f May
see & listen
- 857. 20090506_125_untoldhistory.mp3
Wednesday 6th 2009f May
see & listen
- 858. 20090507_107_thecreamerandt.mp3
Thursday 7th 2009f May
see & listen
- 859. 20090508_75_grimviews.mp3
Friday 8th 2009f May
see & listen
- 860. 20090509_91_roachmeat.mp3
Saturday 9th 2009f May
see & listen
- 861. 20090510_112_cucumbersalad.mp3
Sunday 10th 2009f May
see & listen
- 862. 20090511_94_thedarthtrain.mp3
Monday 11th 2009f May
see & listen
- 863. 20090512_95_sometimeforthou.mp3
Tuesday 12th 2009f May
see & listen
- 864. 20090513_126_galltrout.mp3
Wednesday 13th 2009f May
see & listen
- 865. 20090514_81_thereisnohopele.mp3
Thursday 14th 2009f May
see & listen
- 866. 20090515_94_thereshallbenod.mp3
Friday 15th 2009f May
see & listen
- 867. 20090516_94_gurggle.mp3
Saturday 16th 2009f May
see & listen
- 868. 20090517_78_tocraveforexist.mp3
Sunday 17th 2009f May
see & listen
- 869. 20090518_86_edge.mp3
Monday 18th 2009f May
see & listen
- 870. 20090519_106_livetodisappea.mp3
Tuesday 19th 2009f May
see & listen
- 871. 20090520_82_somewinesomeche.mp3
Wednesday 20th 2009f May
see & listen
- 872. 20090521_101_lowdownruntime.mp3
Thursday 21st 2009f May
see & listen
- 873. 20090522_91_icantunserstand.mp3
Friday 22nd 2009f May
see & listen
- 874. 20090523_115_entrapped.mp3
Saturday 23rd 2009f May
see & listen
- 875. 20090524_91_smalltrain.mp3
Sunday 24th 2009f May
see & listen
- 876. 20090525_143_oui.mp3
Monday 25th 2009f May
see & listen
- 877. 20090526_95_settogo.mp3
Tuesday 26th 2009f May
see & listen
- 878. 20090527_95_ismytrumpetonor.mp3
Wednesday 27th 2009f May
see & listen
- 879. 20090528_109_lifeeverywhere.mp3
Thursday 28th 2009f May
see & listen
- 880. 20090529_75_suite9.mp3
Friday 29th 2009f May
see & listen
- 881. 20090530_129_remindmetogets.mp3
Saturday 30th 2009f May
see & listen
- 882. 20090531_95_endmymindedques.mp3
Sunday 31st 2009f May
see & listen
- 883. 20090601_72_heavyload.mp3
Monday 1st 2009f June
see & listen
- 884. 20090602_121_bruterubbish.mp3
Tuesday 2nd 2009f June
see & listen
- 885. 20090603_90_letmeparkmycar.mp3
Wednesday 3rd 2009f June
see & listen
- 886. 20090604_84_gluedtotherearb.mp3
Thursday 4th 2009f June
see & listen
- 887. 20090605_135_laughterformar.mp3
Friday 5th 2009f June
see & listen
- 888. 20090606_66_sixtysixsixsix.mp3
Saturday 6th 2009f June
see & listen
- 889. 20090607_89_thetempo.mp3
Sunday 7th 2009f June
see & listen
- 890. 20090608_96_clic.mp3
Monday 8th 2009f June
see & listen
- 891. 20090609_83_1983.mp3
Tuesday 9th 2009f June
see & listen
- 892. 20090610_70_thewarmthofthet.mp3
Wednesday 10th 2009f June
see & listen
- 893. 20090611_98_nullityplusone.mp3
Thursday 11th 2009f June
see & listen
- 894. 20090612_94_fundedpay.mp3
Friday 12th 2009f June
see & listen
- 895. 20090613_79_gilmorethumbdri.mp3
Saturday 13th 2009f June
see & listen
- 896. 20090614_97_dreadsforillino.mp3
Sunday 14th 2009f June
see & listen
- 897. 20090615_149_odd.mp3
Monday 15th 2009f June
see & listen
- 898. 20090616_159_ateven.mp3
Tuesday 16th 2009f June
see & listen
- 899. 20090617_100_frustration.mp3
Wednesday 17th 2009f June
see & listen
- 900. 20090618_108_klobiugtiu.mp3
Thursday 18th 2009f June
see & listen
- 901. 20090619_111_runtimedepthmi.mp3
Friday 19th 2009f June
see & listen
- 902. 20090620_134.67_zuper.mp3
Saturday 20th 2009f June
see & listen
- 903. 20090621_131_bonga.mp3
Sunday 21st 2009f June
see & listen
- 904. 20090622_96_jirex.mp3
Monday 22nd 2009f June
see & listen
- 905. 20090623_79_lipidsforfat.mp3
Tuesday 23rd 2009f June
see & listen
- 906. 20090624_86_poodlecake.mp3
Wednesday 24th 2009f June
see & listen
- 907. 20090625_113.4_stillraining.mp3
Thursday 25th 2009f June
see & listen
- 908. 20090626_93_wanker.mp3
Friday 26th 2009f June
see & listen
- 909. 20090627_106_huntersforfrea.mp3
Saturday 27th 2009f June
see & listen
- 910. 20090628_92_unstablegrunt.mp3
Sunday 28th 2009f June
see & listen
- 911. 20090629_88_sandinmytongs.mp3
Monday 29th 2009f June
see & listen
- 912. 20090630_130.65_definitiono.mp3
Tuesday 30th 2009f June
see & listen
- 913. 20090701_116_hairypuff.mp3
Wednesday 1st 2009f July
see & listen
- 914. 20090702_78_fairchancestobi.mp3
Thursday 2nd 2009f July
see & listen
- 915. 20090703_95_noclownsallowed.mp3
Friday 3rd 2009f July
see & listen
- 916. 20090704_76_thesimplerudder.mp3
Saturday 4th 2009f July
see & listen
- 917. 20090705_134_matrix.mp3
Sunday 5th 2009f July
see & listen
- 918. 20090706_94_pleasedontbarf.mp3
Monday 6th 2009f July
see & listen
- 919. 20090707_88_norobots.mp3
Tuesday 7th 2009f July
see & listen
- 920. 20090708_125_yeah.mp3
Wednesday 8th 2009f July
see & listen
- 921. 20090709_133_togul.mp3
Thursday 9th 2009f July
see & listen
- 922. 20090710_72_dix.mp3
Friday 10th 2009f July
see & listen
- 923. 20090711_126_gameisnotanexc.mp3
Saturday 11th 2009f July
see & listen
- 924. 20090712_65_crushthebonescr.mp3
Sunday 12th 2009f July
see & listen
- 925. 20090713_114_yipiyaye.mp3
Monday 13th 2009f July
see & listen
- 926. 20090714_84_poetryforthebli.mp3
Tuesday 14th 2009f July
see & listen
- 927. 20090715_109_asandcastlewit.mp3
Wednesday 15th 2009f July
see & listen
- 928. 20090716_75_baaa.mp3
Thursday 16th 2009f July
see & listen
- 929. 20090717_79_efficientrash.mp3
Friday 17th 2009f July
see & listen
- 930. 20090718_102_parrot.mp3
Saturday 18th 2009f July
see & listen
- 931. 20090719_78_clearasmineral.mp3
Sunday 19th 2009f July
see & listen
- 932. 20090720_137_salonforhairdr.mp3
Monday 20th 2009f July
see & listen
- 933. 20090721_134_hamsterdams.mp3
Tuesday 21st 2009f July
see & listen
- 934. 20090722_112_passion.mp3
Wednesday 22nd 2009f July
see & listen
- 935. 20090723_96_whilehefishesth.mp3
Thursday 23rd 2009f July
see & listen
- 936. 20090724_106_grosstide.mp3
Friday 24th 2009f July
see & listen
- 937. 20090725_150_weallliketosha.mp3
Saturday 25th 2009f July
see & listen
- 938. 20090726_146_bredfortheseag.mp3
Sunday 26th 2009f July
see & listen
- 939. 20090727_209_thehymn.mp3
Monday 27th 2009f July
see & listen
- 940. 20090728_122_makemymindbend.mp3
Tuesday 28th 2009f July
see & listen
- 941. 20090729_102_iaintnocrab.mp3
Wednesday 29th 2009f July
see & listen
- 942. 20090730_115_thecodetrain.mp3
Thursday 30th 2009f July
see & listen
- 943. 20090731_92_highrise.mp3
Friday 31st 2009f July
see & listen
- 944. 20090801_83.6_livingthelife.mp3
Saturday 1st 2009f August
see & listen
- 945. 20090802_76_illiteratezoo.mp3
Sunday 2nd 2009f August
see & listen
- 946. 20090803_89_slimpork.mp3
Monday 3rd 2009f August
see & listen
- 947. 20090804_82_sheeatstrout.mp3
Tuesday 4th 2009f August
see & listen
- 948. 20090805_94_asteroidbeltnos.mp3
Wednesday 5th 2009f August
see & listen
- 949. 20090806_85_hardticks.mp3
Thursday 6th 2009f August
see & listen
- 950. 20090807_101_strawberrymoun.mp3
Friday 7th 2009f August
see & listen
- 951. 20090808_110_higherthanthes.mp3
Saturday 8th 2009f August
see & listen
- 952. 20090809_104_nicer.mp3
Sunday 9th 2009f August
see & listen
- 953. 20090810_133.4_borderlessgr.mp3
Monday 10th 2009f August
see & listen
- 954. 20090811_158.3_goxicupe.mp3
Tuesday 11th 2009f August
see & listen
- 955. 20090812_83.3_rocktsar.mp3
Wednesday 12th 2009f August
see & listen
- 956. 20090813_113.5_iwillgoflybe.mp3
Thursday 13th 2009f August
see & listen
- 957. 20090814_91_theeggtheplugth.mp3
Friday 14th 2009f August
see & listen
- 958. 20090815_115_dontgetupseton.mp3
Saturday 15th 2009f August
see & listen
- 959. 20090816_87_fieldgun.mp3
Sunday 16th 2009f August
see & listen
- 960. 20090817_82_brutalsoftie.mp3
Monday 17th 2009f August
see & listen
- 961. 20090818_95_phoneprank.mp3
Tuesday 18th 2009f August
see & listen
- 962. 20090819_98_neverbeamegalom.mp3
Wednesday 19th 2009f August
see & listen
- 963. 20090820_124_therealcrumble.mp3
Thursday 20th 2009f August
see & listen
- 964. 20090821_87_gnark.mp3
Friday 21st 2009f August
see & listen
- 965. 20090822_80_zeze.mp3
Saturday 22nd 2009f August
see & listen
- 966. 20090823_134_imback.mp3
Sunday 23rd 2009f August
see & listen
- 967. 20090824_93_unsolvedpuzzle.mp3
Monday 24th 2009f August
see & listen
- 968. 20090825_84_hellofacopter.mp3
Tuesday 25th 2009f August
see & listen
- 969. 20090826_116_thehomeoftheme.mp3
Wednesday 26th 2009f August
see & listen
- 970. 20090827_133_bounceofthemid.mp3
Thursday 27th 2009f August
see & listen
- 971. 20090828_154_bathole.mp3
Friday 28th 2009f August
see & listen
- 972. 20090829_83_peltisanewwrapf.mp3
Saturday 29th 2009f August
see & listen
- 973. 20090830_106_wouldyouso.mp3
Sunday 30th 2009f August
see & listen
- 974. 20090831_85_circusblitz.mp3
Monday 31st 2009f August
see & listen
- 975. 20090901_100_thesquacl.mp3
Tuesday 1st 2009f September
see & listen
- 976. 20090902_132_yotoall.mp3
Wednesday 2nd 2009f September
see & listen
- 977. 20090903_85_squarewave.mp3
Thursday 3rd 2009f September
see & listen
- 978. 20090904_80_lucida.mp3
Friday 4th 2009f September
see & listen
- 979. 20090905_134_kindenoughfora.mp3
Saturday 5th 2009f September
see & listen
- 980. 20090906_110_ulnarslap.mp3
Sunday 6th 2009f September
see & listen
- 981. 20090907_92_thepotatochip.mp3
Monday 7th 2009f September
see & listen
- 982. 20090908_128_newplates.mp3
Tuesday 8th 2009f September
see & listen
- 983. 20090909_88_owa.mp3
Wednesday 9th 2009f September
see & listen
- 984. 20090910_85_theleftrubyofda.mp3
Thursday 10th 2009f September
see & listen
- 985. 20090911_135_klopiunzerteck.mp3
Friday 11th 2009f September
see & listen
- 986. 20090912_86_bruscetta.mp3
Saturday 12th 2009f September
see & listen
- 987. 20090913_95_funduplications.mp3
Sunday 13th 2009f September
see & listen
- 988. 20090914_75_nailman.mp3
Monday 14th 2009f September
see & listen
- 989. 20090915_76_niagara6.mp3
Tuesday 15th 2009f September
see & listen
- 990. 20090916_85_thecrowspaghett.mp3
Wednesday 16th 2009f September
see & listen
- 991. 20090917_116_themardifat.mp3
Thursday 17th 2009f September
see & listen
- 992. 20090918_97_everglide.mp3
Friday 18th 2009f September
see & listen
- 993. 20090919_93_cyanesque.mp3
Saturday 19th 2009f September
see & listen
- 994. 20090920_89_idontgetitandne.mp3
Sunday 20th 2009f September
see & listen
- 995. 20090921_156_greek.mp3
Monday 21st 2009f September
see & listen
- 996. 20090922_74_huj.mp3
Tuesday 22nd 2009f September
see & listen
- 997. 20090923_91_theleftoveralph.mp3
Wednesday 23rd 2009f September
see & listen
- 998. 20090924_85_youaremyheroyou.mp3
Thursday 24th 2009f September
see & listen
- 999. 20090925_127_fosterrhams.mp3
Friday 25th 2009f September
see & listen
- 1000. 20090926_125_tohopeisagoodt.mp3
Saturday 26th 2009f September
see & listen
- 1001. 20090927_155_thiswasaprince.mp3
Sunday 27th 2009f September
see & listen
- 1002. 20090928_93_glamourouschick.mp3
Monday 28th 2009f September
see & listen
- 1003. 20090929_94_hanswouldliketo.mp3
Tuesday 29th 2009f September
see & listen
- 1004. 20090930_100_thezac.mp3
Wednesday 30th 2009f September
see & listen
- 1005. 20091001_91_lemonstofillyou.mp3
Thursday 1st 2009f October
see & listen
- 1006. 20091002_83.2_ramsheyyear.mp3
Friday 2nd 2009f October
see & listen
- 1007. 20091003_121_iwouldnttellim.mp3
Saturday 3rd 2009f October
see & listen
- 1008. 20091004_86_popbalance.mp3
Sunday 4th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1009. 20091005_95_yellowwave.mp3
Monday 5th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1010. 20091006_95_monkeytrick.mp3
Tuesday 6th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1011. 20091007_106_anarchist.mp3
Wednesday 7th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1012. 20091008_86_letsallpleadgui.mp3
Thursday 8th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1013. 20091009_122_expressmethat.mp3
Friday 9th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1014. 20091010_75_flamcaptain.mp3
Saturday 10th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1015. 20091011_88_beresponsiblefo.mp3
Sunday 11th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1016. 20091012_87_aspectsaresuper.mp3
Monday 12th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1017. 20091013_96_supersynth.mp3
Tuesday 13th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1018. 20091014_75_swingythewaterm.mp3
Wednesday 14th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1019. 20091015_155_norocketsbeyon.mp3
Thursday 15th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1020. 20091016_97_drumpet.mp3
Friday 16th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1021. 20091017_93_repeatafterme.mp3
Saturday 17th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1022. 20091018_132_fatassreplacem.mp3
Sunday 18th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1023. 20091019_81_thebookofbells.mp3
Monday 19th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1024. 20091020_151_oldmisterjackh.mp3
Tuesday 20th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1025. 20091021_135_imayhaveforgot.mp3
Wednesday 21st 2009f October
see & listen
- 1026. 20091022_107_icehotwalnutco.mp3
Thursday 22nd 2009f October
see & listen
- 1027. 20091023_109_thepitbullwass.mp3
Friday 23rd 2009f October
see & listen
- 1028. 20091024_81_getupbeforeyoug.mp3
Saturday 24th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1029. 20091025_124_pleaseresubmit.mp3
Sunday 25th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1030. 20091026_61_woopiemonster.mp3
Monday 26th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1031. 20091027_83_quelecho.mp3
Tuesday 27th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1032. 20091028_111_noenthousiasm.mp3
Wednesday 28th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1033. 20091029_129_bastardapapa.mp3
Thursday 29th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1034. 20091030_68_nutcrackerdelig.mp3
Friday 30th 2009f October
see & listen
- 1035. 20091031_133_budup.mp3
Saturday 31st 2009f October
see & listen
- 1036. 20091101_69_doesntknowbette.mp3
Sunday 1st 2009f November
see & listen
- 1037. 20091102_101_latenightshow.mp3
Monday 2nd 2009f November
see & listen
- 1038. 20091103_139_therebelliousd.mp3
Tuesday 3rd 2009f November
see & listen
- 1039. 20091104_66_waiting.mp3
Wednesday 4th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1040. 20091105_97_iwishihadmadeth.mp3
Thursday 5th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1041. 20091106_134_chocolatetromb.mp3
Friday 6th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1042. 20091107_94_headsfirst.mp3
Saturday 7th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1043. 20091108_146_thefareasterno.mp3
Sunday 8th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1044. 20091109_106_truckdriver.mp3
Monday 9th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1045. 20091110_135_areyouable.mp3
Tuesday 10th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1046. 20091111_109_malart.mp3
Wednesday 11th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1047. 20091112_77_drugsubtractit.mp3
Thursday 12th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1048. 20091113_126_thecunbe.mp3
Friday 13th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1049. 20091114_72_likeitornot.mp3
Saturday 14th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1050. 20091115_105_quietnorth.mp3
Sunday 15th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1051. 20091116_132_jazz.mp3
Monday 16th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1052. 20091117_97_mollodtrager.mp3
Tuesday 17th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1053. 20091118_103_elusivenightma.mp3
Wednesday 18th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1054. 20091119_109_upbip.mp3
Thursday 19th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1055. 20091120_75_olderthantthoug.mp3
Friday 20th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1056. 20091121_92_suburbianbarbar.mp3
Saturday 21st 2009f November
see & listen
- 1057. 20091122_75_aflightforthoma.mp3
Sunday 22nd 2009f November
see & listen
- 1058. 20091123_119_sitied.mp3
Monday 23rd 2009f November
see & listen
- 1059. 20091124_73_ihateyou.mp3
Tuesday 24th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1060. 20091125_95_theninetyfive.mp3
Wednesday 25th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1061. 20091126_143_mikanortustifo.mp3
Thursday 26th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1062. 20091127_78_iwishicouldstop.mp3
Friday 27th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1063. 20091128_88_ghosts.mp3
Saturday 28th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1064. 20091129_89_sailorspleasest.mp3
Sunday 29th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1065. 20091130_92_coinsforthelibe.mp3
Monday 30th 2009f November
see & listen
- 1066. 20091201_124_traintracks.mp3
Tuesday 1st 2009f December
see & listen
- 1067. 20091202_82_imfired.mp3
Wednesday 2nd 2009f December
see & listen
- 1068. 20091203_87_anthemfordices.mp3
Thursday 3rd 2009f December
see & listen
- 1069. 20091204_88_rudemustache.mp3
Friday 4th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1070. 20091205_120_vicesforthedep.mp3
Saturday 5th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1071. 20091206_118_limitx.mp3
Sunday 6th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1072. 20091207_118_bodelbuddy.mp3
Monday 7th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1073. 20091208_96_what.mp3
Tuesday 8th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1074. 20091209_134_thegibils.mp3
Wednesday 9th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1075. 20091210_88_gettingnear.mp3
Thursday 10th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1076. 20091211_99_smackdownforaru.mp3
Friday 11th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1077. 20091212_75_citrusspiritual.mp3
Saturday 12th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1078. 20091213_64_levelingtowards.mp3
Sunday 13th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1079. 20091214_143_olderbrothers.mp3
Monday 14th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1080. 20091215_79_run.mp3
Tuesday 15th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1081. 20091216_73_theriverisflush.mp3
Wednesday 16th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1082. 20091217_93_chestireconcert.mp3
Thursday 17th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1083. 20091218_86_sobalongthestub.mp3
Friday 18th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1084. 20091219_81_thecrudetruth.mp3
Saturday 19th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1085. 20091220_97_theslightestcha.mp3
Sunday 20th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1086. 20091221_101_currentlylooki.mp3
Monday 21st 2009f December
see & listen
- 1087. 20091222_111_bootymachine.mp3
Tuesday 22nd 2009f December
see & listen
- 1088. 20091223_131_thedarkskies.mp3
Wednesday 23rd 2009f December
see & listen
- 1089. 20091224_68_illbebacktoward.mp3
Thursday 24th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1090. 20091225_94_merrysomething.mp3
Friday 25th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1091. 20091226_106_fusiformallell.mp3
Saturday 26th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1092. 20091227_65_invertedpilgrim.mp3
Sunday 27th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1093. 20091228_101_ultradry.mp3
Monday 28th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1094. 20091229_133_heyyo.mp3
Tuesday 29th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1095. 20091230_130_freakingred.mp3
Wednesday 30th 2009f December
see & listen
- 1096. 20091231_88_turningsight.mp3
Thursday 31st 2009f December
see & listen
- 1097. 20100101_80_weooewoaowe.mp3
Friday 1st 2009f January
see & listen
- 1098. 20100102_80_dlrjghnw.mp3
Saturday 2nd 2009f January
see & listen
- 1099. 20100103_99_pataoumpep.mp3
Sunday 3rd 2009f January
see & listen
- 1100. 20100104_134_getsomepotatoe.mp3
Monday 4th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1101. 20100105_97_stellardistorti.mp3
Tuesday 5th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1102. 20100106_120_dufe.mp3
Wednesday 6th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1103. 20100107_157_crunchynot.mp3
Thursday 7th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1104. 20100108_101_subthalamicbra.mp3
Friday 8th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1105. 20100109_85_imnotgettingany.mp3
Saturday 9th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1106. 20100110_85_stopthefuss.mp3
Sunday 10th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1107. 20100111_75_uhu.mp3
Monday 11th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1108. 20100112_150_fasttrain.mp3
Tuesday 12th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1109. 20100113_86_fu.mp3
Wednesday 13th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1110. 20100114_134_gettingtoolate.mp3
Thursday 14th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1111. 20100115_126_grenze.mp3
Friday 15th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1112. 20100116_93_done.mp3
Saturday 16th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1113. 20100117_166_coconuts.mp3
Sunday 17th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1114. 20100118_75_globalunlimited.mp3
Monday 18th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1115. 20100119_123_frugallunchwit.mp3
Tuesday 19th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1116. 20100120_116_foricantell.mp3
Wednesday 20th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1117. 20100121_250_theballsarefun.mp3
Thursday 21st 2010f January
see & listen
- 1118. 20100122_125_gunsolid.mp3
Friday 22nd 2010f January
see & listen
- 1119. 20100123_130_getme.mp3
Saturday 23rd 2010f January
see & listen
- 1120. 20100124_116_graceicanhardl.mp3
Sunday 24th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1121. 20100125_148_exoticrush.mp3
Monday 25th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1122. 20100126_77_iwouldchaseyou.mp3
Tuesday 26th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1123. 20100127_102_chooseitdohail.mp3
Wednesday 27th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1124. 20100128_138_blackcrows.mp3
Thursday 28th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1125. 20100129_120_whatadaywhatas.mp3
Friday 29th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1126. 20100130_133_rain.mp3
Saturday 30th 2010f January
see & listen
- 1127. 20100131_91_rockthewinkitis.mp3
Sunday 31st 2010f January
see & listen
- 1128. 20100201_119_pleaserewind.mp3
Monday 1st 2010f February
see & listen
- 1129. 20100202_145_thefutureoftre.mp3
Tuesday 2nd 2010f February
see & listen
- 1130. 20100203_129_frugal.mp3
Wednesday 3rd 2010f February
see & listen
- 1131. 20100204_160_wreckitasitsui.mp3
Thursday 4th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1132. 20100205_107_waayowaaa.mp3
Friday 5th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1133. 20100206_88_iiwouldstrikeon.mp3
Saturday 6th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1134. 20100207_135_therearesomeli.mp3
Sunday 7th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1135. 20100208_111_staticity.mp3
Monday 8th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1136. 20100209_125_olivesteady.mp3
Tuesday 9th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1137. 20100210_97_thisistimtodee.mp3
Wednesday 10th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1138. 20100211_111_stainedheyeah.mp3
Thursday 11th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1139. 20100212_91_thebookedupone.mp3
Friday 12th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1140. 20100213_169_terre.mp3
Saturday 13th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1141. 20100214_110_tellmewhythere.mp3
Sunday 14th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1142. 20100215_71_ranger.mp3
Monday 15th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1143. 20100216_133_yocouldntfindi.mp3
Tuesday 16th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1144. 20100217_77_dsl.mp3
Wednesday 17th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1145. 20100218_150_biggeranenvelo.mp3
Thursday 18th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1146. 20100219_88_youshouldtakeso.mp3
Friday 19th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1147. 20100220_173_funkylittlepod.mp3
Saturday 20th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1148. 20100221_92_icantgoicantcon.mp3
Sunday 21st 2010f February
see & listen
- 1149. 20100222_162_freetheworld.mp3
Monday 22nd 2010f February
see & listen
- 1150. 20100223_80_reverse.mp3
Tuesday 23rd 2010f February
see & listen
- 1151. 20100224_112_enzymesarelow.mp3
Wednesday 24th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1152. 20100225_106_dreamandcomeal.mp3
Thursday 25th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1153. 20100226_99_bamboushots.mp3
Friday 26th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1154. 20100227_80_letyourdaughter.mp3
Saturday 27th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1155. 20100228_133_doyoucaredoyou.mp3
Sunday 28th 2010f February
see & listen
- 1156. 20100301_172_screwyou.mp3
Monday 1st 2010f March
see & listen
- 1157. 20100302_81_thelaw.mp3
Tuesday 2nd 2010f March
see & listen
- 1158. 20100303_128_divebelowthetr.mp3
Wednesday 3rd 2010f March
see & listen
- 1159. 20100304_177_therandomlyche.mp3
Thursday 4th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1160. 20100305_91_thelimitsofunco.mp3
Friday 5th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1161. 20100306_91_relativelydistr.mp3
Saturday 6th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1162. 20100307_133_passporting.mp3
Sunday 7th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1163. 20100308_111_aperotorototo.mp3
Monday 8th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1164. 20100309_104_thetearsons.mp3
Tuesday 9th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1165. 20100310_140_furlytails.mp3
Wednesday 10th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1166. 20100311_85_werethey.mp3
Thursday 11th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1167. 20100312_132_rockytalky.mp3
Friday 12th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1168. 20100313_90_saturationforal.mp3
Saturday 13th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1169. 20100314_137_1972too.mp3
Sunday 14th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1170. 20100315_72_tchootchoo.mp3
Monday 15th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1171. 20100316_95_bearinmind.mp3
Tuesday 16th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1172. 20100317_99_atthecraze.mp3
Wednesday 17th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1173. 20100318_138_thebubbleofbur.mp3
Thursday 18th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1174. 20100319_95_bathtard.mp3
Friday 19th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1175. 20100320_120_thetrendistoru.mp3
Saturday 20th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1176. 20100321_146_circus.mp3
Sunday 21st 2010f March
see & listen
- 1177. 20100322_96_metaljazz.mp3
Monday 22nd 2010f March
see & listen
- 1178. 20100323_86_soundpinch.mp3
Tuesday 23rd 2010f March
see & listen
- 1179. 20100324_143_worldcup.mp3
Wednesday 24th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1180. 20100325_83_artyswimpu.mp3
Thursday 25th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1181. 20100326_84_thehwolemind.mp3
Friday 26th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1182. 20100327_74_nosufferingnost.mp3
Saturday 27th 2010f March
see & listen
- 1183. 20100328_111_onebeforethecr.mp3
Sunday 28th 2010f March
see & listen